Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. Good luck!
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Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. Good luck!
To access a list of all our old quizzes, click here.
Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete! Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.
Today’s R&D covers the alt-right, which drew attention last week when Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton blasted it for circulating rumors about her health. The alt-right is deemed as an alternative wing of mainstream conservatism and it flourishes on online news sites such as Infowars, the Drudge Report, and Breitbart. Critics deem it to be a source of white nationalism that is hostile to multiculturalism. Others argue that it is finding an appeal among voters who believe the government is broken and that mainstream conservatism become part of the problem in Washington.
The “alt-right” has been in the news a lot in recent days. Here’s what it is and who calls themselves members. https://t.co/hwtgmw5vEw
— NPR (@NPR) August 26, 2016
Breitbart loved Clinton’s speech on “alt-right” racism. “I’ll play it cool, but not that cool: It was a big moment” https://t.co/SSc86XQOFJ
— NYT Business (@nytimesbusiness) August 29, 2016
Reviews are in for how Hillary Clinton handled “alt-right” in speech https://t.co/50U98bvtd9
— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 28, 2016
1. Is Poland’s Law and Justice Party threatening democracy?
2. How can Canada best fight its opioid problem?
3. What role should Saudi Arabia play in the global war against terrorism?
4. Should Bolivia allows its miners to associate with private companies?
5. Will Colombian voters approve of their government’s peace agreement with the FARC?
6. Should Brazilian prosecutors charge Ryan Lochte?
7. How can Southern African leaders quell the anxieties of younger voters?
8. Will Turkey’s conflict with the Kurds prolong the Syrian Civil War?
9. Should Pakistan internationalize the Kashmir dispute?
10. Does Angela Merkel deserve a fourth term?
1. Should U.S. states pass legislation allowing women to be topless in public?
2. Will a new Pentagon report create new momentum for closing Gitmo?
3. Should trucks and buses have separate speed limits?
4. Will Gary Johnson qualify for the presidential debates?
5. Should for-profit colleges be banned?
6. What modifications should Donald Trump make to his immigration plan?
7. How can U.S. states better combat the heroin epidemic?
8. Is the media showing too much bias to Hillary Clinton in this election cycle?
9. Have U.S.-EU free trade talks failed?
10. How much political power does the “Alt-Right” have?
Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete! Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.
Here is our weekly survey of news stories to round out the week of August 22-28, 2016.
More laid-off U.S. workers are getting back to work as the recession’s trauma fades https://t.co/HVHdthHkBP 🔓 pic.twitter.com/tCiXW2N5Rj
— Real Time Economics (@WSJecon) August 25, 2016
For years, Saudi Arabia has pumped oil and a harsh strain of Islam around the world https://t.co/7oLEP7HrY7 pic.twitter.com/3bmknLlGpM
— NYT Politics (@nytpolitics) August 25, 2016
In US public schools, teachers are much whiter than their students (and it’s getting worse) https://t.co/kNPUhnm5LL pic.twitter.com/e7PUBBqXgG
— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) August 24, 2016
Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete! Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.
This R&D provides resources on the legal controversy surrounding fixed bail amounts. The U.S. Department of Justice recently filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court, arguing that fixed bail amounts unfairly discriminate against the poor. This is the first time that the Justice Department has submitted a legal opinion about fixed bail schedules.
In amicus brief, Justice Department says fixed bail amounts are “unconstitutional.” Here’s why https://t.co/tVETtYyOZ7 #CJReform
— Legal Defense Fund (@NAACP_LDF) August 22, 2016
How Pittsburgh fixed its bail system to be fair to all defendants, without stretching the court’s budget https://t.co/bbgTEFakmZ #bailreform
— Sara Dorn (@sara_dorn) August 22, 2016
Fault Lines Debate: Fixed Bail, The Best We Can Dohttps://t.co/niZ1kl36ja
from @clsesq pic.twitter.com/YICO4e4oTH— Fault Lines (@faultXlines) August 22, 2016
Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. Good luck!
To access a list of all our old quizzes, click here.
Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete! Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.
This R&D provides resources on French areas banning women from wearing a burkini, which is a burqa version of a swimsuit. Although some fashion companies are attempting to offer Islamic-friendly swimwear, some French communities have banned the dress, arguing that it is a religious symbol that violates the country’s secular norms. Opponents of the bans say that they are unnecessarily discriminatory.
