Tag: September 2011 extemp questions

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 27th-October 3rd, 2011

1.  Herman Cain post-Florida GOP straw poll:  Contender or pretender?
2.  Should terms for the House of Representatives be lengthened?
3.  Is it time to scrap NCLB? 
4.  Are consistent spending bill crises on Capital Hill giving the Republican Party a bad name? 
5.  Is Rick Perry’s presidential campaign in trouble?
6.  Should the U.S. government release more photos from the assassination of Osama bin Laden?
7.  What is to blame for the sharp increases in health insurance premiums?
8.  Is President Obama’s jobs bill really a jobs bill?
9.  Will Chris Christie join the 2012 Republican presidential race?
10.  Is President Obama’s trouble with African-American voters overblown?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 27th-October 3rd, 2011

1.  What steps do developing countries need to take to bolster their defenses against natural disasters?
2.  Is Myanmar gradually becoming more democratic?
3.  Why are recent Tibetan protests garnering such little international attention?
4.  Could the Libyan civil war pull in other countries?
5.  Would Turkey be better served creating a free trade zone in the Middle East than joining the EU?
6.  What can end the violence in Yemen?
7.  Why is Pakistan refusing to crack down on the Haqqani network?
8.  Should Sarkozy be alarmed at the left retaking the French Senate?
9.  Will Vladimir Putin easily coast back into the Kremlin next year?
10.  How will the decision to give women the right to vote impact Saudi politics?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 20th-26th, 2011

1.  What steps does Russia need to take to bring more prosperity to its eastern cities?
2.  Does the globe need more female leaders?
3.  What impact will S&P’s credit downgrade have on the Italian economy?
4.  How can fraud be stopped in African elections?
5.  What does China’s money buy in the global economy?
6.  Is it too late to save the euro?
7.  Will Gaddafi ever be brought to justice?
8.  How will the killing of Burhanuddin Rabbani impact the chance of a negotiated peace in Afghanistan?
9.  Will the Palestinian Authority’s membership request at the UN reach the General Assembly?
10.  How would a close alliance between Turkey and Egypt impact Israel’s Middle East foreign policy strategy?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 20th-26th, 2011

1.  Can President Obama’s tax proposal garner full support from the Democratic Party?
2.  Is Netflix making the correct decision by splitting itself into two entities?
3.  Should the U.S. Postal Service be abolished?
4.  Is the gold bubble bursting?
5.  Will Ron Paul win more votes in this year’s GOP primary than he did in 2008?
6.  Is Rick Perry’s presidential candidacy peaking too early?
7.  Why is violent crime falling in the United States?
8.  Is the NCAA headed toward the creation of four massive superconferences?
9.  What steps should the U.S. take to avoid an embarassing incident over the Palestinians bid for statehood at the United Nations?
10.  Should Obama go farther to the left?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 13th-19th, 2011

1.  Should the loss of Andy Weiner’s Congressional seat cause President Obama to re-evaluate his policies toward Israel?
2.  Will President Obama’s jobs bill make it out of Congress?
3.  What can be done to decrease African-American unemployment?
4.  Was President Obama’s call to kill toughened ozone standards a good economic move?
5.  How should the U.S. approach the euro debt crisis?
6.  Ten years after 9/11, is it time for the U.S. to leave Afghanistan?
7.  Are gifted students being left behind in America’s public schools?
8.  Does California or Arizona have the better policy toward illegal immigration?
9.  Are the 2011 gubernatorial elections important?
10.  How can Mitt Romney counter Rick Perry’s momentum?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 13th-19th, 2011

1.  Will the conviction of Julius Malema for hate speech only enhance his political stature?
2.  Should Egypt’s military revive Hosni Mubarak’s emergency law?
3.  With calls in the U.S. to leave, where should the Afghan government turn for aid?
4.  How serious are Pakistani promises to crack down on the Taliban?
5.  Is Sudan becoming Africa’s Yugoslavia?
6.  Would it be in Kenya’s interest to stop the flood of Somali refugees into its territory?
7.  Is Victor Yanukovich modeling himself after Vladimir Putin?
8.  Did Spain implement austerity measures too quickly?
9.  Is Juan Manuel Santos doing a better job forging ties with his neighbors than his predecessor?
10.  Are Latin American economies still too dependent on mineral wealth?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 6th-12th, 2011

1.  Is China’s recent announcement that it will tighten arms sales political posturing?
2.  Does the euro debt crisis give Russia a new foreign policy opportunity?
3.  Would Afghanistan benefit from a return of the country’s monarchy?
4.  How would an increased Turkish naval presence in the Mediterranean impact Israeli security policy?
5.  Should African nations be wary of China?
6.  Is political unity possible in Zimbabwe as long as Robert Mugabe is alive?
7.  Would the fall of the Merkel government trigger the collapse of the euro?
8.  Is Hosni Mubarak’s trial in Egypt pure political theatre?
9.  What should the international community due to secure Libya’s weapons stockpile?
10.  Is it in Pakistan’s best interest to distance itself from the United States?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 6th-12th, 2011

1.  Could Libya turn into a U.S. foreign policy disaster?
2.  Should organized labor move to the political center?
3.  What should be done to save the U.S. Postal Service?
4.  Who will be in this year’s Super Bowl?
5.  Should the federal government aggressively prosecute the heads of major banks for causing the 2008 financial meltdown?
6.  Is it too late for Sarah Palin to launch a presidential campaign?
7.  Would a trillion dollar stimulus package increase employment?
8.  Will the GOP sweep the 2011 gubernatorial elections?
9.  Is Mitt Romney “too establishment” to win the GOP primary?
10.  What should President Obama say in his upcoming address on the economy?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 30th-September 5th, 2011

1.  Is there too much, or too little, regulation of American businesses?
2.  Should the U.S. be taking stronger actions in the Arctic?
3.  Is Texas’s sonogram law unconstitutional?
4.  Will the deficit-slashing supercommittee deadlock?
5.  What is the condition of America’s military?
6.  Has the Fed run out of bullets to help the economy?
7.  Is FEMA doing an effective job handling the aftermath of Hurricane Irene?
8.  Should the ATF be abolished?
9.  How should the U.S. handle Gaddafi’s ouster?
10.  Should Michelle Bachmann drop out of the GOP presidential contest?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 30th-September 5th, 2011

1.  How should the international community respond to Russia’s claim to hundreds of thousands of square miles of the Arctic?
2.  What should be the top priority for rebel forces in Libya?
3.  Should African nations provide more food aid to Somalia?
4.  Does the IMF have the right prescription for ending Europe’s debt crisis?
5.  Will Nepal succeed in drafting a new constitution within the next three months?
6.  Is the International Space Station on borrowed time under Russia’s leadership?
7.  Why do the Palestinians refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state?
8.  What impact would Iranian isolation of Syria have on the Assad regimes?
9.  Can Yoshihiko Noda stay in office for more than a year?
10.  Where did Gaddafi go?

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