Tag: June 2018 extemp questions

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 4-10, 2018


Note:  Due to NSDA Nationals next week, this will be the last set of practice questions until the first week of August.

HOTtopics1. If the Democrats win the midterm elections, who would get the biggest political boost from the triumph?
2. Should more U.S. schools examine alternatives to suspension?
3. If one more state ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment, would it become the Twenty-Eighth Amendment to the Constitution?
4. Should the U.S. deploy an anti-missile system in Germany?
5. Will Medicaid expansion undermine state budgets in 2020?
6. Should cities have the legal right to take custody of homeless peoples?
7. What is behind President Trump’s recent “pardon spree”?
8. How should the U.S. deal with an Iraqi government headed by Muqtada al-Sadr?
9. Should California make alterations to its primary system?
10. Does a U.S. president have the constitutional authority to pardon themselves?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 4-10, 2018


Note:  Due to next week being NSDA Nationals, this will be the last set of extemp practice questions until the first week of August.

HOTtopics1. Is Iran’s continued presence in Syria a threat to Israel’s national security?
2. What role should France play in the EU’s efforts concerning defense cooperation?
3. After the downfall of Mariano Rajoy, should Pedro Sanchez immediately call for new elections?
4. Should OPEC work to maintain the price of oil where it is or try to get it to $100 per barrel?
5. Will the reinstatement of fuel subsidies produce significant harm to Brazil’s long-term economic prospects?
6. How can Taiwan’s government engineer higher levels of economic growth?
7. Should the international community worry about a Syrian-North Korean “axis”?
8. How can Eastern European governments best battle corruption?
9. Why is Modi’s popularity slipping in India’s rural areas?
10. Should Great Britain hold a second Brexit vote?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 28-June 3, 2018


HOTtopics1. Would an Italexit pose a bigger threat to the EU’s future than Brexit?
2. What is the significance of Colombia becoming NATO’s first “global partner” from Latin America?
3. Is free trade the key to unlocking Africa’s economic potential?
4. Has the Mercosur trading bloc failed to live up to its potential?
5. How can the international community better combat slavery in modern times?
6. Are Indonesia and the EU headed for a trade war?
7. How can Martin Vinzcarra restore trust in Peru’s public institutions?
8. Is the trial of Diane Rwigara a sign that Rwanda’s political system is growing more intolerant of dissenting views?
9. Are Argentinian criticisms of the IMF valid?
10. Is Spain headed for a snap election?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 28-June 3, 2018


HOTtopics1. Was Donald Trump wise to cancel his summit with Kim Jong-un?
2. Should the U.S. enter into new arms control accords with Russia?
3. Did the U.S. win its recent trade spat with China?
4. What regulations should be imposed on e-cigarettes?
5. Is the U.S. economy operating at full employment?
6. Are Trump’s recent moves against Planned Parenthood counterproductive to Republican aims to keep control of Congress in 2018?
7. Will the NFL’s recent anthem policy create more problems for the league?
8. Is MS-13 a significant threat to U.S. national security?
9. Should the “data economy” be regulated at the federal level?
10. Will Stacey Abrams become Georgia’s first black female governor?

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