Tag: September 2009 news quiz

News Quiz Answers for the Week of September 28th-October 2nd, 2009

Here are the answers to this week’s extemp news quiz.  I have used the multiple choice template so as best to show the answers forquiz-01 the multiple choice/short answer versions.  The answers are in bold.  Check back Monday for the next Extemp Central news quiz!





Short Answer News Quiz for September 28th-October 2nd, 2009

quiz-01Here’s the third installment of the Extemp Central news quiz. This is the short answer version of the quiz for experienced extempers and can be utilized by coaches for their squads. The questions are the same as the multiple choice version.  The answers for the quiz will be revealed on Friday.



Multiple Choice News Quiz for September 28th-October 2nd, 2009

Here’s the third installment of the Extemp Central news quiz. This is the multiple choice version of the quiz for novice extempers andquiz-01 can be utilized by coaches for their squads. The questions are the same as the short answer version.  The answers for the quiz will be revealed on Friday.


News Quiz Answers for September 21st-25th, 2009

It’s time for the answers to this week’s extemp news quiz.quiz-01

Before the answers are released, here is a quick recap of the quiz this week:

1. Barack Obama changed plans for what type of defense system last week?
2. Which two countries were supposed to house this defense system?
3. Which politician cried last week when warning the U.S. public about the possiblity of political violence?
4. Which city, that experienced violence in the 1970s, did this politician reference?
5. Noordin Top was the most wanted terrorist in which country, where he was killed last week?
6. Afghan election alphabet soup: what do the IEC and ECC stand for?
7. Which European country re-elected a centre-left government last week and likely killed a possible EU bid in the process?
8. Last week, Congress moved to cut off funding for which community organizing group?
9. President Obama recently decided to impose a 35% tariff on what Chinese produced good?
10. Which Latin American nation is pushing forward a media bill called the Audio-Visual Communication Law? Its creators say it is needed for increasing voices in the media, while critics say it is trying to shut down criticism of this nation’s government.

Extemp Central News Quiz for September 21st-25th, 2009

This is the latest news quiz from Extemp Central.  There are ten questions consisting of domestic and international issues that arequiz-01  eant to help extempers check and/or broaden their knowledge base. Although last week’s quiz had multiple choice, this week’s is all short answer/recall. Extemp Central will release two versions of the quiz next week, one multiple choice and one short answer, which coaches can use at their discretion to help students on a case-by-case basis.

September 14th-September 18th, 2009 Quiz Answers

This week saw the debut of the first ever Extemp Central news quiz.  Extemp Central hopes that this resources will be of great use toquiz-01 the extemp community and can aid extempers to all ability levels.

A quick recap of the quiz questions:

1. Who was the House member who called Obama a liar during his address to Congress on healthcare?
2. What state was this House member from?
3. What is the name of the Obama czar who had to resign last week?
4. Which European country will hold an election at the end of this month?
5. The U.S. has recently cut forms of aid to this nation after it deposed its president last June…
6. Who is the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee that is pushing a bipartisan health bill?
7. What is the central issue in the Supreme Court case of United v. FEC?
                             a. Prison overcrowding c. Campaign finance restrictions
                             b. Media censorship d. Freedom of religious expression
8. Mexico recently saw a goverment shakeup that led to this official losing his job. What official lost their job?
                             a. Defense minister c. Prime minister
                             b. Attorney general d. Interior minister
9. Which nation announced last week that it will be giving Iran free gasoline?
10. What is the name of Colombia’s rebel group (full name not abbreviation)?

Eager to find out or confirm your answers to the first ever Extemp Central news quiz?  Click “continue reading” to discover them!

Extemp Central News Quiz for Week of September 14th-18th

quiz-01As a new service, Extemp Central will be providing a weekly news quiz for all extempers around the country.  The quiz will be posted on Monday and the answers will be revealed on Friday.  We hope that this will be a welcome addition to what Extemp Central currently offers.

Also, starting in November we will increase our number of offered extemp questions from ten to twenty. On Tuesdays, Extemp Central will unveil ten U.S. extemp questions and on Wednesdays, Extemp Central will unveil ten International questions. What will likely occur is that U.S. and International questions will swap days every other week so International extempers who are in states that split the event are not put at a day’s disadvantage all the time. Extemp Central may also begin providing a weekly topic brief on the website over a current event issue, but that is not definitive at this time. Stay tuned for further updates on that.

Click on the heading to access the quiz!

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