Here is your R&D for April 13th:

Tense Calm on Israeli-Palestinian Front from the Council on Foreign Relations
The Israelis and Palestinians are carefully watching the political upheaval that is taking place across the Arab world.  With the peace process between both sides deadlocked, Robert Danin, Eni Enrico Mattei Senior Fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies, tells the Council on Foreign Relations that it is time for the U.S. to reenage both sides to reach a solution to the Middle East’s most divisive issue.

Budget: What got cut? Don’t know yet from CNN
Although Democrats and Republicans agreed at the last minute to cut $38 billion in spending to avoid a government shutdown, it is still unclear what got cut in the budget.

No end in sight from the Economist
Violence is growing in Syria and there are fears that a sectarian bloodbath could be starting.  This article from the Economist provides a quick overview of the situation for extempers.

BRICS countries set up liaison group to boost economic, trade co-op from Xinhua
Economic and trade ministers of the BRICS have decided to set up a liason group.  This group will be tasked with increasing cooperation among the BRICS and is meant to intensify the institutional understanding between all of the involved players.

Would the burqa ban stand up at the European court? from the Guardian
Some scholars have questioned whether France’s ban on the burqa would withstand scrutiny by the European court of human rights.  This article breaks down how the court might weigh the issue and shows that precedent favors the Muslim position.