Tag: May 2013 extemp questions

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27th-June 2nd, 2013

1. Will recent bridge collapses produce momentum for a national public works program?
2. Why has political momentum evaporated for cap and trade?
3. Is Benghazi an issue in search of a scandal?
4. How can the GOP recapture the Senate in 2014?
5. Does America need a smaller military?
6. Will private, not public, funding produce the next moon landing?
7. Is a Netflix-style model the future of cable television?
8. Should public officials be allowed to classify Americans as “enemy combatants”?
9. Is it time to end the war on terrorism?
10. Will the Boy Scouts recent decision to admit gay members lead to a sharp decline in membership?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27th-June 2nd, 2013

1. Will the Syrian civil war widen to include Israel and Lebanon?
2. Should Great Britain tighted its immigration policy?
3. How should the Indian government respond to the latest political attack by Maoist insurgents?
4. Should Saudi Arabia begin a nuclear weapons program?
5. Does the Maduro government need recognition from the United States?
6. Can Myanmar’s old soldiers fade away?
7. Are Middle Eastern governments encouraging a “Christian flight” from the region?
8. Will a recent land reform agreement between the Colombian government and FARC rebels significantly reduce violence?
9. Can greater Japanese-Indian cooperation thwart Chinese ambitions in East Asia?
10. Should China rescue Greece?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 20th-26th, 2013

1. What explains North Korea’s provocative actions this year?
2. If India provides military aid to Afghanistan, how does that change the geopolitical situation in South and Central Asia?
3. Is it in Israel’s best interest that Bashar al-Assad stays in power?
4. How can Francois Hollande boost the lagging French economy?
5. Why is Italy’s economy contracting?
6. Can Shinzo Abe do what his predecessors have failed to do in resuscitating the Japanese economy?
7. Should economic reform or domestic security be the top priority of Pakistan’s new government?
8. How can the drug war in Latin America be fought in a “smarter” way?
9. Should Angela Merkel be concerned with the rise of the Alternative fur Deutschland party?
10. Why are developing countries struggling to provide jobs for younger workers?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 20th-26th, 2013

1. How should the Obama administration handle the IRS scandal?
2. Is it in America’s best interest to back the Syrian opposition?
3. Will online education make attendance at a physical college campus obsolete for most Americans?
4. With America’s mission nearly complete, should Afghanistan be viewed as a success or a foreign policy blunder?
5. Will Medicaid expansion cripple state budgets within the next ten years?
6. Is President Obama’s governing style too “hands off”?
7. What impact, if any, will the recent Washington D.C. scandals have on the Massachusetts Senate race?
8. Should the federal government invest in a massive public works campaign to lower national unemployment?
9. Does law enforcement’s use of drones violate Fourth Amendment protections?
10. Google Glass: Useful invention or public nightmare?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 13th-19th, 2013

1. Would a war against Israel save the Assad regime?
2. Will the Turkish government reach a peace deal with the PKK before the end of 2013?
3. Was Great Britain justified in eliminating foreign aid to South Africa?
4. In regards to the Middle East peace process, can China succeed where the United States has failed?
5. Is Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner becoming an autocrat?
6. What steps does Pope Francis need to take to enhance Catholicism’s reputation in Europe?
7. Is natural gas the global energy source of the future?
8. What can the international community do to encourage more corporate responsibility in areas of the developing world?
9. Will Pervez Musharraf eventually go on trial in Pakistan?
10. Why is anti-Semitism rising in Hungary?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 13th-19th, 2013

1. Will the U.S. launch a manned mission to Mars by 2030?
2. Is Benghazi the next Watergate?
3. Will Mark Sanford’s victory assist the Democrats in enhancing their appeal to female voters in 2014?
4. Can Jeb Bush escape his brother’s shadow and win the presidency in 2016?
5. What explains the lack of white voter turnout in 2012?
6. How should the Department of Defense handle new allegations of sexual assault in the military?
7. What changes should be made to the Senate immigration reform bill?
8. How can John Kerry “reset” America’s relationship with Russia?
9. Dow at 15,000: So what?
10. Will the U.S. Senate approve the UN arms trade treaty?

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