Month: June 2010 Page 2 of 3

NFL International Extemp Topic Area Analysis, Part 2

As was done for the Catholic Forensic League (CFL) national tournament, Extemp Central provides you with this topic area analysis for the International Extemp portion of next week’s NFL national tournament in Kansas City, Missouri.

In the first of our four-part series, we explore three of the thirteen topic areas at the 2010 NFL National Tournament in International Extemp.

Topic Area #4:  China, Taiwan, Japan, and the Koreas
Topic Area #5:  Energy and the Environment
Topic Area #6:  Europe

Keep reading to explore these areas in further depth.

NFL International Extemp Topic Area Analysis, Part 1

As was done for the Catholic Forensic League (CFL) national tournament, Extemp Central provides you with this topic area analysis for the International Extemp portion of next week’s NFL national tournament in Kansas City, Missouri.

In the first of our four-part series, we explore three of the thirteen topic areas at the 2010 NFL National Tournament in International Extemp.

Topic Area #1:  Africa
Topic Area #2:  Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean
Topic Area #3:  Central and South America

Keep reading to explore these areas in further depth.

NFL International Extemp Topic Area Analysis, A Guide

by Logan Scisco

As was done for the Catholic Forensic League (CFL) national tournament, Extemp Central provides you with this topic area analysis for the International extemp portion of next week’s NFL national tournament in Kansas City, Missouri.

This is the third time that Extemp Central has broken down the topic areas in International extemp for NFL.  Last year, IX runner-up Omar Qureshi broke down the IX topic areas and extempers would be wise to consult this topic area analysis as well as Omar’s thoughts, which can be found in last year’s NFL edition of The Ex Files.

If you are in the International extemp field for NFL you will be facing some of the toughest competition in the nation.  Although anyone who makes the NFL national tournament is a talented speaker and has earned their way into the field, International extemp tends to have a better field than United States extemp.  In looking at the National Points Race, most of the top ten are in International extemp at this year’s tournament so if you have chosen to do International extemp you will be in the midst of very elite competition and will be competing against extempers who have proven themselves at previous national circuit events during the year.

As with the CFL topic area analysis, this topic area analysis is meant to provide some insight into the thirteen topic areas that International extempers will encounter at the national tournament.  According to some reports, a new batch of question writers will be putting together this year’s topics, which will hopefully eliminate the ridiculous questions seen in last year’s final round such as “Yes we can.  Or can we?”  Since I am putting together the USX and IX topic area analysis this year and because thirteen topic areas cover a lot of ground, this year’s topic area analysis will have a brief paragraph summary explaining each topic area and then there will be bulleted points detailing issues that extempers might confront in each topic area.  Keep in mind, this topic brief is not sanctioned by the National Forensic League and I am not on any panels to write questions for the tournament.  My analysis of these topic areas is through my years of experience competing at the tournament and judging rounds and merely predicts what you will encounter in the prep room in Kansas City.  Unlike previous years this topic brief will not contain practice questions.  This is because of the timing of the release of this topic area analysis and other constraints upon the writer.  Instead, this week there will be thirteen questions for USX and IX, one for each topic area.  Extempers can also look back at previous week’s questions on the site to help prepare them for the tournament.  I apologize for any inconvenience that might cause.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 8th-14th, 2010

1. Will Southern Sudan have to secure its independence in another civil war?
2. How can the Cuban government solve its liquidity problem?
3. Will a recent decision by the Colombian Constitutional Court that charging tuition for public elementary school was unconstitutional provide a path for social and economic mobility that the nation needs?
4. Will Naoto Kan succeed in preventing the Japanese government from having its credit rating downgraded?
5. How is the race for global natural resources impacting global stability?
6. Should Crotia become the next member of the EU?
7. Will Nepal’s plans for land reform effectively ward off the risk of a food crisis?
8. Have democratic reforms across the globe made the world a more dangerous place over the last decade?
9. Has the ICC been successful in providing justice for the victims of war crimes?
10. How should Israel have dealt with the Gaza flotilla?
11. What steps does Russia need to take to make its military a more elite fighting force?
12. Is Taiwan moving outside of America’s orbit?
13. Would a global bank tax among G-20 members provide stablity for the global economy?

NFL US Extemp Topic Area Analysis, Part 4

As was done for the Catholic Forensic League (CFL) national tournament, Extemp Central provides you with this topic area analysis for the United States extemp portion of next week’s NFL national tournament in Kansas City, Missouri.

In the final installment of our four-part series, we explore four of the thirteen topic areas at the 2010 NFL National Tournament in United States Extemp.

Topic Area #10:  National Security and Homeland Security
Topic Area #11:  The Obama Administration
Topic Area #12:  State and Local Politics:  Major Elections, Budgets, Welfare, and Immigration Issues
Topic Area #13:  U.S. Policies, Programs, and Regulatory Policy

Keep reading to explore these areas in further depth.

NFL US Extemp Topic Area Analysis, Part 3

As was done for the Catholic Forensic League (CFL) national tournament, Extemp Central provides you with this topic area analysis for the United States extemp portion of next week’s NFL national tournament in Kansas City, Missouri.

