Tag: October 2009 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of October 27th-November 2nd, 2009

1.  Who will win the New Jersey gubernatorial race?questions
2.  Is it too late to save the Afghan election?
3.  Will a public option opt-out in the Senate healthcare bill enable it to overcome a filibsuter?
4.  Should Congress rein in Obama’s czars?
5.  What explains José Mujica’s electoral success?
6.  Will Karadzic’s war crimes trial be a boon for international justice?
7.  What is the key to Pakistan achieving success in South Waziristan?
8.  Can Nigeria’s amnesty for militants in the Niger Delta bring the calm the country needs?
9.  Will the perceived ineffectiveness of the stimulus bill hurt Democrats in 2010?
10.  Did Obama act too early in declaring a national emergency over swine flu?

Extemp Questions for the Week of October 20th-26th, 2009


1. Due to its economic problems, should the U.S. cut foreign aid?
2. How can the Democrats get 60 votes on healthcare reform?
3. Was it a shrewd move for Fatah to endorse the Egyptian reconciliation plan?
4. Despite its more inclusive government, why are foreigners still wary of investing in Zimbabwe?
5. Is America’s Afghan strategy in danger of doing counter-insurgency on the cheap?
6. What can rescue the Michigan economy?
7. Do the U.S. and Pakistan need to do more to address the concerns of the Pashtun people?
8. Why are AIG employees getting yet another round of bonuses?
9. If the U.S. were to copy a nation’s healthcare system who should it be?
10. Will the British National Party be successful come election time?

Extemp Questions for the Week of October 13th-19th, 2009

1. Is David Patraeus the new Eisenhower?questions
2. What is the best way to solve the unemployment problem in America?
3. How can the Czech Republic be compelled to ratify Lisbon?
4. Has Abbas ruined his standing with the Palestinian people over the Goldstone report?
5. Should Democrats force Charlie Rangel to give up his chairmanship?
6. Considering their election prospects, why has the Labor Party not ousted Gordon Brown?
7. Do 2nd amendment rights apply to state and local governments?
8. Will Israel ever give back the Golan Heights?
9. Should the U.S. be doing more to reinstate the Monroe Doctrine in the Western Hemisphere?
10. How will winning the Nobel Peace Prize impact Barack Obama’s foreign policy?

Extemp Questions for the Week of October 6th-12th, 2009

1.  Is the public option dead?questions
2. How can China be persuaded to put sanctions on Iran?
3. Can Tim Pawlenty win back the White House for the GOP in 2012?
4. Should Hamas release Gilad Shalit?
5. Does Hillary Clinton’s focus on women’s issues have a positive or negative impact on other U.S. foreign policy priorities?
6. Why did Chicago fail to win its IOC bid for the 2016 Olympics?
7. What does the SPD’s poor performance in the German elections mean for the party’s future?
8. Is the material support law unconstitutional?
9. Does the Federal Reserve need to raise interest rates?
10. Did the G-20 fail on climate change?

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 29th-October 5th, 2009

1. How much economic reform will the next German government be able to achieve?questions
2. Is Hamas making Netanyahu’s job easy?
3. Will South Korea’s offer of a “grand bargain” significantly change the way the international community handles North Korea?
4. Is Zelaya’s return a diplomatic coup for Brazil over Chavez?
5. In light of a recent GAO report, does the US need to rethink the border fence?
6. If Copenhagen fails, will the U.S. be to blame?
7. Will McChrystal get his troops?
8. Is California’s attempt at tax reform DOA?
9. Should Latin American anti-poverty measures be widely adopted in the United States?
10. Has the left become disenchanted with Obama?

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