Tag: North Carolina bathroom bill

The North Carolina “Bathroom Bill”


While the LGBT community won a significant victory at the Supreme Court last year when it came to same sex marriage, transgender individuals are now pressing for constitutional protections of their rights, namely their right to express their identity.  The public space that they are contesting are public restrooms, where transgender individuals argue that they should have the right to use the restroom of the gender that they affiliate with.  Social conservatives in states such as North Carolina are appalled by this demand, warning that it will threaten the safety of women and young children.  In late March, North Carolina passed the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act (HB2), which legally requires transgender people to use the bathroom that corresponds to the gender on their birth certificate.  The law also makes it more difficult for transgender to sue their employer for discrimination.  Critics allege that the bill reverts to a new system of segregation and that it could endanger the mental health of transgender individuals.  Some businesses such as PayPal have already cancelled expansion plans in the state and there is evidence that a tourism boycott is developing.  As with most social issues, the fate of the so-called “bathroom bill” is bound to end up in the courts, which have thus far demonstrated that such legislation goes against the U.S. Constitution.

This topic brief will provide extempers with some terminology they should be aware of when discussing the North Carolina “bathroom bill,” analyze the arguments made in favor of the legislation, and then arguments for why North Carolina should consider repealing the law.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: The North Carolina “Bathroom Bill”


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on the North Carolina “Bathroom Bill.”

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