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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 7-13, 2021

Note:  These will be the last questions of the 2020-2021 competitive year.  New questions will be uploaded the week of August 2.

1. How will Facebook’s decision to ban President Trump until January 2023 affect the 2022 midterm elections?
2. Should the Biden administration refuse to defend the constitutionality of a male-only selective service system if the Supreme Court takes the case of National Coalition For Men v. Selective Service System?
3. How should the U.S. respond to cyberattacks originating from Russia?
4. Will the G7 tax deal prove beneficial for the U.S. economy?
5. Why has President Biden abandoned the public option?
6. Will there be a bipartisan agreement on infrastructure?
7. Are state-level assault weapons bans unconstitutional?
8. Who will win the New York City mayoral Democratic primary?
9. Should the U.S. continue to use drone strikes as part of its counter-terrorism strategy?
10. Has Common Core failed?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 31-June 6, 2021

1. Would the resumption of protectionist trade policies do significant damage to the U.S. economy?
2. Are closer ties between Iran and Venezuela a threat to American national security?
3. Does the U.S. have a role to play in reducing corruption in Latin American countries?
4. Are America’s police forces facing a recruiting crisis?
5. Should the U.S. federal government pay citizens to get vaccinated?
6. How can fiscal conservatives regain their political credibility?
7. Does the Biden military budget err by increasing funding for nuclear weapons programs?
8. What does Amazon’s purchase of MGM signal about the future of its business model?
9. Should President Biden create a presidential January 6 commission?
10. What constitutional reforms does America need?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 24-30, 2021

1. Would a U.S. employer mandate on COVID-19 vaccines be constitutional?
2. Is there a sexual counterrevolution underway in America?
3. Should Congress approve President Biden’s proposed increases to America’s bureaucracy?
4. Does the 1619 Project have a place in America’s schools?
5. How might Asian American voters affect the 2022 midterm elections?
6. Could U.S. support for the WTO’s vaccine patent waiver make the U.S. more vulnerable to the next pandemic?
7. Did American schools err by not strictly enforcing truancy laws during this pandemic affected school year?
8. Should the U.S. impose climate tariffs on China?
9. Does the Republican Party need former President Trump’s backing to win the 2022 midterms?
10. How would the creation of free community college affect the structure of high school education in America?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 17-23, 2021

1. Is the CDC’s revision of national masking rules driven more by science or politics?
2. In the wake of recent mergers, should Congress look to pass greater media regulations?
3. Should Matthew McConaughey run for the Texas governorship?
4. What action should the Republican Party take against Matt Gaetz?
5. Should all American schools return to full, in-person instruction next school year?
6. Can Republican moderates build an effective third party?
7. Should states expand legalized gambling to fix their budgetary woes?
8. How can the U.S. get greater Russian cooperation to stop cyberattacks?
9. Is the U.S. education system in need of significant, structural reform at all levels?
10. Does Liz Cheney have a political future?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 10-16, 2021

1. Should states continue to open their economies even if there are high levels of COVID vaccine hesitancy in their areas?
2. Can growing grocery prices become a political headache for the Biden administration?
3. Would it be a mistake for House Republicans to ditch Liz Cheney?
4. Should critical race theory be taught in American schools?
5. Does Tim Ryan have a good chance of capturing Ohio’s Senate seat next year?
6. What steps does the U.S. need to take to better protect infrastructure from cyberterror attacks?
7. Was President Trump’s steel tariff policy a disaster?
8. Are federal unemployment benefits discouraging employment levels?
9. Will mRNA vaccines change the future of American medicine?
10. What reforms need to be made to American immigration courts?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 3-9, 2021

