Tag: practice extemp topics Page 68 of 76

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 13th-19th, 2010

1. Are unemployment benefit extensions hurting the speed of the economic recovery?
2. How far to the left should Obama go in choosing a successor for John Paul Stevens?
3. Why have the U.S. Treasury’s foreclosure-prevention programs failed to get off the ground?
4. Is the tea party movement a growing national security threat?
5. Will Arizona’s passage of a strict illegal immigration bill be replicated in other states?
6. Should the federal government do more to rein in the payday loan industry?
7. Why is financial reform turning into a partisan issue?
8. Was Mitt Romney’s victory in the Southern Republican Leadership Conference straw poll a strong indication that he will be his party’s nominee for president in 2012?
9. Will environmental advocates in the Senate be able to craft a bill that will woo moderate Republicans?
10. Does the victory of Ted Deutch in Florida show that predictions of a strong GOP victory in 2010 are premature?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 13th-19th, 2010

1.  Why is violence among labor unions rising in Venezuela?
2.  Will Pakistan’s move to curb presidential powers bring more stability to the nation’s political system?
3.  How will the tragic death of Lech Kaczynski and other members of the Polish political elite impact the nation’s relations with Russia?
4.  Should Kurmanbek Bakiyev flee Krygyzstan?
5.  How much does the military matter in Turkish politics today?
6.  Was it a mistake for FIFA to give South Africa the World Cup?
7.  How can the Conservative Party stop the bleeding and win next month’s parliamentary elections in Britain?
8.  Why is the far right gaining ground in Hungary?
9.  Did Netanyahu make the right decision in choosing not to attend President Obama’s nuclear summit?
10.  How would China react if America adopted a tougher approach to its currency practices?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 6th-12th, 2010

1.  Will the upcoming British election result in a hung Parliament?
2.  How badly does the West need Hamid Karzai?
3.  Are electoral boycotts a counterproductive strategy for opposition parties across the globe?
4.  Would nuclear power be better than other alternative energy sources for Africa?
5.  How can India successfully defeat the Naxalites?
6.  Is a military coup the answer to Thailand’s deteriorating political situation?
7.  What impact will the murder of Eugene Terreblanche have on South African politics?
8.  Will ASEAN criticism of Myanmar’s election laws result in significant changes ahead of the nation’s elections this year?
9.  How much of a blow to NATO is Ukraine’s decision to scrap plans to join the organization?
10.  Has Israel lost Turkey?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 6th-12th, 2010

1.  What should the U.S. do with captured Somali pirates?
2.  Should the U.S. continue to link political reform in Cuba to a lifting of its embargo on the island nation?
3.  Does the elevation of Mike Leavitt as RNC Chief of Staff spell problems for the party’s 2010 hopes?
4.  Is the White House exaggerating the progress made in the latest jobs report?
5.  Are Obama’s plans to revamp America’s nuclear defense strategy sensible?
6.  Will the Performance Rights Act bankrupt local radio stations?
7.  Are high oil prices a reflection of economic recovery or yet another sign of economic distress for the U.S.?
8.  Should college athletes be paid?
9.  Why is Meg Whitman leading Jerry Brown in the California governor’s race?
10.  Should Elena Kagan replace John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 30th-April 5th, 2010

1. Is Charlie Crist toast in Florida?
2. Will new student loan reform legislation help college students?
3. Do American schools have a bullying crisis?
4. How can the U.S. government increase the number of people who participate in the Census?
5. Should the Obama administration impose a peace settlement between the Israeli and Palestinians?
6. Will the Republicans be as opposed to financial reform as they were to healthcare reform?
7. How can the Democrats win the PR war over healthcare reform?
8. Does the appointment of Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board reignite the national debate over card check?
9. Will California voters legalize marijuana in November?
10. Is President Obama’s tougher stance against Republican opposition a sign of strength or of desperation?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 30th-April 5th, 2010

1.  What does the low turnout for the recent regional elections in Italy say about the state of politics in the country?
2.  Would it be in Colombia’s best interest to exchange captured FARC rebels for hostages?
3.  How can Nicolas Sarkozy turn around his dismal approval ratings?
4.  Are Arab hardliners being strengthened by the current spat between the United States and Israel?
5.  Will Greece’s economic difficulties permanently prevent Britain from joining the euro zone?
6.  How should Russia respond to the recent Moscow subway attacks?
7.  Is it wise for Burma’s opposition to boycott the country’s upcoming elections?
8.  Will China’s hostility to internal criticism be a roadblock in its path to becoming a global economic superpower?
9.  How can China improve the safety of its mines?
10.  If Turkey is willing to support sanctions against Iran, should the EU offer it immediate membership?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 23rd-29th, 2010

1.  How will Google’s decision to leave China impact the Chinese economy?
2.  Does Israel need the United States?
3.  Is more nonmilitary aid the best way to combat Mexico’s drug cartels?
4.  Should Sudan’s elections be postponed?
5.  Why is France backing down from its carbon tax plan?
6.  Should the UN have a stronger role in the regulation of ocean fish?
7.  Is North Korea heading towards another famine?
8.  Should the U.S. recognize Pakistan as a nuclear power?
9.  How can Myanmar’s junta make their upcoming election appear legitimate?
10.  Is it wise for Turkey to cancel talks on a new loan from the IMF?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 23rd-29th, 2010

1. Does Obama’s anti-abortion executive order do enough to ensure that federal dollars are not used for abortions?
2. Is the media covering the tea party movement fairly?
3. Does the financial overhaul bill do enough to prevent future threats to the economy?
4. Are school lunches healthy enough?
5. Is the allowance of offshore oil and gas drilling a worthy price to pay for a cap and trade bill?
6. Does the FCC’s broadband plan need more competition?
7. What should the U.S. do with its nuclear waste?
8. Is it a political mistake for the Republicans to promise that they will repeal Obama’s healthcare legislation?
9. Who is the biggest loser from ACORN’s decision to disband?
10. Will the Democrats win the reconciliation fight over healthcare in the Senate?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 16th-22nd, 2010

