Category: International Extemp Page 27 of 58

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 2-8, 2015


HOTtopics1. Will the EU’s new internet rules hurt startups?
2. Is Daniel Scioli poorly positioned to win the Argentinian presidential runoff?
3. Can Myanmar hold a free and fair election?
4. Should the EU grant a pardon to Edward Snowden?
5. Is a world without borders preferable to a world with them?
6. What role can Iran play in ending the Syrian Civil War?
7. Will the ending of China’s one-child policy bolster China’s long-term economic prospects?
8. How can Tanzania better fight corruption?
9. Will Turkey’s recent elections give it much needed political stability?
10. Is the Islamic State becoming a threat to Bangladesh’s national security?

Canada’s Parliamentary Elections (2015)


Last Monday, Canadian voters delivered a stunning victory to the Liberal Party, a result deemed unthinkable several weeks ago.  Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party lost its governing majority, losing sixty seats.  Meanwhile, the Liberals gained an amazing 148 seats due to the impressive campaigning of its young leader Justin Trudeau, the oldest son of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.  Observers noted that the Liberal victory was due to Canada’s faltering economy as well as perceptions that Harper’s government was inconsiderate toward the plight of Syrian refugees and neglectful of Canada’s proper place in global affairs.  A Trudeau-led government has promised to change Canada’s fiscal policy and reform the nation’s drug laws.  The Liberals are also poised to alter Canada’s foreign policy, especially with respect to environmental and security issues.  What is certain is that the Liberals will have to contend with a new Conservative Party, as Harper announced his resignation as party leader following the announcement of the election results.

This topic brief will provide a summary of the 2015 Canadian elections, discuss the top domestic and international priorities of the Trudeau government, and then analyze what Stephen Harper’s legacy as Canadian prime minister might be.

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2015


HOTtopics1. Does Great Britain need to become more active in global affairs?
2. Are term limits needed to ensure an effective democratic system of governance?
3. Will the TPP go into effect within the next five years?
4. Was Iran the winner of its nuclear deal with the West?
5. What steps should the international community take to combat extreme poverty?
6. Should European nations give control of their external borders to EU officials?
7. Is Saudi Arabia headed for economic disaster?
8. Why did Stephen Harper lose the Canadian elections?
9. Would a more powerful UN significantly reduce global tensions?
10. Is a two state solution in Israel’s best interest?

A Third Intifada?


October has been a bloody month in East Jerusalem.  Palestinian youth, responding to rumors that Israel is planning to take over the Temple Mount, revered as a holy site for Jews and Muslims, are clashing with Israeli security personnel and launching random, “lone wolf” attacks on Israeli civilians.  In response, the Israeli government has imposed movement controls and other preventative measures, but critics contend that this will serve to exacerbate tensions rather than produce a lasting solution.  Some experts contend that Palestinians are engaging in a third intifada, or uprising, and this would be the second time in two years that Palestinians are reacting violently against the Israeli government.  Frustrated at their political leadership, Israeli settlement expansion, and the lack of progress toward a two-state solution, it is believed that some Palestinians are responding through violence to bring greater international attention to their plight. 

This topic brief will explore the causes of the recent unrest between Palestinians and Israelis, explore Israeli responses, and then explain why it is unlikely that the causes of the violence will be solved in the near future.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19-25, 2015


HOTtopics1. How should Saudi Arabia deal with low oil prices?
2. Should Mexico cease using its soldiers as police?
3. What fiscal reforms should the Chinese government enact?
4. Should Pakistan place limits on its nuclear program?
5. Will the truce between Dilma Roussef and Eduardo Cunha end Brazil’s political gridlock?
6. Should Taiwan grow closer or farther from China?
7. Is African democracy in crisis?
8. Do Egypt’s parliamentary elections matter?
9. Will South Africa withdraw from the ICC?
10. How will the result of the Canadian elections affect Canada’s foreign policy?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 12-18, 2015


