Tag: U.S.-Iranian relations

U.S.-Iranian Relations (2015)


When he was elected in 2008, President Barack Obama went to great lengths to convince voters and the rest of the world that he would not continue many of the foreign policies of George W. Bush.  Bush’s presidency is most remembered for the war in Iraq, a campaign that cost thousands of American lives and destabilized the Middle East.  However, while the war in Iraq dominated the headlines, the prospects of a nuclear Iran also loomed over the region.  In 2002, Iranian dissidents revealed that the Islamic Republic was pursuing a covert nuclear program.  Since that time, the United States and its European partners, as well as China, have worked to contain the country’s nuclear ambitions, imposing sanctions to force the Iranian government to the negotiating table.  In 2013, Iran agreed to an interim accord that saw it agree to restrictions on its nuclear program in return for some sanction relief.  The United States hopes to have an agreement with Iran by June, thereby averting military action and possibly beginning the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

This topic brief will discuss recent steps toward finalizing a nuclear deal with Iran, the domestic politics and controversies surrounding such a deal, and how a closer U.S.-Iranian relationship may alter the geopolitical situation in the Middle East.  Extempers are encouraged to read last season’s topic brief on the Iranian nuclear accord in order to understand more of the background of U.S.-Iranian relations.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

U.S.-Iranian Relations (2015)


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on U.S.-Iranian relations (2015).

R&D: U.S. Diplomacy with Iran


Today’s R&D touches on recent American foreign policy overtures toward Iran, which has been at odds with the international community since 2002 over its nuclear program.  Some articles about Israel’s ties to Iran are also a part of this R&D.



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