Tag: Twitter

R&D: The Twitter IPO


Today’s R&D covers the upcoming Twitter initial public offering (IPO).  This means that shares in the company are going to be be open for the public to purchase.


AGD: Look Who’s Tweeting… (Hint: It’s Not Congress!)



by Corey Alderdice

We’ve written about how Extemp Central is using Twitter to digest news sources, media outlets, think tanks, organizations, and more.

Even though it seems Twitter’s exponential growth is slowing, there are over 18 million active users of the Tweet Machine.  Even as Twitter finds itself integrated into the daily tech cycle for countless individuals, it seems as though there is one group who is slow on the uptake: Congress.  Over half of the members of the US House and Senate have yet to use the microblogging platform to stay in touch with their constituents.

Slate analyzes several of reasons why members of Congress haven’t bought into the hype:

A more fundamental problem is that, so far at least, members of Congress just aren’t that good at it. A report released by the Congressional Research Service in September found that nearly half of congressional tweets simply link to press releases or news articles. (The report doesn’t distinguish between the two, but an informal survey of congressional feeds suggests the former are more common.) The next most common type of tweet describes an official congressional action, like a roll call vote or a trip abroad. “Personal” tweets and those related to business in their district—the two types of messages most likely to interest constituents—were the least common types.

While you’re prepping for the weekend, take a moment to follow Extemp Central on Twitter.

To learn more about the members of Congress on Twitter, visit @tweetcongress/senate and @tweetcongress/congress.

Extemp Central’s Twitter Lists Will Help You File Smarter

Extemp Central on Twitter

Extemp Central on Twitter

by Corey Alderdice

If you haven’t heard, Twitter is kind of a big deal.  With an estimated 18 million active users by the end of the 2009, it seems safe to say that the Tweet Machine is no passing fad.

Last week, Twitter began rolling out the wide release of its new Lists function.  The Twitter Blog describes the feature in short:

The idea is to allow people to curate lists of Twitter accounts. For example, you could create a list of the funniest Twitter accounts of all time, athletes, local businesses, friends, or any compilation that makes sense.

Lists are public by default (but can be made private) and the lists you’ve created are linked from your profile. Other Twitter users can then subscribe to your lists. This means lists have the potential to be an important new discovery mechanism for great tweets and accounts.

Your friends at Extemp Central have encouraged you to both become our Fan on Facebook and follow our tweets.  The lists capability provides an even better reason to join us on Twitter: keeping up on news and cultivating your files.  Currently, Extemp Central is following nearly 70 magazines, websites, policy journals, think tanks and institutions to help you better understand the news of the world each day.  The lists are subdivided in specific areas to better address your needs:










We really, really want your help in making this an outstanding utility for extempers.  Have a look at the sources Extemp Central is currently following.  From there, send us an email or leave a comment on this post on any additional websites, individuals, publications or organizations that would be useful to add to the list.  You are even welcome to suggest any additional lists that we should create or follow from other users.

If you are new to Twitter or just thinking about joining (which you should!), Mashable (@mashable) has an excellent online guide to using Twitter.

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