Month: June 2011

2010-2011 National Points Race: How NFL Will Be Decided

The first issue of this year’s Ex Files magazine revealed that the way the National Forensic League (NFL) National Tournament was computed in the National Points Race would be different for the 2010-2011 season.  Instead of awarding the same amount of points, which was 200 last year, to both United States and International Extemp, Extemp Central decided to give weight to the extemp category that had the most participants in the top 25 of the National Points Race after the Catholic Forensic League (CFL) Grand National Tournament.  The category with more participants will earn bonus points and the winner will receive 250 points, instead of the usual 200.  Other participants in the category will earn more points for their placings from finals to octofinals relative to their counterparts in the other extemp category.  In cases of a tie, the winners of both categories would receive 200 points, with no bonus awarded.

Here is how this year’s NFL field shakes out based on the information that Extemp Central has been able to obtain.  The extemper’s rank in this year’s National Points Race is placed in parenthesis to the left of their name.

R&D: OPEC Fails to Agree on Production Targets, Huntsman Campaigns in New Hampshire, and Obama and Merkel Hash Out U.S.-German Relations

Here is your R&D for June 8th:

Oil Rises the Most in Three Weeks as OPEC Fails to Reach Accord from Business Week
In Vienna, OPEC failed to agree on production targets for the first time in 20 years, as Iran and Venezuela succeeded in thwarting Saudi Arabia’s bid to increase production.  The move will likely send oil prices higher.

Zeroed In on N.H., Huntsman to Make Third Visit from RealClearPolitics
Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman is making several trips to New Hampshire as his campaign has made the decision to skip the Iowa caucus.  Huntsman is not contesting Iowa because he does not favor ethanol.

Obama, Merkel pledge to cooperate on Libya, economy from the Los Angeles Times
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Obama pledged last night to continue military action in Libya and to work to contain the debt crisis that is troubling the euro zone.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for June 7th-13th, 2011

1.  What impact will Ali Abdullah Saleh’s absence have on Yemen’s political situation?
2.  Did the IAEA mishandle the Japanese nuclear crisis?
3.  Will Humala govern like Chavez or Lula?
4.  How would the fall of the al-Assad regime impact Hezbollah?
5.  Will Greece eventually default?
6.  Does Ban Ki-moon deserve a second term as UN Secretary General?
7.  Will NATO ground troops be needed to topple Gaddafi?
8.  What impact will the latest E. coli outbreak have on Europe’s economy?
9.  Will China’s moves in the South China Sea significantly damage its relations with Southeast Asian nations?
10.  Is France’s television and radio ban of the terms “Twitter” and “Facebook” misguided?

Here are your last International Extemp questions for the 2010-2011 season.  Thank you again for utilizing Extemp Central as your main extemporaneous speaking resource.

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Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of June 6th-12th, 2011

Here are the answer to this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.

R&D: Israel’s Ambassador Reflects on the Six Day War, Democrats Are Angry with Anthony Weiner, and the Economist Talks About Peru

Here is your R&D for June 7th:

Remembering Six Days in 1967 from Foreign Policy
Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, writes this article, which presents the case for why Israel cannot go back to pre-1967 borders.

Congressman Anthony Weiner: Why Democrats are extra mad at him from the Christian Science Monitor
Congressman Anthony Weiner admitted yesterday that he had inappropriate online relationships with several women other than his wife.  Weiner has said that he will not resign, but Democrats in the House may force him to do so.

Second time’s the charm from the Economist
This is the Economist’s insightful write-up of the Peruvian presidential election and what challenges incoming president-elect Ollanta Humala will face.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 7th-13th, 2011

1.  How can President Obama frame his re-election campaign so that he is not painted as an incumbent?
2.  Has the auto bailout been a success?
3.  What impact will a joint resolution from Congress have on the conduct of American operations in Libya?
4.  Should the u.S. further extend unemployment benefits?
5.  What does the failed attempt to confirm Peter Diamond to the Federal Reserve say about the state of the confirmation process in the U.S. Senate?
6.  Will the Supreme Court find that California can restrict the sale of violent video games to minors?
7.  How should the U.S. respond to the latest clashes along the Israeli-Syrian border?
8.  Should waivers to the Affordable Care Act be illegal?
9.  How will Andy Weiner’s scandal impact Democrats in 2012?
10.  Will Rick Santorum be a major player in the GOP presidential primary?