HOTtopics1. Is the Syrian Civil War a threat to Israeli security?
2. How should India handle its energy crisis?
3. Will economic problems bring down Stephen Harper?
4. Has Russia replaced the U.S. as the leader of the global war on terrorism?
5. Is Matteo Renzi the last hope of the moderate European left?
6. What does an ideal peace deal between India and Pakistan look like?
7. Can Muhammadu Buhari clean up corruption in the Nigerian oil industry?
8. Is Paul Kagame’s ability to run for a third term the death knell for democracy in Rwanda?
9. Can the answer to Europe’s migrant crisis be found in Libya?
10. Is a third intifada on the horizon?

Russia’s Intervention in Syria


Last week, Russian aircraft dropped bombs on Syrian rebel positions, inaugurating an escalation of Russia’s participation in Syria’s four-year civil war.  Russian President Vladimir Putin has calculated that it is in Russia’s geopolitical interest to preserve the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and Russia’s bombing runs mark a potential turning point of the conflict.  Russia’s intervention could improve Assad’s position and force Western nations backing the Syrian rebels to temper their opposition to Assad’s role in a political transition.  In addition, Russia’s intervention is cloaked within the bounds of an ongoing war against the Islamic State, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), reflecting how the Syrian Civil War has transformed from an attempt to overthrow Assad to a multi-faceted war where neither side looks good.  Although the West insists that Russia will fail in its intervention, extempers should be prepared to discuss this change in the Syrian Civil War at tournaments throughout the fall as it could have implications for the ongoing fight against ISIS, the ability of Syrian rebels to displace Assad, and Russia’s position in the Middle East vis-à-vis the United States.

This topic brief will discuss the reasons for Russian intervention in Syria, highlight what actions it has taken thus far to bolster Assad’s chances in the conflict, and analyze the risks inherent in a more direct Russian role in Syria.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 5-11, 2015


HOTtopics1. Will climate change produce the next refugee crisis?
2. Is trade the new “great game” of the world’s major powers?
3. Will the easing of the U.S. embargo actually prove damaging to the Cuban economy?
4. Has Hezbollah been a significant loser in the Syrian Civil War?
5. Will the Bank of England raise interest rates before the Federal Reserve?
6. Would the Middle East be better off today if Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gaddafi had never been removed from power?
7. How should Israel react to the Abbas’s claim that the Palestinians are no longer bound by the Oslo Accords?
8. Was the recent Portuguese election a setback for pro-austerity forces?
9. Will the European refugee crisis force early elections in Germany?
10. Can Afghanistan fight off the Taliban without American support?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 28-October 4, 2015


HOTtopics1. What is the most important Sustainable Development Goal?
2. How should international debt forgiveness be implemented?
3. What are the international implications of Iran desiring to take Saudi Arabia to court over hajj deaths?
4. How can Volkswagen overcome its recent emissions scandal?
5. What grade should China receive on women’s rights?
6. Will Syria become Putin’s Afghanistan?
7. Is India losing influence in Nepal?
8. Should Germany be given a wider global role in international organizations?
9. Is Russia replacing America’s role in the Middle East?
10. How should Spain handle the drive for Catalan independence?

Nepal’s New Constitution


Ever since 2006, Nepal’s political parties have attempted to reach an agreement on a new national constitution.  Divided over the role of religion in government, whether the nation’s 239-year-old monarchy should be restored, political boundaries, and the rights of ethnic minorities, the nation saw little movement on a lasting constitutional draft.  However, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake in April literally shook the country’s major parties out of their prolonged gridlock.  On Sunday, supporters of a new constitution gathered in the capital of Kathmandu to celebrate, but reception across the country was mixed.  Ethnic minorities in Nepal allege that the constitution denies them adequate representation and women’s rights activists allege that the document rolls back some of the protections women enjoyed in previous governments.  Analysts agree that Nepal’s new constitution may give its federal authorities the ability to finally govern the country and fix the problems that ail one of the world’s poorest nations.  Nevertheless, if federal officials are not able to acquire adequate buy-in from the nation’s various ethnic groups, the chances of achieving lasting change are minimal.

