Tag: May 2009 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27th-June 2nd, 2009

1. Should the international community recognize North Korea as a questions permanent member of the world’s nuclear club?
2. Would sizeable BNP gains in the European parliamentary elections reflect poorly on Britain?
3. Should the GOP filibuster Sotomayor?
4. Is the recent court ruling on Proposition 8 a significant setback for gay rights?
5. Would a new state constitution pull California back from the financial brink?
6. Will Ethiopia’s renewed intervention in Somalia reflect poorly on Sheikh Sharif Ahmed’s faltering government?
7. Does the Senate’s decision to strip funding for closing Gitmo help or hurt the Democrat’s security agenda?
8. How can France reform its political system to increase minority representation?
9. Is the foiling of the New York terror plot a major victory for anti-terror task forces?
10. Should Canada mediate a permanent peace settlement between the Sri Lankan government and its Tamil minority?

Extemp Questions for the Week of May 20th-26th, 2009

1. Should Gordon Brown follow Michael Martin’s lead? questions
2. Is Netanyahu’s idea of an Israeli-Sunni Arab coalition to check Iran’s nuclear ambitions realistic?
3. Should Obama nominate a woman to fill the Souter vacancy on the Supreme Court?
4. Was the Indian election a rejection of communal politics?
5. Will Prabhakaran’s death eliminate the ability of the Tamil Tigers to wage a low level insurgency?
6. Should the international community recognize Somaliland?
7. Is the Obama administration hostile to gun rights?
8. Will the U.S. withdrawal from Iraqi cities at the end of June lead to an increase in violence throughout the country?
9. Did the Supreme Court rule correctly in AT&T v. Hulteen?
10. Will Obama’s new fuel efficiency standards help or hinder the American auto industry?

Extemp Questions for the Week of May 13th-19th, 2009

1. Can Russia play a constructive role in the Middle East peace process? questions
2. Has the pope’s visit to the Middle East achieved its goals?
3. Is the French economic model better than the Anglo-Saxon economic model?
4. Should the U.S. decriminalize marijuana?
5. Will Iran’s release of Roxana Saberi help Ahmadinejad’s chances of re-election?
6. How can the EU best solve its North Africa illegal immigration problem?
7. Are Chrysler’s lenders getting a raw deal?
8. How can the expansion of women’s rights in the Middle East be achieved?
9. Is it time for the U.S. to get serious about entitlement reform?
10. Will her comments about her knowledge of waterboarding eventually lead to Nancy Pelosi’s ouster as Speaker of the House?

Extemp Questions for the Week of May 6th-May 12th, 2009

1. Is the lack of pay among Congolese soldiers weakening its offensivequestions against the FDLR?
2. Are Maoist hardliners jeopardizing the Nepalese peace process?
3. How can the international community tackle Iraq’s problem of unemployment?
4. What should the U.S. do with the Uighurs at Gitmo?
5. Are life sentences for juveniles convicted of nonlethal crimes a violation of the Eighth Amendment?
6. How can the Boston Globe survive?
7. Should the U.S. stop drone attacks in Pakistan?
8. Can structural reforms cure Spain’s economic woes?
9. Should Obama appoint a strong liberal to replace Souter?
10. Will Arlen Specter’s switch of parties cause him to alter his position on the Employee Free Choice Act?

Extemp Questions for the Week of April 29th-May 5th, 2009

1.  Ten years on, what have schools learned from Columbine?questions
2.  Should only large industries have their carbon emissions regulated?
3.  How can Saudi Arabia placate its Shiite minority?
4.  Should the U.S. close the border with Mexico over swine flu?
5.  Is Ma Ying-jeou compromising Taiwan’s sovereignty too much?
6.  After his first 100 days in office, what term can best be applied to Barack Obama’s governing philosophy?
7.  Who was the biggest loser in South Africa’s recent elections?
8.  Do U.S.-led efforts to reconcile with Afghan insurgents need more transparency?
9.  Will a tentative agreement to normalize ties between Turkey and Armenia have positive affects on the Central Asian region?
10.  Should Cuba be allowed into the OAS?

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