Tag: Prepd

Prepd’s Virtual Extemp Challenge is Gauging Interest!

Since the coronavirus pandemic took off in the United States, most speech and debate tournaments have been cancelled. However, the Tournament of Champions recently ran as a virtual competition, and NSDA Nationals is planning to do so as well.

Prepd is considering launching its own virtual tournament specifically for Extemporaneous speaking (link to https://prepd.in/VirtualExtemp/). Prepd wants to reimagine a speech and debate tournament from scratch as a digitally native offering, which would include:

· A massive, open, online competition

· Scholarship prizes for winners

· A dashboard for virtual audience engagement

· Digital certificates of accomplishment

· Separate pools for varsity and novice extempers

Learn more about Prepd’s vision for the Virtual Extemp Challenge by visiting https://prepd.in/VirtualExtemp/.

Prepd is still gauging interest from the broader community. Anyone who is interested in participating as a competitor, judge, or coach is encouraged to fill out this brief form: https://forms.gle/HPYpDYBqVhdbSoM18

Prepd Updates Mobile Apps, Offers FREE Access Through the Summer


l_2Prepd – the software startup behind popular applications for Extemp and Congress – released a major update this week. New versions of Prepd’s iPhone and Android applications are now available. With Version 1.2.0, you can save articles directly to Extemp folders and Congress bills from your phone. Also, the app supports dedicated news reading apps, like Apple News.

Prepd’s blog provides additional details about the mobile app update. Prepd’s mobile initiative is a major focus for the company. Prepd coaches and debaters can expect to see new mobile features soon.

Perhaps of greater interest to those competing at NSDA Nationals or attending a summer camp, Prepd will be entirely free to use from now until September. Although Prepd has offered free membership options in the past (Free Team accounts for groups of students that want to collaborate, and Free One accounts for those who file and compete independently), the free accounts were limited to saving 100 total articles. Now, those restrictions have been removed. You can create a Free Team or a Free One account and save up to 250,000 articles, which is the same article limit enjoyed by Premium (paid) accounts.

To join Prepd for free, visit signup.prepd.in. You will first create an individual user account.

Prepd launches the News Feed, an auto-filing solution for Extemp news articles


l_2Prepd is determined to finish 2016 with a bang. The Prepd Team just released several major new features. The most notable among them, at least from Extemp Central’s perspective, is the News Feed – an auto-filing solution that automatically pulls articles from 21 different news sources.

Q&A With Ian Panchevre, The Founder of Prepd


l_2If you’re a regular reader of Extemp Central, chances are you’re familiar with Prepd (pronounced “prepped”). The startup that has built popular apps for Extemp and Congress recently launched Generation 3, a brand new version of its debate technology. I caught up with Ian Panchevre, the founder of Prepd. This interview has been lightly edited for clarity.

Prepd Unveils Generation 3, The Next Version of its Debate Technology



Prepd – the startup behind popular Extemp and Congress software – has just unveiled the next version of its debate technology: Generation 3.

“Prepd Generation 3 is a complete rebuild of our technology,” Prepd founder, Ian Panchèvre, explains. “We’ve completely reimagined what debate software should be.”

Since graduating from Yale last spring, Panchèvre has visited dozens of schools to see how students and teachers were using Prepd in a live classroom environment, embarking on what he describes as “a customer empathy journey.”

“Instead of thinking about Prepd as a former debater, building what I would have wanted to use, I wanted to understand and channel the needs of the community directly into our product.”

Ultimately, he and his team arrived at a number of key insights that informed their thinking. In true Extemp fashion, Panchèvre lists three points:

Prepd Finishes Year 2, Launches Software for Congressional Debate


l_2Prepd – software that helps extemporaneous speakers research, practice, and compete –  was founded in April, 2013. Thus far, nearly 300 debate programs have adopted the application. Over 1 million articles have been uploaded. With all of Prepd’s progress, it seems fitting that Prepd is now supporting a second debate event. I caught up with Prepd’s founder, Ian Panchèvre, to learn more about Prepd’s new product for Congressional Debate.

Prepd Goes Mobile!: Prepd releases an iPad App, Prepares to Launch a Free Smartphone App for Student Congress


l_2Prepd is software for Extemp. Prepd helps extempers research, practice, and compete. For coaches, Prepd makes it easy to manage and monitor their team. Learn more about Prepd by visiting www.prepd.in

Prepd is proud to announce the launch of its first mobile product! Prepd for iPad is an application that replicates the experience of Prepd’s Offline App. Prepd’s mobile app runs on iPad devices using iOS 8.0 and higher.

To download Prepd for iPad, simply search “Prepd – Extemp” in the App Store or open the following link on your iPad: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/prepd-extemp/id949527116

Prepd’s iPad app synchronizes articles from the Dashboard. Users can go offline and open folders and articles while in competition. The iPad app is free to download, but requires a Prepd account in order to log in.

Moreover, Prepd is weeks away from releasing a new product for Student Congress. Precedence is a mobile app that will run on iPhone and Android devices. As the name implies, Precedence makes it easy for debaters to keep track of precedence and recency in a Student Congress round. Precedence will be available for free to any person who would like to use the app, even if their team does not use Prepd’s Extemp software.

Learn more about Precedence: http://prepd.in/precedence/

If you submit your email through the website, you will be among the first to know when Precedence is available for free download.

Filing Technology: Extemp Central Chats With Prepd!


l_2Prepd is software for Extemp. Prepd helps extempers research, practice, and compete. For coaches, Prepd makes it easy to manage and monitor their team. Learn more about Prepd by visiting www.prepd.in

The following is an excerpted conversation between Extemp Central’s Logan Scisco and Ian Panchèvre, the founder of Prepd. You can reach Ian by emailing [email protected].

Plug: Prepd Extemp Filing Software

1238112_499167350177246_728795908_nSan Antonio, TX, August 28th, 2013Prepd, dedicated software for Extemp, launched today in public beta. Prepd has already been working with about a dozen, private beta partners. As of today, any high school or college debate team, or individual competitor, can join Prepd.

Extemporaneous Speaking (or “Extemp”) is a speech and debate event that requires competitors to give speeches on current event topics, with limited preparation.

In the past, extempers would prepare by printing out and filing thousands of news articles from the Internet. However, rule changes by the National Forensic League and many local circuits now allow students to use laptops and tablets to access articles in competition.

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