Here is your R&D for March 11th:

Gaddafi takes key towns as Nato squabbles over Libya action from the Guardian
Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi’s forces are reclaiming territory from rebel groups as NATO is divided over imposing a no fly zone.  The United States and Germany are not in favor of the move, while France and Great Britain are proponents of it.

Planned day of protests key test for Saudi Arabia from Reuters
Today is the day protesters are planning to launch a “day of rage” in Saudi Arabia.  Oil markets and international observers will be carefully watching the protests to see how the Saudi monarchy reacts and if they create instability in the country similar to what Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, and Libya have experienced.

Amazon Takes Action in Illinois as War on Sales Taxes Continues from the Wall Street Journal
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn continues to make headlines as he signed a law requiring online retailers that work with affiliates in the state to collect sales taxes from Illinois residents. has cut ties to its 9,000 Illinois affiliates in response.

Rick Santorum could be unlikely Iowa force from Politico
Could former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum be next year’s surprise Republican winner in Iowa? According to Politico he has a chance because of Santorum’s culturally conservative credentials.

Massive 8.9 earthquake, tsunami hit Japan from the Times of India
An 8.9 earthquake in northeastern Japan triggered a tsunami that hit parts of the country’s coastline.  Buildings in Tokyo were violently shaken by the earthquake.