Category: International Extemp Page 6 of 56

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 9-15, 2022

1. Is Yoon Suk-yeol too unpopular to effectively govern?
2. What was Russia’s biggest miscalculation in its invasion of Ukraine?
3. How will the Taliban’s new dress decree for women affect its efforts to get greater international recognition?
4. After bad results in local elections, should the Conservative Party ditch Boris Johnson?
5. How can Tunisia avoid economic collapse?
6. What reforms are needed of international institutions in order to make them more effective?
7. Should Mexico adopt electoral reforms proposed by AMLO?
8. Does the Philippines have a “strongman problem”?
9. How should the Quad respond to China’s security pact with the Solomon Islands?
10. Why is Turkey trying to form a closer relationship with Saudi Arabia?

NSDA Nationals IX R&D from Prepd: Africa

Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd (pronounced “prepped”). Prepd is building debate technology that helps extempers and congressional debaters research, practice, and compete. Visit to learn more.

Over the next month and a half, Extemp Central will provide R&Ds on the topic areas for the 2022 NSDA National Tournament.  USX topic areas will have R&Ds posted on Thursday and IX topic areas will have R&Ds posted on Friday.  This is meant to help extempers assemble resources to prepare for the competition in Louisville.  This week we tackle IX topic area #1 on Africa.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 2-8, 2022

1. Will Vladimir Putin use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine?
2. How are drones reshaping global national security policy?
3. Should the EU expel Hungary for agreeing to Russia’s energy demands?
4. What can the WTO do to combat export bans on agricultural goods?
5. Which party will win the upcoming Lebanese elections?
6. Is Bangladesh sliding into autocracy?
7. If the Balkans fragile peace disintegrates, how should NATO respond?
8. Will Kim Jong-un’s provocative rhetoric cause Japan to build its own nuclear deterrent?
9. Should the international community extend more debt relief to African nations?
10. Can the EU-Mercosur free trade agreement be salvaged?

R&D from Prepd: Violence in Israel

Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd (pronounced “prepped”). Prepd is building debate technology that helps extempers and congressional debaters research, practice, and compete. Visit to learn more.

This week’s R&D from Prepd covers recent violence in Israel.  Muslim worshippers and Israeli police clashed a few weeks ago at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, leading to the suspension of the United Arab List in Israel’s governing coalition.  There have been other clashes near holy sites as well, leading to fears of a third intifada, or uprising, by Palestinians.  Recent violence has also spilled beyond Israel’s borders as the country made a military strike on Southern Lebanon after a rocket was fired into Northern Israel four days ago.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 25-May 1, 2022

1. How can Macron heal a polarized French nation?
2. What effect is the Russia-Ukraine War having on international climate change efforts?
3. Is Israel headed for new elections this summer?
4. Who is to blame for Germany’s dependence on Russian energy?
5. Can Ukraine win?
6. Does Lebanon need to accept an international aid package to rescue its economy?
7. How should the Taliban respond to Pakistan’s recent strikes against the TTP within Afghan territory?
8. Can AUKUS deter a possible Chinese attack on Taiwan?
9. How will the decline of Catholicism across Latin America affect the region’s politics?
10. Does King Abdullah of Jordan need to chart a new path for his country?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 18-24, 2022

1. Can Shehbaz Sharif put Pakistan on better economic footing?
2. How will the sinking of the Moskva affect the course of Russia’s war in Ukraine?
3. Should India pursue a free trade agreement with the United States?
4. Will the BRIC countries soon make a play to de-dollarize the global economy?
5. Would a Le Pen victory in the French presidential election endanger Western European security?
6. Britain’s migrant deal with Rwanda: Innovative or ill-conceived?
7. How can the Canadian government improve productivity growth in the nation’s economy?
8. Has the Juba Peace Agreement been a failure?
9. Will Sri Lanka’s debt default make an economic recovery easier?
10. What steps should the African Union do to stop ISIS’s gains on the continent?

R&D from Prepd: The French Presidential Election

Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd (pronounced “prepped”). Prepd is building debate technology that helps extempers and congressional debaters research, practice, and compete. Visit to learn more.

This week’s R&D from Prepd covers the first round of the French presidential election, which took place on Sunday.  President Emmanuel Macron won 27.8% of the vote, while far-right candidate Marine Le Pen won 23.1%.  Far-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon made a furious charge at the end and captured 22% of ballots.  Since no candidate earned a majority, Macron and Le Pen will face off in a runoff round on April 24.  This will be a rematch from 2017 where Macron won in a landslide.  Political observers predict a close vote as Le Pen could pull votes from other right-wing candidates that did not qualify for the runoff, as well as leftist voters who are dissatisfied with Macron’s leadership.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 11-17, 2022

1. How should the EU react to the outcome of Hungary’s parliamentary elections?
2. Is Likud poised to return to power in Israel?
3. Will Pakistan’s military intervene in the nation’s political crisis?
4. Is the global economy headed for a “Balkanized” future?
5. What impact did Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have on the first round of the French presidential election?
6. Is Tunisia reverting back to autocracy?
7. Will the ICC ever be able to bring Russian war criminals to justice?
8. Why are COVID-19 cases surging in Hong Kong?
9. How should China respond to AUKUS cooperation on hypersonic missiles?
10. Is Ethiopia’s war in Tigray nearing its end?

