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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 1st-7th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is another government shutdown on the horizon?
2. How can coastal states generate more affordable housing?
3. Is America’s immigration system broken?
4. How can America have a serious conversation about race?
5. Will 2014 be a “wave election”?
6. Is California prepared for “the big one”?
7. Why is Sam Brownback struggling to win re-election?
8. Should the U.S. lower its corporate tax rate?
9. Will “affirmative consent” laws significantly curb sexual assault on U.S. campuses?
10. Should the U.S. back Bashar al-Assad?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 1st-7th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is the House of Representatives or the GNC the legitimate government of Libya?
2. What is the biggest challenge that Turkey’s economy faces?
3. Is Ollanta Humala’s influence waning?
4. Are multinational institutions a threat to democracy?
5. Is the recent Gaza conflict over?
6. Can Alain Juppe defeat Nicholas Sarkozy in 2017?
7. Is the Brazilian government doing enough to protect the rights of indigenous tribes?
8. Should the 2018 World Cup be taken away from Russia?
9. Is deflation a looming threat to the eurozone?
10. If Scotland became independent, should they adopt the euro?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 25th-31st, 2014


HOTtopics1. Will Pakistan’s military stage a coup?
2. What changes does Uber need to make to its service?
3. How will the Ebola outbreak affect the world economy?
4. Should the Bank of Canada raise interest rates?
5. Are austerity policies having a negative effect on the eurozone?
6. Can Mahamat Kamoun quell ethnic and religious violence in the Central African Republic?
7. How can Venezuela remedy food shortages?
8. The Syrian Civil War: Was Putin right?
9. How can African nations best meet their energy needs?
10. Is Grace Mugabe the next leader of Zimbabwe?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 25th-31st, 2014


HOTtopics1. Should the Federal Reserve raise interest rates?
2. What does Ferguson reveal about the state of American race relations?
3. Sarah Palin: Does she still matter?
4. Should Alaska enact oil tax reform?
5. How should America’s schools handle new demographic changes?
6. Why do so many Americans suffer from food insecurity?
7. Should Chelsea Manning be offered gender treatment?
8. How can McDonald’s improve sales in the United States?
9. Should the U.S. government pay ransoms to terrorist groups?
10. How will the indictment of Rick Perry impact the Texas gubernatorial race?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 18th-24th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Does the U.S. need a manned space program?
2. Is ISIS an immediate threat to the United States?
3. Should online communications enjoy a higher form of privacy protection?
4. Is legal pot a public health menace?
5. Should the U.S. place an arms embargo on Israel?
6. Does President Obama need a more defined foreign policy doctrine?
7. Will Scott Walker be re-elected?
8. Does the militarization of police forces pose a constitutional threat?
9. Should redistricting powers be taken away from state legislatures?
10. Is it in Hillary Clinton’s best interest to distance herself from President Obama?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 18th-24th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Has the Arab Spring morphed into the Jihad Spring?
2. What effect will the death of Eduardo Campos have on the Brazilian presidential election?
3. Should Nawaz Sharif call for new elections?
4. How can the Colombian government reduce tensions in La Guajira province?
5. Should an experimental Ebola vaccine be fast tracked?
6. What steps should the ECB take to raise economic growth in the eurozone?
7. Can welfare states handle large numbers of illegal migrant workers?
8. Will the Iranian nuclear talks continue after November?
9. Is the Mexican oil industry a good investment?
10. What does the future hold for the British Army?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 11th-17th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Can Shi’ite-Kurdish cooperation thwart the advance of the Islamic State?
2. Is Hun Sen’s grip on power slipping?
3. Should a permanent DMZ be established in Northern Gaza?
4. How can the international community best combat “digital jihad”?
5. Will economic problems accelerate Thailand’s transition to civilian rule?
6. Is reviving nuclear power an essential part of the Japanese economic recovery?
7. How can the ANC temper rising labor militancy within its ranks?
8. Is Boko Haram getting stronger?
9. Has Turkey lost its soft power influence?
10. Can Saad Hariri break Lebanon’s political deadlock?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 11th-17th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Could Mitt Romney become 2016’s “comeback kid”?
2. Are U.S. hospitals prepared for an Ebola outbreak?
3. Will the 2014 midterms be a referendum on President Obama?
4. Does the GOP have an “image problem”?
5. Should there be a ban on school bake sales?
6. Have Democrats done enough to protect Mark Udall’s Senate seat?
7. How should the U.S. government change the way it gives foreign aid?
8. Should food stamp eligibility include a mandatory work requirement?
9. After John Walsh’s withdrawal, have Democrats lost any chance of hanging on to Montana’s Senate seat?
10. What actions, if any, should the U.S. take against the Islamic State?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 4th-10th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Should John Brennan resign?
2. Are open carry advocates harming the pro-gun movement?
3. Is the latest jobs report good news for the U.S. economy?
4. Could Ben Carson win the 2016 Republican presidential nomination?
5. Why is the public souring on President Obama’s foreign policy?
6. Is Eric Cantor’s departure from Congress beneficial for the Republican Party?
7. Are American media conglomerates becoming too large?
8. How responsible is the U.S. for Libya’s instability?
9. What accounts for Hollywood’s awful summer?
10. How should the U.S. respond to the African Ebola outbreak?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 4th-10th, 2014


