Here is your R&D for April 29th:

Debt ceiling: More Democrats threaten to vote against raising borrowing limit from the Washington Post
More Senate Democrats are threatening to go against the White House and join Republicans to vote against raising the debt ceiling.  The Democrats who might cross the aisle are those like Joe Manchin of West Virginia who face re-election battles next year.

What happens if Congress blows the debt ceiling? from CNN
And speaking of the debt ceiling, what will happen if Congress doesn’t raise it by July 8th?  This article lays it out for you.

Aljazeera: One Organization, Two Messages from the Washington Institute on Near East Policy
Is Aljazeera a beacon for reform in the Middle East?  Not according to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy because while it appears moderate to its English-speaking audience, there are different standards when coverage is providing in Arabic.

Iran’s president and supreme leader in rift over minister’s reinstatement from the Guardian
After President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refused to appear at the presidential palace because of a spat with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, there are calls by some members of the Iranian parliament to impeach him.

Morocco bombing bears hallmark of Al Qaeda group from the Christian Science Monitor
A bombing in Marrakesh, Morocco yesterday claimed 16 lives and investigators believe that Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is to blame.  The bombing recalls the 2003 terror attacks in Casablanca that were done by a local Islamic extremist group.