Tag: October 2010 extemp questions

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26th-November 1st, 2010

1.  With one week to go, who will win the midterm elections?
2.  Should states ban the use of food stamps to purchase sugary drinks?
3.  How will conditions that America has attached on recent aid to Pakistan impact relations between the two sides?
4.  Is early voting good for democracy?
5.  Should teacher rankings be published?
6.  What should the U.S. do to rein in private security companies in Afghanistan?
7.  Is the use of visual artists as cultural ambassadors abroad a good use of taxpayer dollars?
8.  Are fears of vote fraud for the 2010 midterms overstated?
9.  Is a requirement that voters to show proof of citizenship when they register to vote unconstitutional?
10.  How will violence at their last debate impact the Jack Conway-Rand Paul Senate race?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26th-November 1st, 2010

1.  What will be Lula da Silva’s legacy?
2.  Does Felipe Calderon’s proposal to allow civilian courts to try soldiers for abuses against civilians go far enough?
3.  Will Serbia make it into the EU before Turkey?
4.  How would UN recognition of an independent Palestinian state impact Middle East peace talks?
5.  Will French protests against pension reform efforts inspire more protests against austerity measures across the continent?
6.  How can Haiti combat its cholera outbreak?
7.  Should the international community be concerned about the cash payments Iran is sending to Afghanistan?
8.  Has the Congo’s expot ban on minerals in eastern provinces successfully reduced violence in the area?
9.  How will Russia’s upgrade of its Black Sea fleet impact Ukranian efforts to join NATO?
10.  Has China overtaken Japan as the dominant power in East Asia?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19th-25th, 2010

1.  Can a Maliki-Sadr coalition solve Iraq’s problems?
2.  Should Russia join NATO’s missile defense project?
3.  Will the arrest of several top officers in the Niger military impede the nation’s return to democracy?
4.  Why did Canada fail to win a seat on the UN Security Council?
5.  How will the trial of 151 Kurdish activists impact Turkey’s EU bid?
6.  Does a recent attack on the Chechen parliament show that Russia has yet to claim victory in the tumultuous republic?
7.  Will Merkel’s move to the right on immigration destabalize her coalition with the FDP?
8.  Should China release Liu Xiaobo?
9.  Will the latest French protests halt Sarkozy’s pension reform effort?
10.  How should Colombia respond to the Russia-Venezuela nuclear deal?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19th-25th, 2010

1.  What would a sensible “clean energy” strategy for the U.S. look like?
2.  Why is the NRA rallying around endangered Democrats?
3.  Should the NRSC do more to help Christine O’Donnell?
4.  How can the GOP make more inroads on the “left coast”?
5.  Should John Ashcroft be held personally responsible for the detention and interrogation of Abdullah Al-Kidd?
6.  Did Jack Conway’s “Aqua Buddha” ad go too far?
7.  Should the Fed pursue the ‘inflation option’?
8.  Would a tougher foreign policy towards China bolster President Obama’s political standing?
9.  Should felons have the right to vote?
10.  Dino Rossi:  Will beta finally become alpha?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 12th-18th, 2010

1.  Should the Federal Reserve raise interest rates?
2.  Do new federal regulations for deep water offshore oil rigs go far enough?
3.  Should human exploration of asteroids take precedence over a return trip to the moon?
4.  What can prevent an NFL lockout next season?
5.  How can CNN improve its ratings?
6.  Will China’s attempt to buy oil and gas fields in South Texas succeed or go the way of Unocal?
7.  Should redistricting be done by independent commissions instead of state legislatures?
8.  Is Chris Christie a 2012 presidential contender?
9.  Will the Obama administration’s decision to appeal a judge’s ruling on DOMA negatively impact Democrats chances in November?
10.  If Hillary Clinton ran for the 2012 Democratic presidential nomination, would she beat President Obama?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 12th-18th, 2010

1.  How would a renewed Lebanese civil war impact the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
2.  Will Kyrgyzstan’s experiment with parliamentary democracy work?
3.  Should Rafael Correa dissolve the National Assembly?
4.  Why are government across the world pursuing tough immigration policies?
5.  Is Vietnam Asia’s next economic tiger?
6.  Should the international community be alarmed at China’s reaction to Liu Xiaobo winning the Nobel Peace Prize?
7.  How should the Chilean government reform its mining industry?
8.  Should Western nations lift sanctions on Zimbabwe?
9.  Why is Germany’s Green Party on the rise?
10.  Are mainstream European parties only strengthening the far right by trying to keep them from playing a governing role?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 5th-11th, 2010

1.  Should the UN have toned down its report on violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo?
2.  Will the Greek government eventually default on its debts?
3.  How will a recent police uprising impact Ecuadorian politics?
4.  Should the Haitian govenment issue a moratorium on tent camp evictions?
5.  Who will win Brazil’s presidential runoff?
6.  Is China’s call for developed nations to make greater emissions cuts unreasonable?
7.  How will Bosnia’s latest election impact its efforts to join the EU?
8.  Will the decision to cut child benefits hurt David Cameron politically?
9.  Is the Netherlands making a mistake by putting Geert Wilders on trial for inciting discrimination and hatred?
10.  How can the Nigerian government reduce corruption?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 5th-11th, 2010

1.  Will President Obama “triangulate” after the midterm elections?
2.  Why do Americans have such a low opinion of the media?
3.  How can the U.S. eradicate corruption in the Afghan government?
4.  Will California’s passage of S.B. 1449 reduce support for Proposition 19?
5.  Did CNN make the right call in firing Rick Sanchez?
6.  Will Rahm Emanuel be the next mayor of Chicago?
7.  Should judges be elected?
8.  Will an illegal worker controversy doom Meg Whitman?
9.  How should the Supreme Court rule in Snyder v. Phelps?
10.  Has President Obama’s voter coalition collapsed?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 28th-October 4, 2010

1.  How should public school teachers be paid?
2.  Why is Feingold losing?
3.  Is Somalia next?
4.  Who should replace Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff?
5.  Has President Obama dropped the ball on the Middle East peace process?
6.  What is the most important governor’s race of the 2010 midterm elections?
7.  Who’s more to blame for America’s current economic mess:  Clinton, Bush, or Obama?
8.  Would the national mortgage market “seize up” without Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
9.  Does the federal government need to regulate the operations of gold selling companies?
10.  Should conservatives worry about Congress’s lame duck session?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 28th-October 4, 2010

1.  How will the resignation of Fatmir Sejdiu impact talks between Kosovo and Serbia?
2.  Will David Miliband make the Labor Party unelectable?
3.  Based on recent National Assembly election results, should Hugo Chavez be scared about 2012?
4.  Is Rene Peval exercising too much power over Haiti’s upcoming presidential election?
5.  Should Thailand extend its current state of emergency beyond October 4th?
6.  Would a monetary union be a boon for East African states?
7.  How can African states enhance their levels of food security?
8.  Will Greece’s austerity measures endure?
9.  Is Russia’s grain export ban justified?
10.  Will the stalemate produced by Australia’s parliamentary election wreck plans to reform the nation’s pension system?

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