HOTtopics1. What steps do West African leaders need to take to contain the Ebola virus?
2. Are Spain’s labor reforms working?
3. Is the WTO a failed international institution?
4. How can Marine Le Pen sustain her high poll ratings?
5. Is Catherine Samba-Panza’s “lame duck” status hurting peace efforts in the Central African Republic?
6. Will Argentina’s debt default be the final nail in Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s political coffin?
7. Who should be the next Iraqi prime minister?
8. Why is Egypt supporting Israel in its Gaza campaign?
9. Is China’s anti-corruption campaign politically motivated?
10. How are international sanctions affecting Rosneft?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of July 28th-August 3rd, 2014


HOTtopics1. Will Israel’s campaign against Hamas trigger a wider regional war?
2. Should Japan investigate the treatment of “comfort women”?
3. How can ISIS expand their influence?
4. What should the post-MDGs development agenda look like?
5. Is the trial of Leopoldo Lopez a test of the quality of Venezuela’s democracy?
6. Does Africa need a “green revolution”?
7. Is the EU too fractured to present a united diplomatic front against Russia?
8. Does the Middle East need a vibrant Christian population?
9. How should South Africa implement land reform?
10. What should be Jokowi’s top priority?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of July 28th-August 3rd, 2014


HOTtopics1. Do questions about the legality of federal health insurance exchange subsidies imperil the future of the Affordable Care Act?
2. Will Georgia’s Senate race decide control of the Senate?
3. Should investors be alarmed at Amazon’s recent losses?
4. Assuming it could be implemented, would Paul Ryan’s anti-poverty plan work?
5. Should Hondurans be granted refugee status?
6. Is an overhaul of the corporate tax code the best way to prevent inversions?
7. Should obesity be considered a disability?
8. Is desalinization the answer to future droughts?
9. Will Montana’s Senate seat turn red in November?
10. Is President Obama’s foreign policy to blame for the violence in the Middle East?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of July 21st-27th, 2014


HOTtopics1. What impact would Rupert Murdoch’s purchase Time Warner have on the American media industry?
2. How can the Republican Party enhance its appeal to blue collar workers?
3. Would dividing California into six states produce a terrible economic outcome?
4. If there is a stock market bubble, how much of it is the result of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies?
5. Will Cormac Carney’s ruling against California’s death penalty survive appeal?
6. Should the federal government have a reduced role in the terrorism insurance market?
7. Does the House’s IRS probe still have legs?
8. Should vaccinations become compulsory for all American citizens?
9. Does President Obama have the right recipe for fixing America’s infrastructure woes?
10. Is John Kasich a viable presidential candidate?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of July 21st-27th, 2014


HOTtopics1. What is the best way for Bolivia to eradicate extreme poverty?
2. Will the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 significantly damage the ability of Ukrainian separatists to achieve their goals?
3. Should nations be held legally liable when their peacekeepers fail to protect civilian populations?
4. Is the world making significant progress in fight against AIDS?
5. Will David Cameron’s cabinet reshuffle enhance his electability?
6. What is wrong with Malaysia Airlines?
7. Will the Australian economy benefit from the abolition of the carbon tax?
8. Is the Russian economy heading into recession?
9. Are the BRICS too politically and economically diverse to make the NDB and CRA work?
10. Will Operation Protective Edge succeed?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of July 14th-20th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is a third intifada looming?
2. Has the Syrian civil war damaged the United Nations credibility?
3. Is Joko Widodo the Indonesian Obama?
4. Why have international peacekeepers failed to reduce human rights violations in the Central African Republic?
5. Do Latin American countries need to enact more mine safety regulations?
6. Does Nicaragua’s canal plan carry significant environmental risks?
7. Will Tunisia’s constitution empower women?
8. Is Afghanistan’s complete election audit necessary?
9. Should Great Britain pass legislation legalizing assisted suicide?
10. Can Ekmeleddin Ihasanoglu beat Tayyip Erdogan for the Turkish presidency?

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