Tag: September 2021 extemp questions

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 27-October 3, 2021

1. Should U.S. states impose stricter homeschool guidelines?
2. Is the Biden administration losing control of its immigration policy?
3. Would more than 2% inflation benefit the U.S. economy?
4. Is Liz Cheney’s political career on borrowed time?
5. Did the Biden administration botch the rollout of the AUKUS partnership?
6. Why did Congress fail to achieve a bipartisan deal on police reform?
7. Does American foreign policy need a dose of “relentless diplomacy”?
8. After the war in Afghanistan should the U.S. cut defense spending?
9. Would it be politically unwise for progressive Democrats to block the infrastructure bill?
10. Will Minneapolis voters agree to the Yes 4 Minneapolis Initiative?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 27-October 3, 2021

1. How should China respond to the AUKUS partnership?
2. What lesson should Canadian conservative learn from the recent snap election?
3. How closely should the European Union’s foreign policy mirror the United States?
4. Will the Chinese government have to intervene in Evergrande’s collapse?
5. Should the CPTPP include Taiwan?
6. Will Erdogan’s pressure for a rate cut worsen Turkey’s economic situation?
7. Should Kristalina Georgieva resign as the head of the IMF?
8. How will Sudan’s decision to stop supporting Hamas impact the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
9. Should the Arab League readmit Syria?
10. What can the United Nations do to better combat racism?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 20-26, 2021

1. Should Latin America form a European Union-like political and economic bloc?
2. How should the international community interpret North Korea’s latest missile test?
3. Is Macron overreacting to the cancellation of France’s submarine deal with Australia?
4. Should the Taliban be forced to equalize gender access to education in order to receive international recognition and aid?
5. Can international sanctions force a change in Ethiopia’s behavior in Tigray?
6. Is Iran benefitting from Lebanon’s economic turmoil?
7. Can AUKUS effectively counter Chinese influence in the South China Sea?
8. How can the Argentina’s Peronist Party recover from a poor midterm election showing?
9. Who will win Canada’s snap election?
10. Will protests force Tunisian President Kais Saied to reduce his executive powers?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 20-26, 2021

1. Do the results of the California recall election bode ill for Republican chances in the 2022 midterm elections?
2. Should the U.S. put more priority on global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines instead of booster shots for those already vaccinated?
3. Is President Biden beginning to pivot his policies too far to the left?
4. Should Democrats make election reform the key piece of their 2022 midterm campaign?
5. Will Senate Republicans eventually vote to raise the debt ceiling?
6. Should TikTok be held liable for damages caused by #deviouslicks?
7. Will ethics issues at the Federal Reserve scuttle Jerome Powell’s chances at being renominated as Fed chair?
8. Should President Biden push for a revival of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?
9. Are the Abraham Accords worth saving?
10. Should more states follow California and New York in banning the sale of new fossil fuel vehicles by 2035?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 13-19, 2021

hot1. Twenty years after 9/11, is America safer?
2. Should organized labor support President Biden’s vaccine mandate?
3. Have terrorists won the war on terrorism?
4. Should Chris Christie run for president in 2024?
5. How can President Biden convince Democratic moderates to support his $3.5 trillion social infrastructure bill?
6. Are mandates or incentives the best way to get more Americans vaccinated against COVID-19?
7. If the recall effort against Governor Newsom fails, what does it mean for the future of California’s Republican Party?
8. After Afghanistan, what changes does the U.S. need to make to its counter-terrorism policies?
9. Would it be wise to significantly increase the capital-gains tax?
10. Should the U.S. impose tariffs on Chinese industries that receive subsidies?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 13-19, 2021

1. Has China successfully weaponized capitalism against the West?
2. Are North Korea’s recent military activities a sign of strength or weakness?
3. Is the world less safe since 9/11?
4. If leftist parties prevail in the German elections, should the Left Party be included in the governing coalition?
5. What impact will the coup in Guinea have on global commodity prices?
6. Can Najib Mikati fix Lebanon?
7. Is India’s caste system holding back its economy?
8. Who should the UN recognize as Myanmar’s representative?
9. Is Russia successfully isolating Ukraine?
10. Should Uruguay make a new trade deal with China?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 6-12, 2021

1. Are Canada’s Liberals headed for defeat?
2. Who should be the next leader of Japan’s LDP?
3. Is it inevitable that Iran will become a nuclear power?
4. Should India repeal its agricultural reform laws?
5. Does Afghanistan need the UN to head off a humanitarian crisis?
6. Should Myanmar’s NLD form alliances with armed ethnic groups?
7. If the SPD wins Germany’s elections, how would they remake the country?
8. Why is Madagascar on the brink of famine?
9. In terms of its future security policy, what lessons should European nations take from Afghanistan?
10. Is ISIS making a comeback in Iraq?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 6-12, 2021

1. Will the Supreme Court eventually find Texas’ recent abortion law unconstitutional?
2. Is the Biden administration sidelining Vice President Harris?
3. What impact will the end of pandemic unemployment benefits have on the U.S. economy?
4. Should reforms be made to the operations of local boards of education?
5. Would it be too early for former President Trump to declare himself a candidate for 2024?
6. Should the U.S. cooperate with the Taliban to fight ISIS-K?
7. With about a week to go, will California voters recall Gavin Newsom?
8. Under what conditions should the U.S. remove sanctions on Venezuela?
9. Should religious exemptions exist in COVID-19 vaccine mandates?
10. What reforms should Congress make to Social Security?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of August 30-September 5, 2021

1. Did President Biden respond appropriately to the attack on U.S. personnel at the Kabul airport last week?
2. What will be the economic impact of the Supreme Court’s decision on President Biden’s eviction moratorium?
3. Will Florida’s recent COVID surge do lasting damage to Ron DeSantis’ political ambitions?
4. Should President Biden team with former President Trump to tout COVID vaccinations?
5. Is “cancel culture” hurting America?
6. Should Sirhan Sirhan have been pardoned?
7. Will the Senate approve of President Biden’s “human infrastructure” package?
8. Should the U.S. military start relying more on drone strikes as part of its strategic mission?
9. Will American schools be forced to return to virtual instruction this fall?
10. How can Liz Shuler revitalize the AFL-CIO?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 30-September 5, 2021

1. Is ISIS a bigger threat to Afghanistan’s security than al-Qaeda?
2. Will Turkey’s recent overtures to African nations bear fruit?
3. Does there need to be a new global convention on refugees?
4. Will the world ever get a proper investigation into COVID-19’s origins?
5. Are democratic institutions eroding throughout the Americas?
6. Can Michel Barnier mount a successful bid for the French presidency?
7. How should Naftali Bennett conduct Israel’s foreign policy during the Biden presidency?
8. Should Canada impose restrictions on foreign home buying?
9. Will the UN fail to eliminate world hunger by 2030?
10. Is Europe leading the way on COVID mitigation measures?

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