Tag: October 2015 news quiz

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2015


Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

To accesquiz-01s a list of all our old quizzes, click here.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of October 19-25, 2015


Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

To accesquiz-01s a list of all our old quizzes, click here.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of October 12-18, 2015


Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!quiz-01

To access a list of all our old quizzes, click here.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of October 5-11, 2015



Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!quiz-01

To access a list of all our old quizzes, click here.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of September 28-October 4, 2015


Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!quiz-01

To access a list of all our old quizzes, click here.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 28-October 4, 2015


HOTtopics1. What is the most important Sustainable Development Goal?
2. How should international debt forgiveness be implemented?
3. What are the international implications of Iran desiring to take Saudi Arabia to court over hajj deaths?
4. How can Volkswagen overcome its recent emissions scandal?
5. What grade should China receive on women’s rights?
6. Will Syria become Putin’s Afghanistan?
7. Is India losing influence in Nepal?
8. Should Germany be given a wider global role in international organizations?
9. Is Russia replacing America’s role in the Middle East?
10. How should Spain handle the drive for Catalan independence?

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