Month: March 2011 Page 2 of 5

R&D: Israel Retaliates for Gaza Rocket Attacks, South Dakota Enacts a Controversial Abortion Bill, and the Libyan Coalition Argues Over Responsibility

Here is your R&D for March 23rd:

Rockets From Gaza Hit Deep Into Southern Israel from the New York Times
Violence has returned to Gaza as Israel responded with airstrikes after Palestinians militants fired rockets into southern Israel late Tuesday and early today.  Some analysts believe that militants are launching rockets now because they believe the new Egyptian government will back them.

South Dakota requires 3-day wait before abortion from CNN
South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard signed a bill into law yesterday that would require a three day waiting period and counseling before having an abortion.  Abortion opponents hope that the legal battle that will ensue over the bill will weaken or overturn Roe v. Wade.

Who’s in charge? Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart for the UK Daily Mail
The coalition of forces massed against Libya is disintegrating as none of the coalition partners wants to take control of the offensive.  Germany has withdrawn its military forces from the Mediterranean and European allies of the United States are wary of NATO pursuing non-European objectives.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 22nd-28th, 2011

1.  Will Latin America become the energy battlefield for China and the United States?
2.  How can the new Haitian government restore faith in the country’s democratic system?
3.  Is Belgium heading for seperation?
4.  How should Bashar al-Assad respond to protests in Syria?
5.  Why is Putin criticizing Western actions in Libya?
6.  How will Japan’s recent earthquake impact the future of the country’s nuclear facilities?
7.  Is the economic power of the BRIC nations overstated?
8.  Why should Saudi Arabia be concerned about unrest in Yemen?
9.  Will Portugal’s government collapse?
10.  If you were Moammar Gaddafi, how would you respond to air strikes by coalition forces?

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Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of March 21st-25th, 2011

Here are the answers for this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.

State Results: 2011 Colorado High School Activities Association State Tournament

Here are the results of the 2011 Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) State Tournament, held last weekend.  All of these finalists have earned automatic qualifications to the 2011 Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) at Northwestern University.  Thanks to the tournament staff for putting the results online and Dan Morgan-Russell for sending them to us.

International Extemp

Champion: Dan Morgan-Russell (George Washington High School)
2nd: Myke Samuels (Cherry Creek High School)
3rd: Cecily Zander (Longmont High School)
4th: Amanda Urban (Durango High School)
5th: Kyler Hu (Cherry Creek High School)
6th:  Andrew Eberhardt (Monarch High School)

R&D: Experts Nervous About Egypt’s Move to Democracy, McCaskill Admits Back Taxses, and America’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East Has Complications

Here is your R&D for March 22nd:

Egypt’s Referendum: Nervous Steps Forward from the Council on Foreign Relations
Egyptian voters approved several constitutional amendments in a national referendum over the weekend and paved the way for free elections later this year.  Experts worry, though, that liberal forces may not have enough time to organize their campaigns and that extremist forces could take over the government.

McCaskill says she owes nearly $300,000 in back taxes on airplane from the Miami Herald
Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, who faces re-election in 2012, admitted yesterday that she owes almost $300,000 in back taxes on a private airplane.  The incident could haunt McCaskill’s re-election campaign, as Republicans portray the incident as a perfect example of government excess.

America’s Descent Into Strategic Dementia from the Jerusalem Post (courtesy of RealClearPolitics)
America’s intervention in the Libyan civil war demonstrates that American foreign policy is in a tough position and that President Obama’s approach and the neoconservative position are endangering American strategic goals in the region.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 22nd-28th, 2011

1.  Should President Obama seek congressional authorization for his actions in Libya?
2.  What should the U.S. be doing to prepare for heavy flooding in April?
3.  Should Tim Pawlenty concentrate his early presidential strategy on Iowa or New Hampshire?
4.  Is Joe Manchin’s independent streak genuine or is he positioning himself for re-election in 2012?
5.  Are California’s nuclear power plants safe?
6.  Is the Pentagon being too heavy handed in regarding those who support Bradley Manning?
7.  Will Michigan’s decision to allow for the imposition of “financial martial law” on cities improve the state’s economy? 
8.  Should Regina Benjamin be fired over her remarks concerning the potassium iodide?
9.  Is the right winning the battle over abortion?
10.  How will pictures from the suspected Afghanistan “kill team” impact public sentiment regarding the Afghan war?

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R&D: Obama’s Abu Ghraib Moment, Key Dates in the 2012 Presidential Race, and Yemeni Commanders Defect

Here is your R&D for March 21st:

US Army ‘kill team’ in Afghanistan posed for photos of murdered civilians from the Guardian
In what is being called President Obama’s Abu Ghraib moment, pictures have surfaced of a rogue U.S. army “kill team” in Afghanistan that murdered civilians and posed with the bodies.  The U.S. has issued an immediate apology to the Afghan citizenry over the incident.

