Month: October 2010 Page 2 of 6

Local Results: The Ronald Reagan Invitational (Texas)

Here are the results from the 12th annual Ronald Reagan “Dutch” Invitational, held at Ronald Reagan High School on October 22nd and 23rd.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Hannah Beck (MacArthur High School)
2nd:  Sam Hamad (Winston Churchill High School)
3rd:  Alex Birnel (Sandra Day O’Connor High School)
4th:  Mark Jbeily (Westwood High School)
5th:  Divya Ramamoorthy (Westwood High School)
6th:  Griffin Rubin (Saint Mary’s Hall)

Local Results: The Marvin Ridge High School Tournament (North Carolina)

Here are the results of the 2010 Marvin Ridge High School Tournament, held on October 23rd.-NC

Champion:  Charlotte How (Riverside High School, South Carolina)
T2nd:  Derrick Flakoll (Myers Park High School, North Carolina)
T2nd:  Allen Worth (Asheville High School, North Carolina)
4th:  Nick Temple (Pinecrest High School, North Carolina)
T5th:  Daniel Sheitman (Cary Academy, North Carolina)
T5th:  Nathan Biyani (Southside High School, South Carolina)

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R&D: President Obama’s Deficit Commission Discusses Taxes, Clegg Demands Answers on Detainee Abuse, and Obama’s Playbook After the Midterms

Here is your R&D for October 25th:

Key Tax Breaks at Risk as Panel Looks at Cuts from the Wall Street Journal
President Obama’s deficit commission is looking at eliminating tax deducation on mortgage interest and child tax credits in its quest to create a plan that will balance the federal budget by 2015.  The deficit commission is part of President Obama’s plan to move to the center prior to the 2012 elections.

Iraq war logs: US turned over captives to Iraqi torture squads from the Guardian
Liberal Democratic Leader Nick Clegg has called for an investigation into reports that U.S. forces turned Iraqi detainees over to torture squads.  The move comes after Wikileaks released thousands of classified documents on its website over the weekend.

Obama’s Playbook After Nov. 2 from the New York Times
What might President Obama do after the November midterm elections?  This article from the New York Times lays out what his future plans may be, especially when it comes to working with Republican leaders.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of October 25th-29th, 2010 (Short Answer Version)

Here is the short answer version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. Good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of October 25th-29th, 2010 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is the multiple choice version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

R&D: Juan Williams Firing Riles Conservatives, the DCCC Takes Out $17 Million, and Latin Americans See Entrepreneurship Barriers

Here is your R&D for October 22nd:

NPR, Juan Williams: Did firing put network smack in tea party’s crosshairs? from the Christian Science Monitor
National Public Radio’s firing of Juan Williams for comments about Muslims has created a conservative firestorm, with some figures like Mike Huckabee calling for a withdrawal of the public funds the network receives.

DCCC gets $17M line of credit from Politico
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has taken out a $17 million line of credit so that they can fend off GOP ads in the closing days of the 2010 midterms.  Democrats feel that the move is appropriate because experts estimate that 100 House seats are in play this cycle.

Latin Americans See Barriers to Entrepreneurship from Gallup
In this useful poll for economic speeches, Gallup finds that two-thirds of Latin American residents believe that their governments are not making it easy enough to start a business.

Local Results: Bishop High School TFA Qualifier (Texas)

Here are the results from the Bishop High School TFA Qualifier, held at Bishop High School on October 16th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Katherine Ray (A&M Consolidated High School)
2nd:  Vegas Longlois (King High School)
3rd:  Nathaniel Mata (Idea Quest College Prep.)
4th:  Ryan Smith (Gregory-Portland High School)
5th:  Rachael Connally (La Vernia High School)
6th:  Niko Tapangan (Harlingen South High School)

National Points Race Standings Updated After St. Mark’s

The National Points Race have been updated based on the results of the St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational. You can check out the standings by clicking on the National Points Race tab above or by clicking here.

The standings will be updated in mid-November to reflect the results of the Glenbrooks.

