Month: June 2010

2010 CFL Nationals: Final Extemp Results

Thanks to Andy Charrier of Lakeville South High School we’ve acquired the results for the top six at the 2010 Catholic Forensic League (CFL) Grand National tournament that was held in Omaha, Nebraska last week.  As we initially reported, Dylan Slinger of Lakeville South High School in Minnesota captured the title over James Mohan of Danville High School in Kentucky.  This was the third time in six years that a Minnesota extemper has won the CFL national championship.  Since Slinger is a junior, he will have an opportunity next year to become the first extemper to repeat as CFL national champion since Jason Lear did it in 2000 and 2001. He will also have the opportunity to become the third extemper to win both CFL and NFL National championships in the same year, which Kevin Troy and Akshar Rambachan, the last two Minnesota extempers to win CFL, accomplished in 2005 and 2007.

Here were the final results:

CFL National Champion:  Dylan Slinger (Lakeville South High School, Minnesota)
2nd: James Mohan (Danville High School, Kentucky)
3rd: Michael Barton (Regis High School, New York)
4th: Mirza Germovic (Des Moines Roosevelt High School, Iowa)
5th: Bo Lint (Suncoast Community High School, Florida)
6th: Meera Sury (Roseville Area High School, Minnesota)

After CFL posts its complete results packed, Extemp Central will be able to enter the 25 pts. for the six semi-finalists at the tournament (the two that we know of are Forrest Richardson of Savannah High School in Missouri and Emily Martin of Boone County High School in Kentucky) and update the National Points Race accordingly. Congratulations to the finalists and Extemp Central wishes them the best of luck in Kansas City.

NFL Nats IX R&D: China, Taiwan, Japan, and the Koreas

Okinawa Issue Lingers from the Wall Street Journal

Warship’s sinking echoes in South Korean elections from the Washington Post

China’s Wen Jiabao, Myanmar leaders to discuss sensitive topics from the Los Angeles Times

Change is finally afoot for China’s workers from the Financial Times

Hatoyama Quitting ‘Positive’ for Stocks, Musha Says from Business Week

China’s Korean balancing act from Al Jazeera

Japan factory output up 1.3% in April from the Agence France Presse

In new sign of trust, public Taiwan firms target China from Reuters

NFL Nats USX R&D: America: The Path from 2000 to 2010

N.Y. Republicans Tap Lazio as Candidate for Governor from Business Week

Blagojevich trial will be key performance for ex-governor from the Washington Post

The new US security strategy from the Lebanese Daily Star

For Republican Women, 2010 Is Already A Huge Year from NPR

The BP spill: Obama’s Katrina? from the Los Angeles Times

Obama border initiative recalls Bush tactics from the Financial Times

George W. Bush touts wind-power legacy at Dallas convention from the Dallas Morning News

NFL Nats IX R&D: Central and South America

Colombia votes from the Financial Times

Hugo Chavez looms large over Colombia election from the Christian Science Monitor

Storm Kills 142 in Central America from the New York Times

UN Official: Slavery Continues in Brazil Despite Government Efforts from the Latin American Herald Tribune

Peru and Chile agree to resume confidence building in military affairs from MercoPress

Farming sector leaders targeted in series of attacks, threats from the Buenos Aires Herald

Peru: Native Peoples’ Right to Consultation on Land Use Enshrined in Law from Upside Down World

NFL Nats USX R&D: American Foreign Policy: Theoretical Questions and Ongoing Foreign Engagements

US hegemony in Middle East is ending from the Guardian

Assessing a benchmark in Obama’s ‘yes, but’ strategy from Foreign Policy

Obama’s National Security Strategy: Is ‘I’m not Bush’ ending? from the Christian Science Monitor

Defense, counter-terrorism key focus of India-U.S. strategic dialogue from the Hindustan Times

Obama’s policy toward the Caucasus and U.S. credibility from the Global Politician

Analysis: North Korea tests U.S. policy of ‘strategic patience’ from the Washington Post

Russia submits U.S. nuclear arms deal to parliament from Reuters

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 1st-7th, 2010

1.  Should there be stricter global regulations aimed at the tobacco industry?
2.  Why did Georgia’s ruling party win the country’s latest round of elections?
3.  How are low oil prices affecting the Nigerian economy?
4.  Will Iraq’s new parliament make Nuri al-Maliki prime minister again?
5.  Should the crime of aggression be added to the ICC’s jurisdiction? 
6.  Will Israel’s raid on an aid flotilla end the blockade of the Gaza Strip?
7.  Do high poll ratings for South Korea’s Grand National Party translate into support for a more confrontational stance toward North Korea?
8.  What caused Horst Koehler’s resignation?
9.  Will the SPD’s abandonment of the DPJ enable the LDP to come back to power in the next general election?
10.  Should the EU press the U.S. to make Russia a member of the WTO?

NFL Nats IX R&D: Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean

Canada’s Q1 growth tops 6% from the Toronto Sun

Markets Less Sure Than Economists on Rate Rise: Canada Credit from the Business Week

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model from Reuters

Bodies found in Mexico mine; drug gangs suspected from the Seattle Times

Cuba seeks to strengthen military defense from the Global Times

Jamaica’s Bruce Golding denies link to drug lord Dudus Coke from the Christian Science Monitor

Cuban Dissidents Complain of Police Repression from the Latin American Herald Tribune

NFL Nats USX R&D: Economic Theory and Core Economic Policymaking

Bernanke says global recovery depends on emerging markets, central banks from the Washington Post

House Votes to Eliminate Hedge Fund Tax Break from the New York Times

U.S. warned to deal with debt to avert another crisis from the Dallas Morning News

The White House Finally Explains Keynesian Economics from the Atlantic

Kansas Republican: VAT Tax Would Cripple U.S. Recovery from U.S. News & World Report (blog)

Senator wants disclosure on outsourced calls from Reuters

How Bad Is It Really for the Unemployed? from the Brookings Institute

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 1st-7th, 2010

1.  How should the U.S. respond to Israel’s raid on a convoy of boats that were carrying aid to the Gaza Strip?
2.  Has America’s national security strategy been derailed by debt?
3.  Why are Americans so stressed out?
4.  Would Charles Schumer’s effort to charge companies for transferred calls positively or negatively impact the U.S. economy?
5.  Will Mark Kirk’s misrepresentation of a military commendation cost him the Illinois Senate race?
6.  How will the Gulf oil spill impact the 2012 presidential election?
7.  Is the U.S. misguided in its backing of a UN Security Council resolution for a nuclear free zone in the Middle East?
8.  Will the 2010 midterm elections lead to the election of a lot of one term senators?
9.  Has the military’s voice been ignored in Congressional proceedings over whether “don’t ask, don’t tell” should be repealed?
10.  Are America’s schools becoming economically segregated?

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