France’s liberal traditions won’t be helped by the burkini ban | Will Hutton https://t.co/BWWd9k5FkL
— The Guardian (@guardian) August 21, 2016
Burkini ban splits opinion in France https://t.co/7VQ0EXyuRT
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) August 19, 2016
‘Burkini’ bans in France have put a new twist on a long-running debate in Europe https://t.co/1XCCGQRKvZ pic.twitter.com/JGwkI2KjY9
— New York Times World (@nytimesworld) August 22, 2016
1. Will Donald Trump’s campaign team shakeup work?
2. Is the American middle class experiencing a comeback?
3. What is behind the growing numbers of women in prison?
4. Will the U.S. economy grow more in 2017 than it has this year?
5. Has President Obama mishandled his response to the Louisiana flooding?
6. How can urban areas recruit more teachers?
7. Are fixed bail amounts unconstitutional?
8. Will the Iran ransom payment but more Americans at risk?
9. Does the U.S. need another constitutional convention?
10. Is it too late for Donald Trump to make an appeal to African-American voters?
1. Were Zambia’s elections free and fair?
2. Did Brazil stage a successful Summer Olympics?
3. Should the Philippines leave the UN?
4. How should Japan respond to China’s declaration of “red lines” in the South China Sea?
5. What effect will the appointment of Urjit Patel at governor of the Reserve Bank of India have on the Indian economy?
6. How should Nigeria handle a growing food crisis in its northeast regions?
7. Should French communities repeal bans of burkinis?
8. How can Israel better deter Palestinian rocket attacks?
9. Has Russia become the new Iran?
10. How might a closer Turkish-Russian relationship affect the Syrian Civil War?
Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete! Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.
Here is our weekly survey of news stories to round out the week of August 15-21, 2016.
Anti-government protests in Ethiopia have united its two largest ethnic groups https://t.co/LFYa2k1z0u pic.twitter.com/iFAtarja0w
— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) August 18, 2016
Solar will be the fastest growing energy source climbing from 4% to 29% of total installed capacity by 2040: pic.twitter.com/w3eEi65OL7
— National Journal (@nationaljournal) August 18, 2016
A solar-powered mosquito trap that smells like people cut mosquito populations by 70% https://t.co/8GHDzWUosk pic.twitter.com/eYTm3Vn8vc
— NYT Science (@NYTScience) August 18, 2016
Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete! Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.
This R&D provides resources on the Italian economy. One of the ailing economies of the European Union (EU), Italy’s banking system has received a poor review by EU stress tests due to the fact that they hold €360 billion in underperforming loans. Since Italy’s government has worked to guarantee the debts of its banks, this could impair its fiscal position and it is causing significant headaches for Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who hopes that economic problems do not imperil a looming referendum on constitutional changes.
Italy doesn’t have a monopoly on banking crisis in Europe… https://t.co/QsTqfnVwOd
— Megan Greene (@economistmeg) August 11, 2016
Italy’s bank saga spreads its trouble wide https://t.co/a0panfdnCI vía @FT pic.twitter.com/uRndpCER41
— Banking Union EU (@BankingUnion_eu) August 10, 2016
Italian economic growth collapses as euro banking crisis looms https://t.co/ts6mGJPGXt
— David Jones (@DavidJo52951945) August 13, 2016
Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. Good luck!
To access a list of all our old quizzes, click here.
Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete! Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.
This R&D provides resources on the U.S. airline industry. Critics of the industry called upon the federal government to impose new regulations last week after a Delta computer glitch led to the cancellation of more than one thousand flights. Wait times, fee increases, and delays have become common in recent years in the U.S. airline industry that has four major carriers and passenger rights groups and consumer advocates argue that breaking up these airlines could create better customer service and more efficiency.
Not just Delta: Why airline outages have become increasingly common https://t.co/spTsczMS3r @LonnieShekhtman pic.twitter.com/PrwppgzbMy
— CS Monitor (@csmonitor) August 15, 2016
Delta’s systems failure marks a wake-up call for the airline industry https://t.co/PWjDtiNB5L pic.twitter.com/oHznpToPmO
— Bloomberg (@business) August 10, 2016
While airline industry “profits” hit all time record high, it is destroying its workers & infrastructure https://t.co/xtBAfb3ODB
— Kiran Opal (@KiranOpal) August 12, 2016
1. How can Italy ease global worries about its banking sector?
2. What reforms should be made to international adoption procedures?
3. Why has Vietnam become one of the fastest growing economies in the world?
4. Is Egypt the key to a brighter political and economic future for the Middle East?
5. Should Nepal align its foreign policy in a more Sino-friendly direction?
6. Does South Sudan need more UN peacekeepers?
7. How can corporations best fix security vulnerabilities?
8. Why are ratings for the Summer Olympics so low?
9. Is family planning the key to developing a stronger middle class in Africa?
10. How will the retirement of Sergei Ivanov affect Russian politics?
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