Tag: March 2009 extemp questions

Extemp Question Overload

strategyAs the old adage goes, one can never truly be too prepared.   With this in mind, Extemp Central is proud to make available the question sets from the Kentucky Education Speech and Debate Association and Kentucky High School Speech League, Inc. state tournaments.  In addition, we also have questions from the Kentucky NCFL qualifier.   As with all of Logan’s questions, you can expect a variety of topics that will challenge your students and team as we move toward important state tournaments and national qualifiers.

2009 KYCFL Questions
2009 KESDA Questions
2009 KHSSL Questions

And a big congratulations to KESDA state champions Rowan County High School and KHSSL state champions Danville High School.

Extemp Questions for the Week of March 25th-March 31st, 2009

1. Can the recent U.S. border security plan effectively stop smuggling along the U.S.-Mexican border?questions
2. Will the Employee Free Choice Act pass the Senate?
3. Why did the Czech government collapse?
4. Will Michael Bloomberg win a third term as New York City mayor?
5. What grade does Great Britain deserve for its anti-terror strategy?
6. Will the creation of a Labor-Likud governing coalition force the Kadima party to join a national unity government?
7. Should the U.S. government aid failing newspapers?
8. Should the Kurdistan Regional Government work closer with Turkey to cripple the PKK?
9. Will the AIG bonus debacle give the GOP a winning issue for the 2010 midterms?
10. Why is 2009 looking grim for the airline industry?

Extemp Questions for the Week of March 18th-24th, 2009

1. Should AIG be forced to give backquestions their bonuses?
2. Will Madgascar’s political situation get worse?
3. How serious should the saber rattling between North Korea and South Korea be taken?
4. Will tight economic times prompt states to abolish the death penalty?
5. What insight does the appointment of David Hamilton to the U.S. Court of Appeals give about Obama’s judicial philosophy?
6. Is the Vatican’s stance on condom use counterproductive to AIDS prevention efforts in Africa?
7. How can Israel secure the release of Gilad Shalit?
8. Is increased U.S. intervention in the Mexican drug war a good idea?
9. Will Vermont become the third state to allow same-sex marriage?
10. Should the U.S. be worried about its growing national debt burden?

Extemp Questions for the Week of March 11th-17th, 2009

1. Will the arrest warrant for Omar al-Bashir eventually lead to thequestions disintegration of the CPA?
2. Are North Korea’s threats of war to be taken seriously?
3. Will the recent violence in Northern Ireland weaken Sinn Fein’s leadership?
4. What are the chances of an Israeli-Syrian peace accord by the end of the year?
5. Is it time for America to end the war on drugs?
6. Should America’s school day be longer?
7. Is Rush Limbaugh the most powerful figure in the Republican Party?
8. Will the EPA’s attempt to require major U.S. industries to measure greenhouse gasses hurt the economy?
9. Should the U.S. government quit bailing out AIG?
10. Why is Obama facing Congressional resistance to his budget proposals?

Extemp Questions for the Week of March 4th-10th, 2009

1.  Does Obama’s current push for universal healthcare have a better chancequestions at succeeding that Bill Clinton’s attempt?
2.  Should Russia be willing to exchange support for actions against Iran for U.S. abandonment of a missile defense shield in Europe?
3.  Was Hillary Clinton’s announcement that she plans to press for a Palestinian state bad for Israel?
4.  Is Zardari hold on Pakistan weakening?
5.  Should the U.S. pay more attention to Mexico drug problem?
6.  What changes should be made when No Child Left Behind is reauthorized?
7.  Will more planned education spending by the Obama administration improve the quality of American schools?
8.  Should Minnesota re-run its Senate election?
9.  Will the recent lawsuit filed by gay rights advocates for federal benefits lead to DOMA being declared unconstitutional?
10.  Is it wise to let the Bush tax cuts expire?

Extemp Questions for the Week of February 25th-March 3rd, 2009

1. Is it wise for Republican governors to reject stimulus money?questions
2. Should Kadima enter into a Netanyahu-led Israeli government?
3. Would a nationalization of some major U.S. banks be good for the economy?
4. By the end of 2009 will the U.S. still have an embargo on Cuba?
5. Do fertility clinics need more oversight?
6. Can Obama cut the budget deficit in half by the end of his first term?
7. Should the U.S. government encourage Uribe to run for a third term?
8. Was Hillary Clinton’s recent tour of Asia a success?
9. Is China’s purchase in global companies over the last month wise?
10. Should Burris resign?

United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 25 – March 3, 2009

febfreeHow are disagreements over the stimulus plan hurting the GOP?
Is General Motors on life support?
How will new homeowners benefit from the stimulus plan?
What is the cause of political dysfunction in California?
Is low consumer confidence exacerbating the recession?
Will other states follow Massachusetts decriminalization of marijuana?
What kind of backlash will face governors who refuse stimulus funds?
Which Republican governor is most likely to refuse stimulus money?
Is it time for Burris to go?
Are Obama’s aims to cut the federal deficit in half by 2013 realistic?
Will collaborative efforts to fight poverty bridge idealistic differences between American faiths?
How are Obama’s favorable ratings faring after one month on the job?
Should US nationalize its banks?
Is the movement to “go green” losing steam?
Who will be the next mayor of Detroit?
Was Obama wise to scrap the plan to replace the presidential helicopter fleet?
What role will Steven Rattner take as the Treasury’s point person on the auto bailout?
Would a rebranding of NCLB help the flagging movement?
Will Hawaii be the next state to allow same-sex unions?
Should schools make recess and outdoor time a bigger priority for the children?
Can Michael Steele broaden the GOP?
What are the three key issues to look for in Obama’s “State of the Union”?
Can Obama actually achieve entitlement reform?
Will the current recession doom remaining Sunday “blue laws”?
What was Oscar night’s biggest surprise?
Should the US throw in the towel of bringing democracy to Cuba?
Is the announcement of Archbishop Timothy Dolan to lead the archdiocese of New York a papal PR boon?

International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 25 – March 3, 2009

febfreeShould China continue to buy U.S. debt?
How will a Netanyahu-led Israeli government alter U.S. foreign policy in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
Will the Sri Lankan governments fight against the Tamil Tiger soon degenerate into a guerilla war?
How can Mexico get its drug violence under control?
Are Saudi reforms too late?
Why is Chile’s government best able to stimulate its economy than other countries in Latin America?
Should Chavez’s victory in Venezuela frighten other Latin American leaders?
Is the trial of Tuol Sleng good for Cambodia?
Will improved Iraqi Kurdish relations with Turkey pave the way for the creation of a Kurdish state?
Is Ukraine headed for a debt default?
Does Iraq need a strong central government or a more decentralized model?
What happened to Club Med?
Can Labour win an election with Gordon Brown at the helm?
Should the ICC look into indicting CIA officials for abuses of prisoners held in the war on terrorism?
How is Italy doing as leader of the G7?|
What government or organization should take up the cause of policing international waters against pirates?
Will the ICC be successful in obtaining an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir?
Why are European companies rushing to rebuild Iraq?
Will a cease-fire continue in the Swat region of Pakistan?
How is China benefitting from a global fire sale?
Was Hillary Clinton successful in reenergizing key US ties to Asia on her recent visit?
Will Tzipi Livni join Benjamin Netanyahu?
Will Benjamin Netanyahu be forced into a centrist stance in order to form a government?
Why has Canada been largely protected from the global economic crisis?
Why did Barack Obama select Canada as the location for his first international visit as president?
Is North Korea open to negotiating its stance on its nuclear weapons program?

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