Here is this week’s multiple choice news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  This state legalized medical marijuana in its latest elections.
a.  Texas
b.  California
c.  Arizona
d.  Oregon

2.  This Sinn Fein leader has said that he’s leaving Northern Ireland politics to run for parliament in Ireland.
a.  Mary Lou McDonald
b.  Bairbre de Brun
c.  John Alderdice
d.  Gerry Adams
3.  David Cameron was asked to remove a poppy from his suit when he visited this nation last week.
a.  Russia
b.  Kazakhstan
c.  China
d.  Singapore

4.  This lawmaker’s ethics trial will open Congress’s lame duck session.
a.  Jesse Jackson, Jr.
b.  Alli Harvey
c.  Charlie Rangel
d.  Steny Hoyer

5.  Reports suggest that this terror suspect is unlikely to get a trial.
a.  Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
b.  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
c.  Osama bin Laden
d.  Anwar al-Awlaki

6.  Nicaragua had a border spat with this Latin American nation last week.
a.  Costa Rica
b.  Panama
c.  El Salvador
d.  Honduras

7.  Which of the following government positions did NOT change in France’s latest government shakeup.
a.  Justice Minister
b.  Prime Minister
c.  Foreign Minister
d.  Defense Minister

8.  This nation is rumored to be seeking an EU bailout.
a.  Ireland
b.  Spain
c.  Portugal
d.  Italy

9.  What is the name of the Burmese democractic activist who was released last week?
a.  Than Shwe
b.  Aung San Suu Kyi
c.  Sein Win
d.  Nyan Win

10.  Australia is having a problem with these insects, which constitute the worst plague the nation has experienced in 30 years.
a.  Black Flies
b.  Gnats
c.  Mosquitoes
d.  Locusts