Tag: practice extemp topics Page 47 of 76

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of July 14th-20th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Has the American public lost confidence in President Obama?
2. Does the border crisis help or hinder Rick Perry’s 2016 presidential prospects?
3. What steps should Rahm Emanuel take to reduce Chicago’s high crime rate?
4. Has the vilification of the Koch brothers gone too far?
5. Is Carl Icahn right about the need for investors to be cautious about U.S. stocks?
6. Should the federal government break up America’s largest banks?
7. Is GOP obstructionism the message that Democrats should double down on to win the 2014 midterms?
8. Should the FCC grant Amazon permission to test drones?
9. How important is Louisiana’s Senate race?
10. Does Kanerva v. Weems bode ill for Chicago’s economic future?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of July 7th-13th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is the United States still the world’s economic leader?
2. Will environmental concerns decide 2014 Senate races in the Western states?
3. Is soccer becoming a more prominent sport in America?
4. Should public sector unions exist?
5. Is Main Street benefiting from the current economic recovery?
6. What does sensible gun control look like?
7. Will the reemergence of Monica Lewinsky in the public eye help or hinder Hillary Clinton’s presidential prospects?
8. Why is Scott Brown not gaining traction in his attempt to become New Hampshire’s next senator?
9. Why are U.S.-German relations so poor?
10. Is access to contraceptives a human right?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of July 7th-13th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Have Western businesses operating in China betrayed democratic values?
2. Will growing recognition of indigenous land claims complicate the extraction of Canada’s natural resources?
3. How should the EU handle North African migrants?
4. Is Nicholas Sarkozy’s arrest a boon for the National Front?
5. Should China allow Hong Kong to democratically elected its chief executive?
6. Would a more proactive defense policy help or hinder the Japanese economy?
7. Should Arab states eliminate food and fuel subsidies?
8. How can Indonesia increase agricultural production?
9. The Islamic State: Will it last?
10. Is the Ukrainian government gaining the upper hand against separatist forces?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 30th-July 6th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is the New World Order quickly becoming the New World Disorder?
2. Will Iraqi violence eventually cause Nouri al-Maliki to resign?
3. Does Jean-Claude Juncker becoming the new president of the European Commission increase the chances of Great Britain leaving the EU?
4. How will corruption charges levied against Amado Boudou affect the Judicialist Party?
5. The “clock of the south”: What does it mean?
6. Is the West Africa Ebola outbreak becoming worse?
7. How long will Thailand’s generals stay in power?
8. Is Poland currently experiencing a “golden age”?
9. Will an HRC inquiry into Eritrea force the country to improve its human rights record?
10. How should Russia respond to Ukraine’s free trade agreement with the EU?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 30th-July 6th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is Hillary Clinton making the same mistakes that led to her defeat in 2008?
2. Should some businesses be forced to repay part of the compensation awards they received from BP for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill?
3. Does the Golden Gate Bridge really need a suicide net?
4. Should the U.S. sign the Ottawa Convention?
5. Did the Supreme Court issue the correct ruling in the Aereo case?
6. Should a negative revision of first quarter GDP figures be a cause for alarm?
7. How should the U.S. tackle violence in Central American nations?
8. What lessons should the Tea Party learn from its failure to bring down Thad Cochran?
9. In regards to the protection of privacy, What grade does the Roberts court deserve?
10. Will Ed O’Bannon win his case against the NCAA?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 23rd-29th, 2014


HOTtopics1. What should be the priorities of the new House Majority Leader?
2. Is Andrew Cuomo doing enough to address New York’s heroin problem?
3. Should the federal government raise the gas tax?
4. What reforms should be made to the IRS?
5. Does the U.S. need a new constitutional convention?
6. Is the GOP heading for a split?
7. How will the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on software patents affect the IT industry?
8. Are local minimum wage laws preferrable to state and federal action?
9. Should the U.S. send ground troops back to Iraq?
10. Is immigration replacing the economy as the biggest issue of the 2014 midterms?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 23rd-29th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Should the Kurds cheer for the fracturing of Iraq?
2. How can Pakistani political figures rein in the national army?
3. Should the West increase its sanctions on Russia?
4. Is a solution in sight for Venezuela’s political crisis?
5. How can the international community better deal with refugees in conflict zones?
6. Would U.S.-Iranian cooperation on Iraq produce benefits with regards to limiting Iran’s nuclear program?
7. Is Africa’s economic boom sustainable?
8. Should Latin American countries take in Gitmo prisoners?
9. How will violence in Iraq affect global oil prices?
10. Is Argentina headed for a technical default on its debt?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 9th-15th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Will changing economic fortunes lift the Conservative Party to victory in the 2015 British parliamentary elections?
2. Can female empowerment revive the Japanese economy?
3. Has Africa made significant process in the fight against AIDS?
4. Is the rise of the far-left in Greece preferable to the rise of the far-right?
5. If Jean-Claude Juncker does not become the next president of the European Commission, how would that impact Angela Merkel’s influence within the EU?
6. How can Michel Martelly quell protests against his rule?
7. Is it in Israel’s best interest to refuse to negotiate with the new Palestinian unity government?
8. How can Felipe VI rebuild confidence in the Spanish monarchy?
9. Did Malaysia botch the investigation into Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?
10. If Europe began paying more of the cost of its own defense, how would that impact its economic outlook?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 9th-15th, 2014


