Tag: September 2009 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 29th-October 5th, 2009

1. How much economic reform will the next German government be able to achieve?questions
2. Is Hamas making Netanyahu’s job easy?
3. Will South Korea’s offer of a “grand bargain” significantly change the way the international community handles North Korea?
4. Is Zelaya’s return a diplomatic coup for Brazil over Chavez?
5. In light of a recent GAO report, does the US need to rethink the border fence?
6. If Copenhagen fails, will the U.S. be to blame?
7. Will McChrystal get his troops?
8. Is California’s attempt at tax reform DOA?
9. Should Latin American anti-poverty measures be widely adopted in the United States?
10. Has the left become disenchanted with Obama?

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 22nd-28th, 2009

1.  Does the tea party movement significantly threaten Obama’s presidency?questions
2. Should the UN sanction Venezuela if it undermines stronger sanctions on Iran?
3. Does healthcare legislation need to do more to restrict access by illegal immigrants?
4. Is U.S. policy pushing Israel closer to attacking Iran?
5. Why is violent crime declining in the United States?
6. Is the DPJ’s stimulus enough?
7. Have American’s lost confidence in the mainstream media?
8. Is Obama playing with fire in deciding to slap import tariffs on Chinese tires?
9. How much of a possibility is a double dip recession for the U.S. economy?
10. Will Noordin’s death make Indonesia safer from terrorism in the long-term?

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 15th-21st, 2009

1. Will Wilson’s outburst cost him re-election?questions
2. Has China lost control of Xinjiang?
3. Will the Megrahi situation cause the Obama administration to be more hesitant to release prisoners at Gitmo?
4. Did Uribe beat Chavez on U.S. military bases in Colombia?
5. Is the U.S. budget deficit hurting the country’s economic competitiveness?
6. Does Japan need to patch up its economic safety net?
7. Is the Obama administration overselling the stimulus?
8. Has the ECC recount discredited the Afghan election?
9. Is the Malay government doing a poor job managing the country’s ethnic disputes?
10. How can Palin learn to “howl like the wolves”?

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 8th-14th, 2009

1. Has environmentalism overrun common sense in California?questions
2. Does China’s recent criticism of Myanmar show that it is taking the issue of human rights more seriously?
3. Should climate change denial be a crime?
4. Does the U.S. need more e-colleges?
5. How much change will the DPJ be able to bring to Japan?
6. Should Massachusetts legislators change state law to allow Deval Patrick to appoint an interim replacement for Ted Kennedy?
7. Is the West embracing Libya too much?
8. Does the current economic climate make immigration reform harder?
9. Is the high prevalence of private contractors in Afghanistan an impediment to success there?
10. Is Berlusconi’s government living on a prayer?

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 1st-7th, 2009

1. Is China doing enough to curb environmental pollution?questions
2. Who is Mexico’s most dangerous drug cartel?
3. Are attempts at a bipartisan solution to healthcare futile?
4. How can the U.S. military increase the mental health of its troops?
5. Does Bernanke deserve another term?
6. Are Democrats politicizing Ted Kennedy’s death?
7. Does Angela Merkel need to become more aggressive after local election setbacks for her party?
8. How can opium be eradicated in Afghanistan?
9. Will the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group be a better way to get information from terror suspects?
10. How will the DPJ adjust Japan’s relationship with the United States?

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