Tag: May 2008 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of May 28th-June 2nd, 2008

1. Did China respond effectively to its recent earthquake?

2. Would Bobby Jindal be a good vice-presidential pick for McCain?

3. Should Venezuela be labeled as a state sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. State Department?

4. Why are India-Pakistan negotations over Kashmir getting nowhere?

5. Will the California Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage help the Republican Party in the 2008 elections?

6. Why has violence against immigrants increased in South Africa?

7. Would a new Afghan government increase the chances of stability in the country?

8. What grade does the recent U.S. farm bill deserve?

9. Should race and culture be used in evaluating adoptions?

10. Who won the most from the recent political agreement in Lebanon?

Extemp Questions for the Week of May 21st-27th, 2008

1. Should the U.S. talk to Iran without preconditions?

2. Has the media been too harsh on Hillary Clinton?

3. Should Bush veto the new GI bill?

4. Why is drug violence so hard to stop in Mexico?

5. Is microfinance ethical?

6. Will Ma Ying-jeou be able to successfully smooth over relations between Taiwan and China?

7. Does the defection of Nelly Moreno show that Colombia’s government is winning its civil war with rebel groups?

8. Has the GOP’s outreach to black voters failed?

9. Why is inflation becoming a serious concern for Latin American economies?

10. Is an oil price of $200 a barrel by summer a realistic possibility?

Extemp Questions for the Week of May 14th-20th, 2008

1. Should the Labour Party ditch Gordon Brown?

2. How much longer should Hillary stay in the Democratic race?

3. Is enough being done to stave off a famine in North Korea?

4. Should polar bears be put on threatened species list?

5. Is the GOP headed for a massive defeat in this year’s midterm elections?

6. Should Thailand’s constitution be changed?

7. Would a suspension of the gasoline tax really benefit U.S. consumers at the pump?

8. How should the West deal with the political situation in Russia?

9. Is a proxy war imminent between Chad and Sudan?

10. Should the next U.S. president distance the United States from Israel?

Extemp Questions for the Week of May 7th-13th, 2008

1. Is a new new-facist movement being built in Europe?

2. Have the worst parts of the credit crisis passed by?

3. Should Brazil be given a permanent seat on the UN Security Council?

4. Is the peace accord between northern and southern Sudan unraveling?

5. If you were John McCain’s campaign manager, what would be your election strategy while the Democrats are still engaging in their nomination battle?

6. Will Santa Cruz’s vote for more autonomy weaken Morales?

7. Should Tsvangirai agree to a run off?

8. Will the Supreme Court’s upholding of Indiana’s voter ID law hurt the Democratic Party in November?

9. What can be done to help Indian Ocean countries deal with natural disasters?

10. Has America won the “war on meth”?

Extemp Questions for the Week of April 30th-May 6th, 2008

1. Is Felipe Calderon doing too little to resolve the illegal immigration issue with the U.S.?

2. Should the U.S. government suspend gas taxes?

3. Has Indiana become the tiebreaker state in the Democratic primary?

4. Is it time for John Edwards to make an endorsement in the Democratic primary?

5. Should Israel accept Hamas’s offer of a ten year truce?

6. Is the EU being too lax in its membership requirements?

7. Should Yudhoyono be doing more to decrease religious tensions in Indonesia?

8. Why is Chicago experiencing a massive crime wave?

9. Is Afghanistan becoming more like Iraq?

10. Was the acquittal of the police officers involved in the Sean Bell shooting justified?

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