HOTtopics1. How can healthcare fraud be stopped?
2. What should U.S. authorities do with children crossing the Mexican border?
3. Should food stamp recipients be forced to eat healthier?
4. Will President Obama close Gitmo by the end of his term?
5. Would a Tea Party victory in the Mississippi Republican Senate primary runoff put the seat in play for Democrats?
6. NASA’s next big human mission: the moon, an asteroid landing, or Mars?
7. Is the U.S. economic comeback complete?
8. Will Seattle’s move to a $15 minimum wage lead other large cities to do the same?
9. What should the U.S. Congress do about student loan debt?
10. Will the EPA’s new carbon regulations be beneficial for the U.S. economy?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 2nd-8th, 2014


HOTtopics1. How would a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan affect America’s “pivot” to Asia?
2. Should Edward Snowden return to the United States?
3. What does the resignation of Jay Carney mean for the future of the Obama administration?
4. If the U.S. government decided to pay slave reparations, how should it go about doing so?
5. Has Chris Christie successfully weathered Bridgegate?
6. Will Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan’s donation to the San Francisco Bay Area schools produce lasting educational benefits?
7. How can book publishers beat Amazon?
8. Will the arrangement made to secure the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl endanger future U.S. military personnel?
9. Is April’s decline in consumer spending a cause for concern?
10. Will Eric Shinseki’s resignation quiet the VA scandal?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 2nd-8th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Can the “chocolate king” sweeten Ukraine’s relations with Russia?
2. Would a victory by Oscar Ivan Zuluaga in the Colombian presidential runoff constitute a third term for Alvaro Uribe?
3. Who should become the next president of the European Commission?
4. Should Great Britain count prostitution and illegal drugs in its GDP calculations?
5. Can Mariano Rajoy’s proposed stimulus package rein in Spain’s high unemployment rate?
6. Can the Eurasian Economic Union become a significant rival to the EU?
7. Is another Tiananmen possible in today’s China?
8. What is the biggest challenge that Malawai president-elect Peter Mutharika will have to overcome in his first year in office?
9. Should the OSCE leave Ukraine?
10. Turkey to the EU: Has the dream died?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 26th-June 1st, 2014


HOTtopics1. Why has Mexico struggled to build sizable export industries?
2. Is the National Front poised to become France’s main opposition party?
3. Will more international involvement in Nigeria’s struggle against Boko Haram make the conflict worse?
4. Can the Somali military handle al-Shabab?
5. Is military action or negotiation the best way for Pakistan to deal with the Pakistani Taliban?
6. Can the Chilean economy support Michelle Bachelet’s policy program?
7. How will Russia’s new energy agreement with China affect the international sanctions levied against it?
8. Does Libya need a strongman?
9. What does Narendra Modi’s election mean for the future of Indian-Pakistani relations?
10. Will the recent coup in Thailand resolve the country’s political deadlock?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 26th-June 1st, 2014


HOTtopics1. Would the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act improve job training programs?
2. Will “coal politics” drag down Democratic candidates in the 2014 midterms?
3. What should be done to resolve New York City’s housing crunch?
4. Will a recent WTO ruling against China worsen America’s relations with the People’s Republic?
5. Which “blue” state is most likely to turn “red” by the next presidential election cycle?
6. Should school districts opt out of the National School Lunch Program?
7. Will Tennessee’s reversion to the electric chair as a form of capital punishment pass constitutional muster?
8. Has Colorado’s marijuana legalization effort been successful?
9. Is President Obama too reluctant to fire people in his administration?
10. Why did the Tea Party fail to defeat Mitch McConnell in the Kentucky Republican Senate primary?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 19th-25th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is America’s foreign policy toward Iran working?
2. Was Nebraska’s Republican Senate primary a big win for the Tea Party?
3. How can Julian Castro use HUD to advance his political career?
4. Will new media mergers work against the interests of consumers?
5. Is Cornell William Brooks a great pick to lead the NAACP?
6. Should Americans have more faith in their political institutions?
7. Why is racial segregation increasing in America’s schools?
8. Is a left-right convergence possible in American politics?
9. Should the U.S. consider paving the interstates with solar panels?
10. If she decides to run, will Hillary Clinton’s age be a significant issue in the 2016 presidential election?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 19th-25th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is the EU’s ruling against Google counterproductive?
2. Will the Syrian civil war be resolved by blood instead of words?
3. If Japan remilitarized, how would it affect its relationship with other nations in East Asia?
4. Will the Arctic become the next “great game” of the world’s major powers?
5. Should developing countries implement more regulations against big tobacco?
6. Is the EU responsible for recent political victories by the far-right?
7. Should FIFA move the 2022 from Qatar?
8. Is the political leadership in Israel and the Palestinian territories really interested in making peace with each other?
9. Why did Swiss voters reject the world’s highest minimum wage?
10. Will the landslide election of BJP produce greater economic growth?

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