Here are your extemp questions for the week of February 18, 2013:


United States

Will Earth’s recent asteroid encounters provide the political will to boost funding for NASA?

Would a delay to the sequester leave any hope for a bipartisan budget compromise before the end of the year?

Will the fight between Karl Rove and the Tea Party be a boon or a bane to the Republican party’s electoral hopes in 2014?

Is McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission likely to bolster or undermine federal laws limiting election contributions?

Is the Obama Administration’s uncooperative relationship with the press undermining its claim to “unprecedented transparency?”

Is the Keystone XL pipeline on track for approval?

Will the merger of US Airways and American Airlines benefit customers?

Does Obama’s universal pre-school proposal have any hope of passing Congress?

Is immigration reform enough to repair the GOP’s relationship with Latino Americans?

Will the Obama Administration’s use of drones become an accepted part of executive power in the long term?



Will Afghanistan’s ban on airstrikes in residential areas hinder the ability of NATO forces to effectively combat the Taliban?

Do recent Chinese hacking scandals constitute the early rounds of a global cyber war?

Does Italy’s election threaten the country’s path to economic and fiscal stability?

Is there any hope for international action to cut down on the abuse of tax-haven countries?

Does the recent horse meat scandal indicate a need for improved food monitoring policies in Europe?

Will Putin’s embrace of nationalism further alienate Russia from the West?

Will North Korean provocation spark a new round of open conflict with South Korea?

Will Julia Gillard’s choice of a long campaign cycle work to her advantage?

Is Sri Lanka in danger of becoming an international pariah state?

Will Rousseff’s crusade against corruption in Brazil last beyond the end of her time in office?