Tag: June 2013 extemp questions

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 24th-30th, 2013

1. Will recent public protests in Brazil successfully reform the country’s corrupt political system?
2. How should Southeast Asian nations address solve their air pollution woes?
3. Was the outcome of the Iranian presidential election swayed by international sanctions?
4. Can the new Agang party make South African politics more competitive?
5. What steps should France take to solve its looming pension crisis?
6. Will any country grant Edward Snowden asylum?
7. Is Internet freedom the biggest global human rights issue of the 21st century?
8. Will the violent crackdown on protesters significantly complicate Turkey’s membership talks with the European Union?
9. How will the exit of international forces next year impact the rights of Afghan women?
10. Is it in the military’s best interest to allow Aung San Suu Kyi to stand as a candidate in Myanmar’s next presidential election?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 24th-30th, 2013

1. Should prostitution be decriminalized?
2. Is it too late for the United States to turn the tide in Syria?
3. Edward Snowden: traitor or patriot?
4. Will Marco Rubio’s stance on immigration cost him the GOP presidential nomination in 2016?
5. Is it time to end collegiate affirmative action policies?
6. Will the U.S. Congress pass a new farm bill in 2013?
7. How can America stem the high rate of teacher turnover?
8. When should the Federal Reserve stop quanitative easing?
9. How will Detroit’s fiscal problems impact the municipal bond market?
10. Will Hillary Clinton run for president in 2016?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 10th-16th, 2013

Here are this week’s United States extemp questions.  The questions with asterisks come from Steve Meadows of Danville High School in Danville, Kentucky.

*1. Has the shift in focus for US Foreign Policy (from the Middle East to Asia) succeeded?
*2. Is the United States the bully on the international playground?
3. Who should become the next chairman of the Federal Reserve?
4. Is the sequester having a negative impact on the U.S. economy?
5. Should race be used as a factor in college admissions?
6. Will Chris Christie’s decision to have a separate special election for New Jersey’s Senate seat harm his gubernatorial campaign?
7. How should the GOP handle President Obama’s judicial picks for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals?
8. Should Congress repeal the Patriot Act?
9.  How can “Rockefeller Republicans” re-establish themselves in today’s Republican Party?
10. What is an acceptable definition of electronic privacy in this era of terrorism?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 10th-16th, 2013

This week’s International Extemp questions come from a guest writer and my high school extemp coach, Steve Meadows, from Danville High School in Danville, Kentucky.

1. Which is more important: global economic growth or fighting global warming?
2. Is today’s terrorism going to be viewed as rebellion against global oppressors by future historians?
3. When does a nation’s self-interest trump international law?
4. Today’s Axis of Evil for the US?
5. Is Mexico on the road to stability, or is it the next Somalia?
6. Thailand: friend or foe to the US?
7. Is North Korea the world’s punchline or the world’s most dangerous nation?
8. What is the future for Venezuelan democracy?
9. Is it time to give teeth to the United Nations?
10. What is the future for democracy in Russia after Putin?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3rd-9th, 2013

1. Is the Erdogan government becoming a dictatorship?
2. Would the legalization of marijuana in the United States significantly reduce drug violence in Mexico?
3. Is the ANC hurting its international profile by aligning itself with Zimbabwe’s ZANU-PF?
4. How can Indonesia squelch political corruption?
5. What steps should developing countries take to combat smoking?
6. Will Iran’s upcoming presidential election significantly alter the country’s foreign policy with the Western world?
7. Is it in Russia’s geopolitical interest to work against the United States?
8. What steps should the international community take to reduce global poverty?
9. How should the Ivory Coast deal with the legacy of its recent civil war?
10. Will sectarian violence eventually lead to the fall of Iraq’s fledgling democracy?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3rd-9th, 2013

1. How would American intervention in Syria impact its relationship with Israel?
2. Should Eric Holder resign?
3. How should the United States respond to Chinese hacking of defense systems?
4. Is Rand Paul a viable 2016 presidential candidate?
5. Can the Republican Party afford to vote against comprehensive immigration reform before the 2014 midterms?
6. Are states too complacent in regards to fracking regulations?
7. Will online learning improve college education in the United States?
8. What role should drones play in American military operations?
9. Should the Republican Party be excited about Michele Bachmann’s decision to not seek re-election?
10. What can marriage equality advocates learn from their recent setback in Illinois?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27th-June 2nd, 2013

1. Will recent bridge collapses produce momentum for a national public works program?
2. Why has political momentum evaporated for cap and trade?
3. Is Benghazi an issue in search of a scandal?
4. How can the GOP recapture the Senate in 2014?
5. Does America need a smaller military?
6. Will private, not public, funding produce the next moon landing?
7. Is a Netflix-style model the future of cable television?
8. Should public officials be allowed to classify Americans as “enemy combatants”?
9. Is it time to end the war on terrorism?
10. Will the Boy Scouts recent decision to admit gay members lead to a sharp decline in membership?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27th-June 2nd, 2013

1. Will the Syrian civil war widen to include Israel and Lebanon?
2. Should Great Britain tighted its immigration policy?
3. How should the Indian government respond to the latest political attack by Maoist insurgents?
4. Should Saudi Arabia begin a nuclear weapons program?
5. Does the Maduro government need recognition from the United States?
6. Can Myanmar’s old soldiers fade away?
7. Are Middle Eastern governments encouraging a “Christian flight” from the region?
8. Will a recent land reform agreement between the Colombian government and FARC rebels significantly reduce violence?
9. Can greater Japanese-Indian cooperation thwart Chinese ambitions in East Asia?
10. Should China rescue Greece?

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