Tag: March 2008 extemp questions

Extemp Questions for the Week of March 26th-April 1st, 2008

1. Has the Jeremiah Wright controversy doomed Barack Obama’s campaign?

2. Why have Islamic parties lost ground in Pakistan?

3. Is Mugabe losing his grip on power?

4. Should the U.S. government put a cap on gasoline prices?

5. Why is there a growing rift between the U.S. and Belarus?

6. How can John McCain seize control of the economic agenda?

7. Is Washington D.C.’s handgun ban unconstitutional?

8. Are riots in Tibet only a glimpse at what is to come?

9. Would a Democratic ticket led by Al Gore diffuse the divisions in the Democratic Party?

10. Should the NCAA men’s basketball tournament be expanded?

Extemp Questions for the Week of March 19th-March 25th, 2008

1. Will Spitzer’s resignation reflect poorly on Democratic candidates in November?

2. Is China’s growing power threatening international stability?

3. Should the U.S. be concerned about recent job loss numbers?

4. Has Sarkozy’s opportunity to reform France passed by?

5. Should the world be more vocal about China’s response to recent protests in Tibet?

6. Is the UMNO’s setback in recent Malaysian elections good for the country?

7. Should the Georgia-Tennessee border be redawn?

8. How effective has Brazil’s AIDS program been?

9. Is Keny’a political peace afford falling apart?

10. Should the GOP be concerned about Dennis Hastert’s congressional district’s recent change to blue?

Extemp Questions for the Week of March 12th-March 18th, 2008

1. Who should John McCain choose as his running mate?

2. Was Russia’s presidential election fair?

3. Why did the socialists prevail in recent Spanish parliamentary elections?

4. How should the DNC handle Florida and Michigan’s delegates?

5. Is the construction of a US-Mexican border fence a violation of international law?

6. Have poverty prevention programs in the U.S. been a failure?

7. Should the Pakistan People’s Party impeach Musharraf?

8. Are we on the eve of a new intifada?

9. Would an ANC split be good for South African politics?

10. Should Spitzer resign?

Extemp Questions for the Week of March 5th-March 11th, 2008

1. Is a long Democratic primary race already reaping benefits for John McCain?

2. Why is Thailand’s Muslim insurgency worsening??

3. How should the U.S. respond if Venezuela invades Colombia?

4. Can Simba Makani defeat Robert Mugabe in this month’s Zimbabwe presidential election?

5. What is the next boom sector of the global economy?

6. Can mandating the purchase of health insurance create a successful universal health care system?

7. What would be an ideal plan that would lead to the unification of Cyprus?

8. Has education fallen off the political radar?

9. Why is South Korea’s newly elected president Lee Myung-bak off to such a poor start?

10. What is the legacy of President Putin?

Extemp Questions for the Week of February 27th-March 4th, 2008

1. Is Nader a spoiler?

2. How should the upcoming Iranian parliamentary elections be viewed?

3. Is the idea of a North American Union realistic?

4. What is the legacy of Fidel Castro?

5. How should Medicaid be reformed?

6. Is the WTO finally getting tough on China?

7. Can Al Gore unify a fractured Democratic party?

8. Is the world ignoring drug resistant TB at its peril?

9. How should the U.S. war on drugs be changed?

10. Should there be public financing of all U.S. election campaigns?

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