Key dates in U.S. presidential campaign from Reuters
Extempers should be aware of some key dates in the presidential calendar.  This factbox article from Reuters should help.

In Yemen, top military commanders defect from Saleh regime from the Christian Science Monitor
In a blow to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, his half-brother, who is one of Yemen’s top military commanders, defected today and pledged to protect demonstrators against the current government.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of March 21st-March 25th, 2011 (Short Answer Version)

Here is your short answer Extemp Central news quiz for this week. Good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of March 21st-25th, 2011 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is your multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz for this week.  Pick well and good luck!

R&D: Issue Guide for Japan’s Recent Disaster, the United Nations Signs Off on Military Action in Libya, and the Justice Department Finds Problems in the New Orleans Police Department

Here is your R&D for March 18th:

Issue Guide: Japan’s Triple Crisis from the Council on Foreign Relations
This analysis brief concerning the Japanese earthquake provides tons of links for extempers who are looking to build their files on the disaster.  Links are provided for articles that give an overview of the situation, the nuclear crisis, and energy and economic impact of the disaster.

U.N. okays military action on Libya from Reuters
Yesterday afternoon the United Nations Security Council, by a vote of 10-0, authorized a no-fly zone over Libya and authorized the use of force to protect civilians from forces loyal to Moammar Gaddafi.  Gaddafi has threatened to retaliate by targeting traffic in the Mediterranean.

Justice Dept Finds Abuses In New Orleans Police Department from the Wall Street Journal
After conducting a ten month investigation, the Justice Department has concluded that New Orleans police have used excessive force and racially biased enforcement tactics.  The investigation is the third of the New Orleans Police Department in three decades.

R&D: Merkel Adjusts German Nuclear Policy, Definitions of Nuclear Terms, and Why the Saudi Monarchy Will Endure

Here is your R&D for March 17th:

Merkel aims to speed Germany’s nuclear energy exit from Reuters
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government has been a strong proponent of nuclear power, but facing potential backlash over that issue in light of Japan’s problems, she is moving to accelerate her country’s move away from nuclear energy.

Meltdown 101: A brief glossary of nuclear terms from the Christian Science Monitor
Are you not sure what some of the terms mean when Japan’s nuclear crisis is being discussed?  If so, check out this article, which provides some definitions.  It can be helpful for a speech on the subject.

Rageless in Riyadh from Foreign Affairs
According to F. Gregory Gause III, a political sciencist at the University of Vermont, Saudi Arabia’s monarchy will continue to be a force of stability in the volatile Middle East and explains why it is different than other countries that are experiencing protests in the area.

Local Results: The Washington-Arlington Catholic Forensic League Metrofinal Tournament

Here are the results of the Washington-Arlington Catholic Forensic League Metrofinal Tournament, held at Sherando High School in Stephens City, Virginia.  All of these people earned bids to the 2011 NCFL Grand National Tournament in Washington, DC.

Champion:  Ben Constine (Yorktown High School, Virginia)
2nd:  David Goldman (Walt Whitman High School, Maryland)
3rd:  Shane Grannum (Westfield High School, Virginia)
4th:  Ross Slaughter (Walt Whitman High School, Maryland)
5th:  Moe Alwan (Dominion High School, Virginia)
6th:  Craig Vincent (Our Lady of Good Counsel High School, Maryland)

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R&D: Raymond Davis Freed in Pakistan, Miami-Dade County Recalls Its Mayor, and Coburn Talks About the Budget Deficit

Here is your R&D for March 16th:

CIA spy charged with murder in Pakistan is freed from the Guardian
Raymond Davis, a CIA spy in Pakistan who was accused of murdering two Pakistani men, was freed after the families of the two men dropped charges in exchange for financial compensation.  Davis was freed under a “blood money” provision of Pakistani law.

Miami-Dade County recalls mayor from the Philadelphia Inquirer
Miami-Dade County residents expressed their anger at high properly taxes by recalling Mayor Carlos Alvarez yesterday.  Based on current data, 88% of residents voted in favor of the recall measure.

We Will Need Honesty to Solve Debt Problem from RealClearPolitics
In this piece, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), discusses the need to be honest when discussing the country’s fiscal woes.  Coburn is one of the most vocal deficit hawks in Washington.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 15th-21st, 2011

1.  Can Tim Kaine beat George Allen?
2.  Does America need a national infrastructure bank?
3.  Who is more likely to run for president in 2012:  Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann?
4.  Can the Republican hold on to John Ensign’s Senate seat?
5.  Should President Obama take on a more direct role in the battle over the federal budget?
6.  Is it in states best economic interest to hold late primaries?
7.  When the No Child Left Behind Act is rewritten what would should be changed?
8.  Should the illegal streaming of online content be a felony?
9.  Will NPR lose its federal funding?
10.  In light of the Japanese earthquake, should the U.S. impose a moratorium on the building of new nuclear power plants?

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Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of March 14th-18th, 2011

Here are the answers for this week’s news quiz.

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