1. Is the U.S. headed for another COVID-19 lockdown?
2. Should state governors issue mask mandates for schools or leave the decision to local officials?
3. If Sarah Palin decides to run for the Senate, how big of a threat is she to Lisa Murkowski’s re-election hopes?
4. How much power should social media services have to remove content they believe to be “disinformation”?
5. Does a delta COVID surge constitute a major threat to President Biden’s domestic agenda?
6. Should Congress have extended the federal eviction moratorium?
7. Are Texas Democrats winning their battle against the state’s proposed voting law?
8. What is the best way to reform policing in the United States?
9. Will vaccination mandates have to come from employers instead of the federal government?
10. How can the U.S. prevent a shortage of critical semiconductors in the future?