1. If Stephen Breyer retires after this term, who should President Biden appoint to replace him?
2. Do Republicans need to create a better alternative to President Biden’s infrastructure bill?
3. Was the pause in administration of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine justified?
4. Will the Biden administration play as active a role in the Middle East process as the Trump administration did?
5. Should there be greater regulations in the horse racing industry?
6. Are American politics going through a significant re-alignment?
7. What does an FBI raid of Rudy Giuliani mean for former President Trump’s legal future?
8. Can Caitlin Jenner win the California governorship?
9. If President Trump is indicted for crimes, should President Biden pardon him?
10. How will cryptocurrency’s change the future of American business?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 26-May 2, 2021

1. Should the U.S. share its COVID-19 vaccine supply with other nations?
2. Is COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and refusal becoming a national security problem for the U.S.?
3. Should the U.S. begin treating China like it treated the Soviet Union during the Cold War?
4. Is the U.S. losing its pre-eminence in space?
5. How will President Biden’s statement on the Armenian genocide affect U.S.-Turkish relations?
6. Does the Supreme Court’s decision in Jones v. Mississippi foreshadow a return to tougher rulings on juvenile crime?
7. Can civilian participation in police review boards create better police forces?
8. Has President Biden enjoyed a successful first hundred days in office?
9. How can the GOP build on President Trump’s inroads with Hispanic voters?
10. Do President Biden’s climate goals go too far?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 19-25, 2021

1. Are America’s small businesses getting enough COVID relief?
2. Why are mass shootings on the rise in the United States?
3. If Democrats pack the Supreme Court, would it cost them the 2022 midterms?
4. Should American police forces be barred from carrying firearms?
5. Is it in the Republican establishment’s best interest to ignore former President Trump?
6. Should Americans view the war in Afghanistan as a failure?
7. Can the U.S. afford a new trillion dollar “social infrastructure” package?
8. Should mask wearing become permanent in the United States?
9. Is there any chance for Republicans to win the New Jersey or Virginia gubernatorial elections later this year?
10. How can President Biden maintain his high approval ratings?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 12-18, 2021

1. Is the Biden administration spending too much money on its policies?
2. How can U.S. states best eliminate fraud in their unemployment systems?
3. Could a race-based tax credit be the best way for the U.S. to pay slave reparations?
4. Does the U.S. risk an escalation of the war in Afghanistan if it does not withdraw U.S. troops by May 1?
5. Is the Biden administration priming itself for a battle to pack the Supreme Court?
6. What should the U.S. do if Russia and Ukraine get into a more protracted military conflict over Eastern Ukraine?
7. Are Hispanic voters drifting to the political right?
8. Should COVID-19 vaccines continue to be distributed equally among states or should more be allocated to states right the highest number of new cases?
9. Will Nikki Haley be the Jeb Bush of the 2024 election cycle?
10. After the defeat in Alabama, how can organized labor make a comeback in America?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 5-11, 2021

1. Will mask mandates in U.S. states be over by Memorial Day?
2. Do states have the legal authority to refuse to comply with vaccine passports?
3. Will business pressure force Georgia lawmakers to revise their voting laws?
4. Should the U.S. raise its corporate tax rate?
5. Will there be bipartisan support for President Biden’s infrastructure bill?
6. Do rising crime rates in major American cities mean trouble for progressive prosecutors?
7. Would higher gasoline taxes create a political backlash against Democrats in 2022?
8. Should states ban the use of long-term solitary confinement?
9. Do climate change initiatives have a place in a national infrastructure bill?
10. Should the U.S. directly sanction Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 29-April 4, 2021

1. Should Antonio Villaraigosa jump into the California recall race?
2. Is Kamala Harris’ new role in resolving issues on the U.S.-Mexican border more of an opportunity or a political risk?
3. What will be the political impact of “Stop Asian Hate” rallies?
4. Should streaming services have the right to modify content on their platforms that they find objectionable?
5. How much longer should the U.S. stay in Afghanistan?
6. Should the GOP modify their stance on gun control?
7. How should the Supreme Court rule in United States v. Cooley?
8. What grade does the Biden administration deserve for its response to COVID-19?
9. How big should a new infrastructure bill be?
10. Are there major disparities that the NCAA needs to fix between the men’s and women’s basketball tournaments?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 22-28, 2021

