Tag: racial justice

NSDA Nationals USX R&D from Prepd: Racial Justice

Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd (pronounced “prepped”). Prepd is building debate technology that helps extempers and congressional debaters research, practice, and compete. Visit www.prepd.in to learn more.

Over the next month and a half, Extemp Central will provide R&Ds on the topic areas for the 2022 NSDA National Tournament.  USX topic areas will have R&Ds posted on Tuesday & Thursday and IX topic areas will have R&Ds posted on Tuesday & Friday.  This is meant to help extempers assemble resources to prepare for the competition in Louisville.  This week we tackle USX topic area #9 on Racial Justice.

R&D from Prepd: Racial Justice

Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd (pronounced “prepped”). Prepd is building debate technology that helps extempers and congressional debaters research, practice, and compete. Visit www.prepd.in to learn more.

As part of the leadup to the 2021 National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) National Tournament, Extemp Central will be providing daily research & development (R&D) posts for each of the tournament’s fourteen topic areas.  These will include links to important articles about each. It is hoped that these will aid in extempers preparation for this year’s national tournament.

Topic Brief: Disproportionate Minority Confinement (Part II)


by Bill Thompson

Bill Thompson competed in college for Western Kentucky University (WKU) in extemp, debate, impromptu and other events during the early 1990’s.  Mr. Thompson was WKU’s first national  finalist and first champion in limited prep at a national tournament.  Thompson started coaching high school extemp in 1993 and has coached extempers to four state championships and numerous state finals.  In the last decade he has had extempers in numerous national elimination rounds and had a student finish in the top six at the MBA Round Robin.  In his daily life he is a case manager at a teen shelter for homeless/runaway/abused youth in Louisville Kentucky.  DMC and MI are topics that he deals with daily and is passionate about.  Questions about this brief can be sent to [email protected] or feel free to approach him at a tournament to discuss these or other extemp issues. 

Part I of this topic brief can be found here.

Topic Brief: Disproportionate Minority Confinement (Part I)


by Bill Thompson

Bill Thompson competed in college for Western Kentucky University (WKU) in extemp, debate, impromptu and other events during the early 1990’s.  Mr. Thompson was WKU’s first national  finalist and first champion in limited prep at a national tournament.  Thompson started coaching high school extemp in 1993 and has coached extempers to four state championships and numerous state finals.  In the last decade he has had extempers in numerous national elimination rounds and had a student finish in the top six at the MBA Round Robin.  In his daily life he is a case manager at a teen shelter for homeless/runaway/abused youth in Louisville Kentucky.  DMC and MI are topics that he deals with daily and is passionate about.  Questions about this brief can be sent to [email protected] or feel free to approach him at a tournament to discuss these or other extemp issues. 

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