
Most extemporaneous speaking questions will ask speakers to provide a yes or no answer to a given question.  Examples of these types of questions are “Should the United States exit Afghanistan by the end of 2014?”, “Can Hillary Clinton win the presidency in 2016?” and “Does Vladimir Putin wish to reconstruct the old Soviet Union?”  As part of our strategy piece series, we have already provided a strategy for breaking down “How” and “What” type of questions.  For this, I piece I will explain why it is better to frame your answers to yes and no questions with a thesis.  This means that you will not only tell your audience that your answer to the question is yes or no, but will provide a “because” statement that further clarifies your answer.  So, instead of answering the Afghanistan question is “no” you would answer it with “No because the United States has yet to accomplish its goal of creating a stable Afghanistan.”