In the third of our four-part series, we explore three of the thirteen topic areas at the 2010 NFL National Tournament in United States Extemp.

Topic Area #7:  Education
Topic Area #8:  Energy & the Environment
Topic Area #9:  Health Care Reform

Keep reading to explore these areas in further depth.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of June 7th-13th, 2010 (Short Answer Version)

Here is your final short answer news quiz of the season.  Good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of June 7th-13th, 2010 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is your last multiple choice news quiz of the season.  Pick well and good luck!

NFL US Extemp Topic Area Analysis, Part 2

As was done for the Catholic Forensic League (CFL) national tournament, Extemp Central provides you with this topic area analysis for the United States extemp portion of next week’s NFL national tournament in Kansas City, Missouri.

In the second of our four-part series, we explore three of the thirteen topic areas at the 2010 NFL National Tournament in United States Extemp.

Topic Area #4:  America:  The Path from 2000 to 2010
Topic Area #5:  The American Judiciary:  Nominations, Recent Cases, and Theoretical Approaches
Topic Area #6:  The Banking Crisis and American Business

Keep reading to explore these areas in further depth.

NFL US Extemp Topic Area Analysis, Part 1

As was done for the Catholic Forensic League (CFL) national tournament, Extemp Central provides you with this topic area analysis for the United States extemp portion of next week’s NFL national tournament in Kansas City, Missouri.

In the first of our four-part series, we explore three of the thirteen topic areas at the 2010 NFL National Tournament in United States Extemp.

Topic Area #1:  The 2010 and 2012 Elections
Topic Area #2:  The American Economy:  Economic Theory and Core Economic Policymaking
Topic Area #3:  American Foreign Policy:  Theoretical Questions and Ongoing Foreign Engagements

Keep reading to explore these areas in further depth.

NFL US Extemp Topic Area Analysis, A Guide

As was done for the Catholic Forensic League (CFL) national tournament, Extemp Central provides you with this topic area analysis for the United States extemp portion of next week’s NFL national tournament in Kansas City, Missouri.

Since this is my third year writing a topic area analysis for the NFL National tournament for the website, I’ll rehash my thoughts about why I think United States extemp is more difficult than International extemp.  These thoughts were printed in last season’s topic area analysis:

First, it is very difficult to write thirteen rounds of questions about the United States. Yes, we are a great country and many of the things that take place here establish policy that significantly alters the globe. However, trying to come up with nearly thirty questions per round about issues only in the United States is very difficult. This is compounded by a problem all extempers are familiar with at some local tournaments: a lack of quality questions. I remember senior year the first question I drew was “Why does the right hate public education?” I also have encountered questions about whether prisoners should have to work, questions about timber companies, and questions about water problems in Utah. All of these questions show that there is a depth to U.S. extemp that can get very nit picky and there might come a time in the tournament when an extemper is going to be forced to talk about an issue they may never have heard of or not have a lot of substantial material to support a speech in their file boxes.

Download the 4n6 Mobile Phone App

With the wealth of speech and debate websites available, it’s often hard to keep up-to-date on all the latest news, results, and commentary. SpeechGeek is excited to share the 4n6 app for mobile phones! The app is a free download available in the Apple iTunes App Store and Google Android Market.

Combining news and social content from the most popular forensics websites, 4n6 is the one-stop resource for high school speech and debate. News, tweets, and other social content is just a tap away. We are proud to partner with websites such as PFDebate, Victory Briefs Daily, Global Debate, The National Forensic League, Extemp Central, Forensics Community, The Forensics Posting Weekly, and to provide you with a tool for easy access to the best forensics content online.

We encourage users who also tweet to use the #4n6 hashtag in forensics-related tweets.  This helps to build a community of users and participants in the forensics discussion.

From your first prep to the final round at Nationals, 4n6 is the app for the true Speech Geek!

Keep reading to check out some screenshots of the app.

NFL Nats IX R&D: Energy & the Environment

World’s ecosystems provide ‘services’ equal to global income from the Agence France Presse

EU beating gas emission targets from the Financial Times

UK given final warning over London air quality from the Guardian

Nigeria without oil: Akwa Ibom example from Business Day (Nigeria)

Oil chiefs predict long-term price strength from Reuters

A ‘Turf War’ Complicates Efforts to Get Climate Aid to Developing Nations from the New York Times

World’s oceans could be completely depleted of fish in 40 years: UN report from the New York Daily News

NFL Nats USX R&D: The American Judiciary: Nominations, Recent Cases, and Theoretical Approaches

In Supreme Court Work, Early Views of Kagan from the New York Times

Suspect must speak up to claim right to remain silent, Supreme Court rules, limiting ‘Miranda’ from the Chicago Tribune

Souter at Harvard, on the Supreme Court from the Los Angeles Times

Elena Who? Why the Summer’s Blockbuster is Looking Like a Dud from the Wall Street Journal

Entire N.J. judicial panel resigns to protest Gov. Christie’s non-tenure of Justice Wallace from the New Jersey Star Ledger

Supreme Court: no immunity for ex-Somali official from Reuters

Time running out, candidates face spending limbo from the Arizona Republic

Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of May 31st-June 4th, 2010

Here are your answers for this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Check back next week for the last quiz of the season!

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