1.  Are U.S.-Israeli relations in a crisis?
2.  Is a one drug method of lethal injection constitutional?
3.  Would Obama’s healthcare reform bankrupt the United States within a decade?
4.  Is Eric Holder’s admission that the U.S. does not expect to capture Osama bin Laden detrimental to the war on terrorism?
5.  Would a downgrading of America’s credit rating cause the U.S. Congress to get more serious about deficit spending?
6.  Do U.S. forces need more lenient rules of engagement in Afghanistan?
7.  Will the Obama administration’s planned revisions of No Child Left Behind be a boon for American education?
8.  Why is teen drug use back on the rise?
9.  How can the U.S. Postal Service change its financial fortunes?
10.  Will the “slaughter rule” be used to pass healthcare reform?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 15th-19th, 2010

1.  Is Sarath Fonseka being unfairly prosecuted?
2.  Should Abhisit Vejajiva call for new elections in Thailand?
3.  What do the first round of regional elections in France say about Sarkozy’s odds of winning a second term?
4.  Will calls by four Egyptian opposition parties for constitutional reforms bear fruit in the near future?
5.  What is behind Argentina’s coin shortage?
6.  How can African governments combat “quiet” corruption?
7.  Should anything be read into reports that North Korea has sent workers to South Africa to help with World Cup construction?
8.  How should Pope Benedict XVI deal with the latest abuse accusations against the Catholic Church in Germany?
9.  Did Saakashvili orchestrate a fake news report of a Russian invasion to discredit his political opponents?
10.  How will the killing of three people linked to the U.S. consulate in Mexico impact Mexico’s drug war?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 9th-15th, 2010

1.  Will the latest attempt at securing peace between the Israelis and Palestinians prove unsuccessful?
2.  Can Juan Manuel Santos fill Alvaro Uribe’s shoes?
3.  How can Hezbollah be disarmed?
4.  Has the international community already forgotten about Haiti?
5.  Is the religious violence in Nigeria beyond the scope of government control?
6.  Did Jacob Zuma’s declaration of his financial interests go far enough?
7.  Why are European governments weak when it comes to Libya?
8.  How can the international community stop gendercide?
9.  Will the resignation of Carmen Fernandez improve future Chilean efforts at disaster relief?
10.  Considering the last decade of work, what grade do UN peacekeeping operations deserve?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 9th-15th, 2010

1.  Can Obama’s attacks on the health insurance industry rally support for healthcare reform?
2.  Does the spin placed on the latest unemployment figures by Democrats have validity?
3.  Why has the media ignored climategate?
4.  Will restructuring at AIG enable U.S. taxpayers to recover bailout money?
5.  What role will the Chamber of Commerce play in the 2010 midterms?
6.  Have American police forces greatly improved their relations with minority communities over the last decade?
7.  Will Eric Massa’s revelations about Rahm Emanuel significantly hurt the Obama administration?
8.  Is the U.S. headed towards a trade war with Brazil?
9.  Will the debate over immigration reform reignite the debate over a national ID card?
10.  Why did Avatar lose best picture at the Academy Awards?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 2nd-8th, 2010

1.  Will the use of budget reconciliation to enact healthcare reform destroy the Democrats chances of retaining control of Congress in 2010?
2.  Which side should the U.S. take in the latest Falkland Islands dispute?
3.  Will Charlie Rangel lose his chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee?
4.  Is Jim Bunning being unfairly criticzed for blocking a vote on extending unemployment benefits?
5.  What accounts for America’s Winter Olympics performance?
6.  Can Jerry Brown save California?
7.  Should the federal government increase fuel taxes?
8.  Will the firing of teachers at Central Falls High School become a national trend?
9.  Why was Rick Perry able to defeat Kay Bailey Hutchison in the Texas GOP gubernatorial primary?
10.  Will Arlen Specter be able to defeat Pat Toomey this November?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 2nd-8th, 2010

1.  What grade does the Chilean government deserve for its response to the nation’s recent earthquake?
2.  Would an EU bailout for Greece weaken investor confidence in the euro?
3.  Will Russia rebound from its Olympics flop?
4.  Why has Gordon Brown seen a bounce in the polls?
5.  Are closer ties with the EU in Ukraine’s best interest?
6.  Will Karadzic’s trial end up like Milosevic’s?
7.  Is Nigeria on the verge of a civil war?
8.  How will the declaration of two biblical tombs in the West Bank as Israeli heritage sites impact the prospects of a future Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement?
9.  Does the Marja offensive show that the Afghan military is improving its skills?
10.  Will the Iraqi elections see the reemergence of Ahmad Chalabi as a force in Iraqi politics?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 23rd-March 1st, 2010

1.  How should the UN handle the oil dispute in the Falkland Islands?
2.  Will Israel suffer severe diplomatic consequences over the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh?
3.  What role could Russia play in a new Middle East peace agreement? 
4.  Will a ceasefire agreement between the JEM and the Sudanese government bring peace to Darfur?
5.  Is the Niger junta’s commitment to civilian democracy genuine?
6.  Are civilian casualties acceptable in NATO’s latest Afghan offensive?
7.  Should Labour keep Geert Wilders out of the new Dutch government?
8.  Will the global economy experience a wave of sovereign debt defaults by December 2011?
9.  Have the Vancouver Olympics been a success?
10.  Should the EU create a European Monetary Fund?

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