Month: June 2019

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 10-16, 2019

Note:  These will be our last questions for this season as NSDA Nationals takes place next week.

HOTtopics1. Will the G20’s digital tax push succeed?
2. Could the Green Party become Germany’s largest party?
3. Has China effectively erased the legacy of the Tiananmen Square protests?
4. Should Western governments allow former ISIS fighters to return home?
5. Has Justin Trudeau’s foreign policy been a disaster?
6. Are Sri Lanka’s anti-terrorism policies too draconian?
7. Is King Abdullah becoming more isolated in the Middle East?
8. Has Russia established permanent control over Crimea?
9. Is Sudan’s revolution failing?
10. Should Europe’s left-wing parties embrace restrictive immigration policies?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 10-16, 2019

Note:  These will be our last questions for this season as NSDA Nationals takes place next week.

HOTtopics1. Is it time to abandon the Hyde Amendment?
2. Will President Trump’s love of tariffs dilute the impact of his tax cuts?
3. Is Nancy Pelosi a historically great Speaker of the House?
4. Could the U.S. win a war with Iran?
5. Should those applying for visas be required to disclose their social media accounts?
6. Was the recent immigration deal with Mexico a major victory for President Trump?
7. If he fails to win the Democratic presidential nomination, will the “Sanders Revolution” be remembered as a failure?
8. Should NASA focus on the moon or Mars?
9. Do recent employment numbers signal growing weaknesses in the U.S. economy?
10. Should the U.S. continue to ban travel to Cuba?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3-9, 2019

HOTtopics1. Can higher tariffs convince Mexico to do more to keep migrants from entering the United States?
2. How should the U.S. fight the next economic downturn?
3. Should Kamala Harris embrace her centrist credentials?
4. Who should the U.S. support in the Libyan civil war?
5. Which Democratic presidential underdog is best positioned for the Iowa caucuses?
6. Will growing divisions over Israel cause the Democratic Party to lose Jewish voters?
7. Should the U.S. embrace nuclear power?
8. Is Google a monopoly?
9. Should Facebook users enjoy a reasonable protection of privacy?
10. Is Texas heading for a major water crisis?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3-9, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is an expansion of private police outfits in Brazil the best way for the nation to reduce its crime rate?
2. Will a new Israeli election lead to an increased majority for Netanyahu?
3. Is the international community doing enough to stop illegal organ harvesting in China?
4. Has the Brexit debate caused Great Britain to enter a lost decade?
5. Should Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer become Germany’s next chancellor?
6. Why are Latin American economies stagnating?
7. Is Pakistan’s criminal justice system in need of reform?
8. What steps does Muhammadu Buhari need to take to improve the Nigerian economy?
9. Is George Weah doing enough to combat corruption in Liberia?
10. Could greater fragmentation of the European Parliament improve its operations?

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