1. Are social problems in America negatively affecting the nation’s foreign policy?
2. How can the Republican Party avoid bruising primary fights in 2022?
3. Will there be a strong economic recovery in the United States this summer?
4. Would school choice bills improve the quality of American public education?
5. Is immigration shaping up to be the most pivotal issue in the 2022 midterm elections?
6. How much longer should states keep their mask mandates?
7. Why are incidents of violence against America’s Asian community growing?
8. Should Derek Chauvin’s trial be taking place outside of Minneapolis?
9. To what extent is stagflation a risk for the U.S. economy?
10. Should the U.S. suspend security aid to Honduras?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 15-21, 2021

We apologize for not having any questions posted last week because of internal problems on the website. Due to that, this week we have 20 questions for extempers instead of the usual ten!

  1. Will the Biden stimulus plans create significant inflation in the U.S. economy?
  2. Should Democrats scrap the Iowa caucus?
  3. Will Andrew Cuomo resign?
  4. Is the Biden administration’s position on immigration creating a new crisis at America’s Southern border?
  5. How much should the Republican Party distance itself from President Trump?
  6. Should Democrats make abolishing the filibuster a central piece of their 2022 midterm campaigns?
  7. Will spring break create a fourth surge of COVID in the United States?
  8. What steps should state governments take to better tackle fraud in their unemployment systems?
  9. Will rising gasoline prices drag down a post-COVID economic recovery?
  10. Is “cancel culture” becoming a problematic social issue for the political left?
  11. Should the Biden administration try to work with Mitch McConnell on bipartisan legislation?
  12. Would the unionization of Amazon’s warehouse in Bessemer revive the fortunes of the American labor movement?
  13. Should the federal government increase subsidies for those buying healthcare plans as part of the Affordable Care Act?
  14. Does the U.S. need a national commission to examine the history of racial injustice?
  15. Does the U.S. need to increase funding for its space program?
  16. What lessons should the U.S. learn from the COVID-19 pandemic?
  17. Can Herschel Walker win Georgia’s Senate seat in 2022?
  18. Will private schools be one of the big winners in a post-COVID world?
  19. What regulations, if any, should the U.S. create on Big Tech?
  20. Will Ohio Governor Mike DeWine win re-election next year?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 1-7, 2021

1. Should the Biden administration escalate American involvement in the Syrian Civil War?
2. Will Neera Tanden win confirmation?
3. Should the Department of Homeland Security be given greater powers to squelch domestic terrorists?
4. How can Vice President Kamala Harris build her own brand for a 2024 or 2028 presidential run?
5. Should states provide tax incentives for cryptocurrency miners?
6. Is the U.S. on the verge of reaching herd immunity for COVID-19?
7. Should the Biden administration discontinue use of the federal death penalty?
8. Is it finally time for the U.S. to fully invest in a human mission to Mars?
9. Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson: 2024 presidential contender or pretender?
10. Should the U.S. adopt Israeli-style vaccine passports?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 22-28, 2021

1. Should U.S. states allow all students to redo their academic year because of COVID-19?
2. What changes does Texas need to make to its energy infrastructure?
3. Is the death of Rush Limbaugh a major blow to the American conservative movement?
4. Will President Donald Trump face legal charges in New York by the end of the year?
5. Is President Biden creating a foreign policy that is too friendly to Iran?
6. Will the nursing home death scandal in New York inhibit Andrew Cuomo’s re-election hopes?
7. Is South Carolina’s “fetal heartbeat” abortion bill unconstitutional?
8. How can the Biden administration ensure that its plans to handle asylum seekers at the Southern border will be successful?
9. Will the U.S. airline industry need a bailout to get through this year?
10. Should Democrats prioritize the Florida governorship or the Ohio Senate race in 2022?

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