Tag: practice extemp questions Page 24 of 78

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 12-18, 2019

HOTtopics1. Will the Epstein suicide lead to reforms concerning the treatment of high profile prisoners?
2. Do an increase in bankruptcy filings point to some structural weaknesses in the U.S. economy?
3. How can Joe Biden maintain his polling advantage with African-American voters?
4. Should Portland take more action to rein in Antifa?
5. Can a Democratic presidential candidate win Texas in 2020?
6. Should there be greater regulations on violent video games?
7. Is President Trump’s recent shakeup of the nation’s intelligence apparatus threatening U.S. national security?
8. Does the U.S. have a white supremacy problem?
9. Would “red flag” gun laws lead to less gun crime?
10. If there is a new recession, will be it be the fault of the Federal Reserve?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 5-11, 2019

HOTtopics1. Will the El Paso and Dayton shootings lead to successful gun control efforts?
2. Has the Democratic presidential primary moved too far to the left?
3. Are Democratic presidential candidates making a mistake targeting President Obama’s legacy?
4. Should states impose high taxes on e-cigarettes?
5. Are American cities hurting from one party rule?
6. Should Michelle Obama consider a run for the presidency?
7. What role, if any, should the U.S. play in resolving the India-Pakitan dispute over Kashmir?
8. Does the U.S. have the stomach to win a trade war with China?
9. Will the exodus of Republican incumbent prevent the GOP from winning control of the House in 2020?
10. Would the banning of private insurance fix what ails American healthcare?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 4-8, 2019

HOTtopics1. Have Great Britain’s Tories become the Brexit Party?
2. Who is the biggest loser now that the INF Treaty is dead?
3. Does the West have any role to play in China’s ongoing dispute with Hong Kong?
4. Are the prospects for a united Ireland growing?
5. Is the international community failing to tame the Congo’s Ebola outbreak?
6. Will Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner win Argentina’s presidential election?
7. Can the CPEC fix what ails the Pakistani economy?
8. Will oil sanctions force Iran back to the negotiating table concerning its nuclear program?
9. Are Guatemalan anti-corruption efforts failing?
10. Is political repression hurting Tanzania’s economy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 10-16, 2019

Note:  These will be our last questions for this season as NSDA Nationals takes place next week.

HOTtopics1. Will the G20’s digital tax push succeed?
2. Could the Green Party become Germany’s largest party?
3. Has China effectively erased the legacy of the Tiananmen Square protests?
4. Should Western governments allow former ISIS fighters to return home?
5. Has Justin Trudeau’s foreign policy been a disaster?
6. Are Sri Lanka’s anti-terrorism policies too draconian?
7. Is King Abdullah becoming more isolated in the Middle East?
8. Has Russia established permanent control over Crimea?
9. Is Sudan’s revolution failing?
10. Should Europe’s left-wing parties embrace restrictive immigration policies?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 10-16, 2019

Note:  These will be our last questions for this season as NSDA Nationals takes place next week.

HOTtopics1. Is it time to abandon the Hyde Amendment?
2. Will President Trump’s love of tariffs dilute the impact of his tax cuts?
3. Is Nancy Pelosi a historically great Speaker of the House?
4. Could the U.S. win a war with Iran?
5. Should those applying for visas be required to disclose their social media accounts?
6. Was the recent immigration deal with Mexico a major victory for President Trump?
7. If he fails to win the Democratic presidential nomination, will the “Sanders Revolution” be remembered as a failure?
8. Should NASA focus on the moon or Mars?
9. Do recent employment numbers signal growing weaknesses in the U.S. economy?
10. Should the U.S. continue to ban travel to Cuba?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3-9, 2019

HOTtopics1. Can higher tariffs convince Mexico to do more to keep migrants from entering the United States?
2. How should the U.S. fight the next economic downturn?
3. Should Kamala Harris embrace her centrist credentials?
4. Who should the U.S. support in the Libyan civil war?
5. Which Democratic presidential underdog is best positioned for the Iowa caucuses?
6. Will growing divisions over Israel cause the Democratic Party to lose Jewish voters?
7. Should the U.S. embrace nuclear power?
8. Is Google a monopoly?
9. Should Facebook users enjoy a reasonable protection of privacy?
10. Is Texas heading for a major water crisis?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3-9, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is an expansion of private police outfits in Brazil the best way for the nation to reduce its crime rate?
2. Will a new Israeli election lead to an increased majority for Netanyahu?
3. Is the international community doing enough to stop illegal organ harvesting in China?
4. Has the Brexit debate caused Great Britain to enter a lost decade?
5. Should Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer become Germany’s next chancellor?
6. Why are Latin American economies stagnating?
7. Is Pakistan’s criminal justice system in need of reform?
8. What steps does Muhammadu Buhari need to take to improve the Nigerian economy?
9. Is George Weah doing enough to combat corruption in Liberia?
10. Could greater fragmentation of the European Parliament improve its operations?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27-June 2, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is France the frontline of the European war against terrorism?
2. In what ways would a Boris Johnson premiership be different from that of Theresa May?
3. Will Israel be forced to hold new elections?
4. How can Europe’s moderate parties stop their decline?
5. If Turkey accepts the Russian S-400 air and missile system, how will that affect future NATO training exercises?
6. Are Christians facing an impossible future in the Middle East?
7. How can Taiwan best counter China’s attempts to isolate it?
8. What should Narendra Modi do with his new election mandate?
9. How can the Egyptian government save the Nile River?
10. Who will win Argentina’s presidential election this fall?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 27-June 2, 2019