This topic brief will provide some historical background on Nepal’s political intrigues leading up to the new constitution, break down the ways that the constitution will change Nepal, and then analyze arguments that have been made against the document and how that may usher in a new period of instability in one of South Asia’s most unstable states.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 21-27, 2015


HOTtopics1. What role should religion play in international development efforts?
2. Do nations need more female ambassadors?
3. What has gone wrong in Brazil?
4. Will Nepal’s new constitution bring much needed stability?
5. Can Myanmar’s democratic forces care out more space in an authoritarian state?
6. What grade should Enrique Pena Nieto receive at the halfway point of his presidency?
7. Should the West condemn the Burkina Faso coup?
8. Does Juha Sipila need to pay more attention to Finland’s economic recession?
9. How will the migrant crisis affect Europe’s economy?
10. Can the Catholic Church successfully push Cuba to improve its human rights record?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 14-20, 2015


HOTtopics1. What should be the primary goals of Russia’s foreign policy?
2. Is Venezuela justified in closing its border with Colombia?
3. What is the significance of Guatemala’s presidential elections?
4. Is a solution to Ukraine’s long war in sight?
5. How can Abdel Fattah el-Sissi enhance his popularity among the Egyptian public?
6. Is Tunisia’s corruption amnesty law a bad idea?
7. How can nations stop “lone wolf” terrorism?
8. Should Britain allow for a second Scottish independence referendum?
9. Is there a “humane” solution to Europe’s migrant crisis?
10. Will Jeremy Corbyn lead Labour deeper into the political wilderness?

The Colombian-Venezuelan Border Crisis


While concerns about border security have acquired significant attention in the United States and Europe, another border crisis has created upheaval in the Western Hemisphere.  Several weeks ago Venezuelan officials closed border crossings with Colombia, citing security concerns and a need to clamp down on smugglers in the area.  In addition to closing the border, Venezuela deported 1,000 economic migrants from Colombia and demolished some of their homes.  While Colombia argues that Venezuela’s behavior constitutes a gross human rights violation, Venezuelan authorities insist that they have the right to police their own border and that the inability of the Colombian government to share border responsibilities is what has forced it to act.

This topic brief will outline the scope of the recent border closures, explain some of the reasons that Venezuela moved to close the Colombian border, and then analyze how the border closures could affect Venezuela’s politics, as well as future American foreign policy in Latin America.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 7-13, 2015


HOTtopics1. When will democracy return to Thailand?
2. Will the Paris climate talks be successful?
3. Should South Africa nationalize more industries?
4. Who should be Guatemala’s next president?
5. If you were Park Geun-hye, how would you deal with future North Korean provocations?
6. Can Modi’s labor reforms revive India’s slowing economy?
7. How would a Chinese recession affect its Asian neighbors?
8. Should Persian Gulf nations take more Syrian refugees?
9. Is Russia the only global power that can bring a resolution to the Syrian Civil War?
10. Will the European refugee crisis strengthen the continent’s far right parties?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of August 31-September 6, 2015


HOTtopics1. Has Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign hurt the Chinese economy?
2. Would the removal of Assad help anti-ISIS efforts?
3. Should India grant the Patels affirmative action benefits?
4. Does the West need Egypt?
5. Will the removal of economic sanctions further empower Iran’s mullahs?
6. Is Jeremy Corbyn the Labour Party’s Donald Trump?
7. Will anti-government protesters force Najib Razak to resign?
8. Should the EU set up migrant reception centers in Italy and Greece?
9. Will Shinzo Abe’s security policy prove to be his political undoing?
10. How can Colombia and Venezuela resolve their border crisis?

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