R&D from Prepd: Pakistan’s Political Crisis

Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd (pronounced “prepped”). Prepd is building debate technology that helps extempers and congressional debaters research, practice, and compete. Visit to learn more.

This week’s R&D from Prepd covers Pakistan’s ongoing political crisis.  Prime Minister Imran Khan recently tried to avoid a no-confidence vote by dissolving the Pakistani Parliament and calling for new elections, but opposition parties took the decision to the Supreme Court, which ruled yesterday that Khan’s move was illegal.  Khan has accused opposition parties of working with foreign powers to remove him.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 4-10, 2022

1. Is a third intifada brewing in Israel?
2. Did Russia’s invasion of Ukraine affect the outcome of the Hungarian presidential election?
3. Is Pakistan on the verge of a military coup?
4. If Belarus gets directly involved in Russia’s war in Ukraine, how should the West respond?
5. Should democratic nations work to wean themselves off of trade with autocratic ones?
6. Is Mexico’s military performing too many government functions?
7. Has Xi Jinping’s consolidation of power undermined China’s foreign policy interests?
8. Should the Taliban wait for better economic conditions before banning opium cultivation?
9. Will Yemen’s ceasefire pave the way for a lasting peace deal?
10. What does the outcome of Costa Rica’s presidential election mean for the country’s economic direction?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 28-April 3, 2022

1. Should Russia be expelled from the G20?
2. How can President Gotabaya Rajapaksa end Sri Lanka’s economic difficulties?
3. Why is Russia losing so many generals in the Ukrainian conflict?
4. Should Arab governments prioritize the Israeli-Palestinian peace process or preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon?
5. Would a Chinese-Solomon Islands security pact constitute a grave threat to Australia’s national security?
6. Does NATO need France?
7. Is globalization nearing its end?
8. Will the AfCFTA provide a significant economic boost to participating African nations?
9. Why is the UAE rehabilitating Syrian President Bashar al-Assad?
10. Will Jokowi try to extend his presidential tenure?

R&D from Prepd: Ukrainian Refugees

Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd (pronounced “prepped”). Prepd is building debate technology that helps extempers and congressional debaters research, practice, and compete. Visit to learn more.

This week’s R&D from Prepd covers Ukrainian refugees.  CBS News reported yesterday that 3.6 million Ukrainians have fled the country due to Russia’s invasion, while the BBC recently noted that another 6.5 million are believed to be displaced inside of the country.  The Biden administration announced that the U.S. would be accepting 100,000 refugees and pledged additional monies for assistance.  Neighboring countries like Poland have accepted the bulk of Ukraine’s refugees thus far.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 21-27, 2022

1. How will China’s latest COVID outbreaks affect the global economy?
2. What should a negotiated solution to Russia’s war in Ukraine look like?
3. Is Spain making a mistake in recognizing Morocco’s plan for governing Western Sahara?
4. How seriously should Western nations take Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threats?
5. Has globalization made autocracies stronger?
6. With less than a month to go, which two candidates will make the French presidential runoff?
7. What steps can the international community take to end human trafficking?
8. How will Brazil’s blocking of Telegram impact this year’s presidential election?
9. Is it fair to characterize Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan as a democratic reformer?
10. Will Gabriel Boric enjoy a successful presidential term?

R&D from Prepd: Chilean Politics

Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd (pronounced “prepped”). Prepd is building debate technology that helps extempers and congressional debaters research, practice, and compete. Visit to learn more.

This week’s R&D from Prepd covers Chilean politics.  Gabriel Boric, a former student activist, was sworn in as Chile’s new president last week.  Boric campaigned on a platform of social and environmental justice, pledging to move Chile away from the free market economic model of General Augusto Pinochet, who led Chile from December 1974-March 1990.  Markets are wary of his plans because of his association with communist groups, but Boric argues that his reforms will create more growth in the nation’s economy and be budget neutral.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 14-20, 2022

1. Should the ICC indict Vladimir Putin?
2. To what degree can the West continue to provide military support to Ukraine without escalating the conflict beyond its borders?
3. Why did Yoon Suk Yeol win South Korea’s presidential election?
4. Is the ongoing war in Ukraine doing lasting damage to the United Nations’ credibility?
5. How will Turkey’s move to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia impact the tense relationship between Armenia and Azerbaijan?
6. Is a new “pink tide” poised to sweep across Latin America this year?
7. Should the world’s central banks ignore rising energy costs?
8. What impact would the removal of U.S. sanctions have on Venezuela’s economy?
9. Is China’s economic growth target too ambitious?
10. Will punishing economic sanctions make Russia the next North Korea?

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