A message from Adam Jacobi, the Coordinator of Member Programs and Coach Education at the National Forensic League:

NFL is a finalist for Pepsi’s Refresh Everything grant, which helps groups from across the country improve their local communities. NFL’s proposal will create weekend-long communication leadership summits in six major cities for students and teachers in Title I schools. Most of the grant money will be given directly to students, teachers, and coaches in the six major cities we serve. That’s over $210,000 directly into the hands of deserving students and educators.

We need your help to reach our goal! Grant recipients will be decided by community votes. Voting is open now! You may vote every day from today through the end of February.

Please visit http://www.refresheverything.com/nfl now to read our entire proposal and vote to make speech and debate education available to new populations.

Go ahead and cast your vote today!  Voting ends February 28th.