These are the final United States Extemp questions for the 2010-2011 season.  We are glad that you have chosen Extemp Central as your top extemporaneous speaking destination.

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R&D: Promoting a U.S. Economic Recovery, Upcoming Supreme Court Decisions, and Humala Wins

Here is your R&D for June 6th:

U.S. Innovation and Economic Recovery from the Council on Foreign Relations
How can the U.S. escape its economic malaise?  Four experts describe policy options in this expert roundup from the Council on Foreign Relations.

Wal-Mart Tops U.S. High Court Agenda as Violent Video Game Ruling Looms from Bloomberg
This article summarizes major cases that the Supreme Court will rule on during the next four weeks.  It might be of use to extempers who are in United States Extemp at NFL Nationals next week.

Peru presidential victor Humala faces balancing act from the Christian Science Monitor
Ollanta Humala narrowly defeated Keiko Fujimori to win the Peruvian presidency yesterday.  Humala campaigned as a Hugo Chavez-type candidate, but his narrow victory, as well as Peru’s strong economic growth, may cause him to govern more moderately.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of June 6th-12th, 2011 (Short Answer Version)

Here is this week’s short answer Extemp Central news quiz. Pick well and good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of June 6th-12th, 2011 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is this week’s multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

2011 NFL National Tournament Strategy Guide

by Tyler Fabbri

Tyler Fabbri was last year’s NFL national champion in United States Extemporaneous Speaking and was a finalist in 2009.  He provides some tips in this piece for extempers who will be competing at the 2011 NFL National Tournament in less than two weeks in Dallas, Texas.

With NFL Nationals creeping around the corner, I expect the anxiety is mounting a bit for everyone. Whether Dallas is your first or fourth NFL tournament, there are a few basic things to keep in mind to make this year’s trip the best it can be. This may be an incoherent rambling, but take from it what you can!

Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of May 30th-June 5th, 2011

Here are the answers to this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.

R&D: Naoto Kan Faces a Political Revolt, Berlusconi Faces a Setback in Italian Mayoral Elections, and Republicans Reject Raising the Debt Limit With No Strings Attached

Here is your R&D for June 1st:

Kan faces political revolt on Fukushima from the Australian
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan is facing a revolt from the opposition Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and New Komeito and it could cost him his government and lead to fresh elections.  Kan has to ensure that 80 of his party’s members do not jump ship in a vote of no confidence.

Not-so-sweet home from the Economist
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s conservative government lost run-offs for mayor in nearly 90 Italian towns and cities on Monday, which included Milan and Naples.  Berlusconi and his team insist that the setbacks are merely a protest vote and do not herald any significant political changes in the months ahead.

National debt limit: Grand bargain eludes, narrow deal likely from the Christian Science Monitor
The House rejected a bill last night that would have raised the national debt limit with no strings attached.  Democrats said that the move was a political stunt, but Republicans insist that they will not raise the debt ceiling without accompanying cuts in the federal budget.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 31st-June 6th, 2011

1.  Should federal regulators clear AT&T’s proposed merger with T-Mobile?
2.  Will the Senate confirm John Bryson by 60 or more votes?
3.  Was the recent debt limit vote a political stunt by House Republicans?
4.  Will President Obama’s golf outings hurt him in the next presidential election?
5.  What impact will the Supreme Court’s rejection of a lawsuit against John Ashcroft have on the war on terrorism?
6.  What steps should the federal government take to successfully rebuild Joplin, Missouri?
7.  Are Sarah Palin’s latest antics hurting the GOP presidential field?
8.  Do federal seizures of websites engaged in piracy go too far?
9.  Would the legalization of online gambling bring in significant revenue for the federal government?
10.  Will state attempts to tax the Internet backfire?

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