by Logan Scisco

In just a month’s time, the National Catholic Forensic League (NCFL) will host its national tournament and that will be followed a few weeks later by the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA – formerly National Forensic Association – NFL) National Tournament.  For many extempers, there is a lag time of a month or more between when their local circuit ceases competition and attending nationals.  This is a time when skills can erode if an extemper is not practicing or keeping up with national and international events.  Even extempers that are still competing on their local circuits into April risk burnout if not given enough time to mentally decompress and prepare for the challenge of competing against extempers from all parts of the United States at these national tournaments.

This strategy piece will discuss ways that extempers can adequately prepare for each national tournament.  I highly recommend extempers that have qualified to either competition to search Extemp Central for strategy pieces that have been written by past national champions and competitors as they will supplement the tips contained here.  The Internet is a great tool for acquiring a lot of advice on extemporaneous speaking and extempers should use it to their advantage as they prepare for Chicago and Overland Park this year.