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R&D from Prepd: French Burkini Bans


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on French areas banning women from wearing a burkini, which is a burqa version of a swimsuit.  Although some fashion companies are attempting to offer Islamic-friendly swimwear, some French communities have banned the dress, arguing that it is a religious symbol that violates the country’s secular norms.  Opponents of the bans say that they are unnecessarily discriminatory.

R&D from Prepd: Weekly Roundup for the Week of August 15-21, 2016


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

Here is our weekly survey of news stories to round out the week of August 15-21, 2016.

R&D from Prepd: Italy’s Economy


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on the Italian economy.  One of the ailing economies of the European Union (EU), Italy’s banking system has received a poor review by EU stress tests due to the fact that they hold  €360 billion in underperforming loans.  Since Italy’s government has worked to guarantee the debts of its banks, this could impair its fiscal position and it is causing significant headaches for Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who hopes that economic problems do not imperil a looming referendum on constitutional changes.

R&D from Prepd: The U.S. Airline Industry


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on the U.S. airline industry.  Critics of the industry called upon the federal government to impose new regulations last week after a Delta computer glitch led to the cancellation of more than one thousand flights.  Wait times, fee increases, and delays have become common in recent years in the U.S. airline industry that has four major carriers and passenger rights groups and consumer advocates argue that breaking up these airlines could create better customer service and more efficiency.

R&D from Prepd: Weekly Roundup for the Week of August 8-14, 2016


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

Here is our weekly survey of news stories to round out the week of August 8-14, 2016.

R&D from Prepd: Unemployment in the United States


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on unemployment in the United States.  The Commerce Department announced last Friday that the U.S. unemployment rate remained at 4.9% and that the economy added 255,000 jobs in July.  Optimists argue that these are good numbers that signal a continued economic recovery, but pessimists respond that too many Americans are still in part-time jobs when they desire full-time employment.

R&D from Prepd: Robert Mugabe’s Political Position


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s political position.  Mugabe has governed Zimbabwe in various capacities since 1980 and his rule is infamous for corruption and poor economic management.  Repression of political opponents, as well as the inability of those opponents to cooperate, has allowed Mugabe to stay in power but he is facing growing opposition due to continued economic stagnation and the unpopularity of his wife Grace.  Ninety-two years old, Mugabe is one of Africa’s oldest leaders and observers are speculating what a post-Mugabe Zimbabwe will look like.

R&D from Prepd: Weekly Roundup for the Week of August 1-7, 2016


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

Here is our weekly survey of news stories to round out the week of August 1-7, 2016.

R&D from Prepd: Erdogan’s Consolidation of Power in Turkey


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s consolidation of power in Turkey after a failed coup several weeks ago.  Erdogan has blamed cleric Fethullah Gullen for masterminding the coup and has arrested or sacked military commanders, journalists, academics, and bureaucrats that do not have loyalty to his government.  Western nations are wary of Erdogan’s actions, warning him not to trample Turkey’s democratic system.

R&D from Prepd: Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Exit from the DNC Leadership


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on Debbie Wassmerman Schultz’s exit as Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair.  Wasserman Schultz stepped down as chairwoman last week after WikiLeaks revealed e-mails that the DNC had actively plotted to undermine the presidential campaign of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.  Wasserman Schultz was criticized by Sanders supporters throughout the campaign of favoring the candidacy of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  Some observers have also noted that the split could undermine Wassmeran Schultz’s re-election campaign to the House, as she leads a Sanders-aligned candidate by only eight points in a recent poll.

R&D from Prepd: Weekly Roundup for the Week of June 6-12, 2016


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

Here is our weekly survey of news stories to round out the week of June 6-12, 2016.

R&D from Prepd: Daily Overview for June 9, 2016


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

Here is a collection of major news stories for June 9, 2016.

R&D: Turkey’s War With the PKK


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on Turkey’s war with the PKK.

R&D from Prepd: Daily Overview for June 7, 2016


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on major events surrounding the United States and the world for June 7, 2016.  With the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) National Tournament approaching Extemp Central will provide these daily overviews instead of content-specific R&Ds for this week.

Note:  This week’s news quiz will be posted on Thursday due to Logan Scisco currently attending the AP U.S. History reading in Louisville, Kentucky.

R&D from Prepd: Weekly Roundup for the Week of May 30-June 5, 2016


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

Here is our weekly survey of news stories to round out the week of May 30-June 5, 2016.

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