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R&D: West Virginia Tests Obama, Major Senate Races Tighten, and Iraq’s Political Stalemate

Here is your R&D for October 21st:

W. Va. election becomes a test for Obama from the Washington Post
In this op-ed, conservative columnist George Will writes that the West Virginia Senate race is a major test for President Obama because his policies could drag down West Virginia’s popular Democratic Governor Joe Manchin.

Key Senate Battles Tighten from the Wall Street Journal
The number of Senate races considered “tossups” has jumped over the last several days.  Democratic candidates have tightened races in Colorado, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, while Republican candidates have gotten closer in Nevada and California.

Iraq’s Stalemate from the New York Times
In this op-ed piece, the New York Times argues that Iraq’s political stalemate is creating ethnic problems and delaying much needed reforms.

R&D: China Widens Its Embargo of Rare Earth Minerals, Military Recruiters Start Accepting Gays, and Problems in the U.S.-India Relationship

Here is your R&D for October 20th:

China Said to Widen Its Embargo of Minerals from the New York Times
In a sign of increased economic strength, China is quietly halting the export of rare earth minerals to the U.S. and Europe.  Rare earth minerals help to manufacture advanced products and China’s actions will likely increase trade tensions with the West.  For its part, the Chinese government has refuted these accusations.

Pentagon is instructing recruiters to accept gays from the Washington Post
The Pentagon has instructed military recruiters to accept applications from homosexuals in light of U.S. District Judge Virginia A. Phillips ruling on the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

Obama’s boat to India springs leaks from the Asia Times
After revelations that U.S. intelligence failed to thwart the 2008 Mumbai attacks, U.S. relations with India have become strained.  This is bad timing because President Obama is set to visit the South Asian power next month.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19th-25th, 2010

1.  Can a Maliki-Sadr coalition solve Iraq’s problems?
2.  Should Russia join NATO’s missile defense project?
3.  Will the arrest of several top officers in the Niger military impede the nation’s return to democracy?
4.  Why did Canada fail to win a seat on the UN Security Council?
5.  How will the trial of 151 Kurdish activists impact Turkey’s EU bid?
6.  Does a recent attack on the Chechen parliament show that Russia has yet to claim victory in the tumultuous republic?
7.  Will Merkel’s move to the right on immigration destabalize her coalition with the FDP?
8.  Should China release Liu Xiaobo?
9.  Will the latest French protests halt Sarkozy’s pension reform effort?
10.  How should Colombia respond to the Russia-Venezuela nuclear deal?

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Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of October 18th-22nd, 2010

Here is the multiple choice version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. Pick well and good luck!

2010-2011 Extemp Central National Points Race: St. Mark’s Calculations

Since the St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational allows extempers to do International and United States Extemp, Extemp Central combines extemper’s finishes in each category to prevent counting both as separate tournaments and giving extempers who attended St. Mark’s an advantage over other competitors in the National Points Race.  Prior to St. Mark’s, Extemp Central announced how it would determine which extempers would receive National Points Race points.  At St. Mark’s, extempers received points based on their finishes in International and United States Extemp.  The six extempers with the lowest point totals were awarded National Points Race points.

Here is a quick rehash of that system:

Local Results: Capitol Valley @ Oak Ridge Tournament (California)

Here are the results of the 2010 Capitol Valley @ Oak Ridge Tournament, held on October 16th.

International Extemp

Champion:  Stacey Wong (Granite Bay High School)
2nd:  Blake Delaplane (Granite Bay High School)
3rd:  Jessica Northam (Granite Bay High School)
4th:  Stephen Hyden (Ponderosa High School)
5th:  Saba Naeem (Granite Bay High School)

Local Results: 2010 Bob Jones Academy Tournament (South Carolina)

Here are the results of the 2010 Bob Jones Academy Tournament, held at Bob Jones Academy on October 16th.

Champion:  Paavan Gami (Southside High School, South Carolina)
2nd:  Anand Shah (Southside High School, South Carolina)
3rd:  Abhi Pandya (Southside High School, South Carolina)
4th:  Patrick Withrow (Myers Park High School, North Carolina)
5th:  Allen Worth (Asheville High School, North Carolina)
6th:  Roshni Malde (Southside High School, South Carolina)

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