Tag: South Sudan

South Sudan’s Civil War (2014)


The citizens of South Sudan, the world’s youngest country, have had their daily lives disrupted by a civil war since December.  The war, waged between two political factions that break along ethnic lines, has escalated in recent months and brought back memories of the Rwandan genocide of 1994.  The war threatens the country’s oil-based economy, the stability of central Africa, and risks creating a humanitarian disaster.  Since South Sudan won its independence through a civil war that lasted more than two decades, it is tragic that it has become the most recent global victim of civil unrest and the international community is struggling to contain the violence and provide assistance to people in need.  Due to the fact that the situation in South Sudan is more likely to get worse over the coming months, extempers should be prepared to talk about South Sudan’s woes as they are likely to headline any African or international organizations round.

This topic brief will discuss the causes of the recent outbreak of violence in South Sudan, the course that the war has taken thus far, and highlight some pressing issues that extempers should be prepared to include in their speeches on the subject.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: South Sudan’s Civil War (2014)


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on South Sudan’s Civil War (2014).



R&D from Prepd: South Sudan’s Political Violence


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This morning’s R&D covers the recent political violence in South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation.  South Sudan became a nation in 2011 and its recent political problems could create another Sudanese civil war.


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