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R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for December 11th:

2020:  The IEA Puts a Date on Peak Oil Production from the Economist

Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy: banks should pay for climate change from the London Times

Illegal Immigrant Students Publicly Take Up a Cause from the New York Times

Al Shabab blamed for Somalia bombing. Is Al Qaeda’s influence rising? from the Christian Science Monitor

Brazil and Argentina try again to reach an agreement on bilateral trade from MercoPress

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for December 10th:

Medicare expansion idea raises healthcare reform hopes from the Los Angeles Times

Southern Thailand:  Moving Towards Political Solutions from the International Crisis Group

Can the GOP Retake the Senate in 2010 (by Karl Rove) from the Wall Street Journal

Hamas preparing ‘offensive’ tunnels from the Jerusalem Post

China Calls Population Control Key to Climate Deal from China Deal

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

R&D top five for December 9th:

Obama’s FDR moment from the Washington Post

Contending with the PKK’s Narco-Terrorism from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy

After Brief Uptick, Obama Approval Slips to 47% from Gallup

Cap, trade and block (in Australia) from the Economist

Climate documents spark rich vs. poor clash from the Seattle Times

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for December 8th:

Copenhagen’s Many Agendas from the Council on Foreign Relations

Journalism and Freedom (Rupert Murdoch Editorial) from the Wall Street Journal

EPA is preparing to regulate emissions in Congress’s stead from the Washington Post

Gordon Brown did not understand Afghan war, says former Army chief from the London Times

Chavez Announces Creation of New State Bank in Venezuela from the Latin American Herald Tribune

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for December 7th:

The Health Care Race to Christmas from The Washington Post (courtesy of RealClearPolitics)

Athens Hit by Fresh Unrest on Anniversary of Teenager’s Death from Der Spiegel

Evo sticks (Bolivia) from The Economist

Handing Back Responsibility to Timor-Leste’s Police from the International Crisis Group

Promoting the Car Phone, Despite Risks from the New York Times

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for December 4th:

Six ideas Obama heard at the White House job summit from the Christian Science Monitor

Kenyans draw weapons over shrinking resources from the Los Angeles Times

Africa: ‘Development More Important Than Quick Conclusion of Doha’ from the Inter Press Service courtesy of AllAfrica

UN panel promises to investigate leaked ‘climategate’ e-mails from the London Times

Assessing China’s Carbon-Cutting Proposal from the Council on Foreign Relations

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for December 3rd:

U.S. Seen as Less Important, China as More Powerful from the Pew Research Center

New York state Senate rejects gay marriage, focus turns to N.J. from The Christian Science Monitor

France and Germany stop short of committing troops from the Irish Times

Live From Honduras: Electoral Observations from Upside Down World

Invisible: 1.4 Percent Coverage for Education is Not Enough from the Brookings Institution

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for December 2nd:

Minarets and Europe’s Crisis from Al Jazeera

Atlanta Mayoral Race Is Too Close to Call from the New York Times

CrisisWatch Bulletin from the International Crisis Group

Searching in Vain for the Obama Magic from Der Spiegel

John Demjanjuk, alleged Nazi death camp guard, goes on trial in Germany from the Christian Science Monitor

R&D World AIDS Day Special: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read About It

Here is a special R&D top five to commemorate World AIDS Day on December 1st:

Jacob Zuma’s Speech on New Measures to Fight AIDS courtesy of AllAfrica

Africa Still Faces Biggest Burden of HIV/AIDS from Reuters

Africa’s Best and Worst Performers on AIDS/HIV Treatment and Access from IRIN News courtesy of AllAfrica

Pall lifts along with AIDS travel ban from the Chicago Tribune

Worlds AIDS Day:  No time to let up from The San Francisco Chronicle

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for December 1st:

In Budget Impasse, Governor Warns of Withholding Municipal Aid from The New York Times

Race part of decision for next Atlanta mayor from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Zelaya’s Party Loses Honduras President Election from the Latin American Herald Tribune

Swiss minaret vote and vague fears about Islam from The Christian Science Monitor

The Copenhagen Conundrum from the Washington Post (courtesy of RealClearPolitics)

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 30th:

The Arabs Have Stopped Applauding Obama from the Wall Street Journal

Mujica reaches out to the opposition and calls for political agreements from MercoPress

A party both united and divided from The Washington Post

Lucky Lobo (Honduras Election) from the Economist

Bush-Style Military Spending Not Over Yet from Foreign Policy in Focus

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 27th:

Voter Anger Is Building Over Deficits from The Wall Street Journal

4 Vie for Kennedy’s Seat, but Only 3 Seek His Mantle from the New York Times

India lays to rest a Bush-era ghost from The Asia Times

Brazil and the US confirm differences over Honduras Sunday elections from MercoPress

The al-Qaeda-Taliban Nexus from the Council on Foreign Relations

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 25th:

US pledges carbon emissions cuts from the BBC

Obama to Deliver Prime-Time Address on Afghanistan Tuesday from the Wall Street Journal

Afghanistan: Elections and the Crisis of Governance from the International Crisis Group

U.S.-India: An Enduring Partnership in Uncertain Times from the Heritage Foundation

Corruption Index Today, Election Tomorrow, Aid Revamp the Day After? from the Brookings Institute

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 24th:

The U.S.-Russia Nuclear Thicket (Interview) from the Council on Foreign Relations

Where the Public Stands on Immigration Reform from The Pew Research Center

Spain Believes EU Should Create G-3 with U.S., China from The Latin American Herald Tribune

White House Begins Campaign to Promote Science and Math Education from The New York Times

U.S. youths recruited to fight in Somali militia, authorities say from The Los Angeles Times

R&D: Top Five News Stories/Reports You Will Want to Read Today

Here is your R&D top five for November 23rd:

Venezuela vs. Colombia: Two leaders seek outside mediation from the Christian Science Monitor

Support for legalizing marijuana grows rapidly around U.S. from the Washington Post

Pity those caught in the middle (Yemen) from The Economist

Weighing Jobs and Deficit from the Wall Street Journal

Hamas ‘debating prisoner exchange deal’ from BBC

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