HOTtopics1. Should the FEC increase regulations on social media outlets?
2. Will the College Board’s SAT adversity score hurt disadvantaged students more than it will help them?
3. Should John Brennan’s security clearance be revoked?
4. Is the U.S. in the midst of a constitutional crisis?
5. Should the U.S. designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization?
6. Was President Trump’s decision to declassify documents related to the 2016 election investigation a shrewd political move?
7. Is Pete Buttigieg’s ceiling a cabinet post in a new Democratic administration?
8. If Democrats win the Kentucky gubernatorial election would that be a major blow to President Trump’s re-election hopes?
9. Is the Julian Assange indictment an attack on the freedom of the press?
10. Are a majority of Americans benefiting from the current state of the U.S. economy?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 20-26, 2019

HOTtopics1. Could higher tariffs help the U.S. create a budget surplus?
2. Can Joe Biden sustain his lead in the Democratic presidential primary?
3. Is big tech eroding American concerns about personal privacy?
4. Will a new infrastructure bill require a tax increase?
5. Should Washington enact a state income tax?
6. Does any abortion bill challenging Roe v. Wade need exceptions to pass muster with the Supreme Court?
7. Can workers do anything to resist automation?
8. Should lawmakers enact restrictions on sex robots?
9. Does Kamala Harris’s campaign need to put a higher priority on outreach to the Asian American community?
10. Should colleges eliminate the use of admissions tests?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 20-26, 2019

HOTtopics1. Should Saudi Arabia pursue a nuclear weapons program?
2. How can Mexico better combat air pollution?
3. Will Heinz-Christian Strache’s corruption lead to the collapse of the Austrian Freedom Party?
4. Did climate change issues cause the Labor Party to lose the recent federal election?
5. Will more governments copy China’s “social credit system” within the next decade?
6. Could Hong Kong one day prove to be the flash point of a major war between China and Western powers?
7. Are Nordic welfare states facing a demographic time bomb?
8. Why is Jamaica experiencing a significant economic turnaround?
9. Is dictatorship returning to Serbia?
10. What is the best way to restructure sovereign debt?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 13-19, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is the EU undemocratic?
2. Does the international community need the United States to be tough on trade with China?
3. Should Venezuelan officials arrest Guaido?
4. Will Cuba’s recent economic difficulties force its communist regime to fall from power?
5. Are European fears of Turkish expansion into the Western Balkans unfounded?
6. Is the British Conservative Party headed for a disastrous result in European parliamentary elections?
7. Have the Filipino midterm elections bolstered Duterte’s power?
8. Is authoritarianism returning to Latin America?
9. Will Israel’s recent ceasefire with Hamas last more than six months?
10. Why is global military spending increasing?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 13-19, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is the U.S. edging closer to a military confrontation with Iran?
2. Can expanded sports gambling bring significant assistance to state economies?
3. Is President Trump trying to goad the House into impeaching him?
4. Should local governments ban the use of facial recognition technology?
5. Is Florida the key state that President Trump must win in 2020?
6. Will higher gas prices dampen U.S. economic performance in the second quarter?
7. Is the United States headed for a debt crisis?
8. Could the U.S. assemble a multinational military force to unseat Maduro?
9. Can there be a “grand bargain” between the U.S. and China on trade?
10. Has Beto O’Rourke’s presidential bid fizzled out?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 6-12, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is Clarence Thomas’s influence on the Supreme Court growing?
2. How can U.S. healthcare best prepare itself to deal with an aging population?
3. Should the Trump administration pursue anti-monopoly litigation against Big Tech?
4. Has the Internet destroyed traditional news outlets?
5. Is Mark Morgan a smart choice to head ICE?
6. Will the economy be Trump’s “trump card” in 2020?
7. Should Barr be held in contempt?
8. Does the Democratic nominee need a tough position on China to win working class voters in 2020?
9. Where should the withdrawal of American forces in the Middle East stop?
10. What would a GOP climate change policy look like?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 6-12, 2019

HOTtopics1. Should Israel retake the Gaza Strip?
2. What lessons will future dictators learn about Bashar al-Assad’s ability to retain power in Syria?
3. Should the international community continue to provide food aid to North Korea?
4. Was the latest uprising against Maduro the last good chance to remove him from power?
5. How can Western government best combat jihadist terrorism in the Sahel?
6. Should Bosnia be partitioned?
7. Will support for Spain’s Vox Party continue to grow?
8. Are South Africans losing faith in Nelson Mandela’s legacy?
9. How can Nigeria stop its “brain drain”?
10. Should Japan keep its monarchy?

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