Tag: October 2015 extemp questions

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2015


HOTtopics1. Does Great Britain need to become more active in global affairs?
2. Are term limits needed to ensure an effective democratic system of governance?
3. Will the TPP go into effect within the next five years?
4. Was Iran the winner of its nuclear deal with the West?
5. What steps should the international community take to combat extreme poverty?
6. Should European nations give control of their external borders to EU officials?
7. Is Saudi Arabia headed for economic disaster?
8. Why did Stephen Harper lose the Canadian elections?
9. Would a more powerful UN significantly reduce global tensions?
10. Is a two state solution in Israel’s best interest?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2015


HOTtopics1. Can Paul Ryan become a more effective Speaker than John Boehner?
2. Would a Jim Webb independent bid for the presidency make the GOP’s presidential path to victory more complicated?
3. Is California ready for El Nino?
4. How can the U.S. implement climate change mitigation efforts in an economically effective way?
5. Can “The Primary School” serve as a model for school reform in the U.S.?
6. Should more states pursue the legalization of marijuana?
7. Can Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign be saved?
8. Is there too much testing in America’s schools?
9. What should be America’s foreign policy in the Middle East?
10. Will next week’s gubernatorial elections have any impact on the 2016 presidential election?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19-25, 2015


HOTtopics1. Did President Obama make the right decision regarding American troops in Afghanistan?
2. Should the U.S. rethink birthright citizenship?
3. Is a genuine marketplace for health insurance possible?
4. Will 2016 be a “rage election”?
5. Would a mandatory buyback program of firearms in the U.S. violate the Second Amendment?
6. How should the U.S. react to unrest in Israel and the Palestinian territories?
7. Will Rand Paul be the next Republican to drop out of the 2016 presidential contest?
8. Should the federal government withhold funding from sanctuary cities?
9. How should Hawaii handle its homelessness problem?
10. Is there a place for Joe Biden in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19-25, 2015


HOTtopics1. How should Saudi Arabia deal with low oil prices?
2. Should Mexico cease using its soldiers as police?
3. What fiscal reforms should the Chinese government enact?
4. Should Pakistan place limits on its nuclear program?
5. Will the truce between Dilma Roussef and Eduardo Cunha end Brazil’s political gridlock?
6. Should Taiwan grow closer or farther from China?
7. Is African democracy in crisis?
8. Do Egypt’s parliamentary elections matter?
9. Will South Africa withdraw from the ICC?
10. How will the result of the Canadian elections affect Canada’s foreign policy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 12-18, 2015


HOTtopics1. Is the Syrian Civil War a threat to Israeli security?
2. How should India handle its energy crisis?
3. Will economic problems bring down Stephen Harper?
4. Has Russia replaced the U.S. as the leader of the global war on terrorism?
5. Is Matteo Renzi the last hope of the moderate European left?
6. What does an ideal peace deal between India and Pakistan look like?
7. Can Muhammadu Buhari clean up corruption in the Nigerian oil industry?
8. Is Paul Kagame’s ability to run for a third term the death knell for democracy in Rwanda?
9. Can the answer to Europe’s migrant crisis be found in Libya?
10. Is a third intifada on the horizon?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 12-18, 2015


HOTtopics1. Will the U.S. Senate ratify the TPP?
2. Should daily fantasy sports games for money be prohibited?
3. Is Los Angeles prepared for the next big earthquake?
4. Should illegal immigrant students be allowed to pay in-state tuition rates?
5. Is the American debate on gun control shifting?
6. Will the Pentagon’s new plan to fight ISIS succeed?
7. Should the Federal Reserve look into a negative interest rate policy?
8. Is American influence in the Middle East waning?
9. Should “gun free zones” be abolished?
10. Is the Republican Party too dysfunctional to win the White House?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 5-11, 2015


HOTtopics1. Will President Obama veto the National Defense Authorization Act?
2. How can more physicians be encouraged to adopt e-health records?
3. Should the U.S. make a manned Mars mission a priority?
4. How many Supreme Court justices will the next President appoint?
5. Should the Affordable Care Act be extended to cover illegal immigrants?
6. Has the Benghazi special committee been useful?
7. Is Jason Chaffetz the Speaker of the House that Republicans need?
8. Would holding gun manufacturers liable for shootings violate the Second Amendment?
9. How should the U.S. respond to increased Russian intervention in Syria?
10. Should the U.S. adopt a nationalist economic policy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 5-11, 2015


HOTtopics1. Will climate change produce the next refugee crisis?
2. Is trade the new “great game” of the world’s major powers?
3. Will the easing of the U.S. embargo actually prove damaging to the Cuban economy?
4. Has Hezbollah been a significant loser in the Syrian Civil War?
5. Will the Bank of England raise interest rates before the Federal Reserve?
6. Would the Middle East be better off today if Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gaddafi had never been removed from power?
7. How should Israel react to the Abbas’s claim that the Palestinians are no longer bound by the Oslo Accords?
8. Was the recent Portuguese election a setback for pro-austerity forces?
9. Will the European refugee crisis force early elections in Germany?
10. Can Afghanistan fight off the Taliban without American support?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 28-October 4, 2015


HOTtopics1. Is containment the best way for the U.S. to defeat ISIS?
2. Should colleges stop accepting the ACT and SAT for admission?
3. Can states constitutionally provide lethal injection drugs to other states?
4. Who is the “values” candidate in this year’s Republican field?
5. Should schools ban tag?
6. Who should be the next Speaker of the House?
7. Is the “Carly boom” sustainable?
8. Have Ben Carson’s comments about Muslims disqualified him from the presidency?
9. Was Pope Francis’s visit to the U.S. a success?
10. Is John Boehner’s resignation a bad sign for those favoring moderation within the Republican Party?

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