Here are your questions for the week of March 11, 2013:

United States
Will Rand Paul’s filibuster of CIA Director Brennan have a meaningful impact on the United States’ drone policy?
Is Paul Ryan’s most recent budget a boon to the GOP, or to Democrats?
Do “fracking” critics have any hope of spurring a nationwide ban on the practice?
Will Obama’s “charm offensive” with Congress pave the way for a comprehensive budget deal?
Will the legacies of his grandfather and uncle be a boon or a hindrance to George P. Bush’s political ambitions?
Will the court decision to strike down New York’s “large soda ban” deal a blow to broader “state paternalism” policies in the US?
Is the call to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act still an advantageous position for Republicans to stake out?
Will the United States’ economic growth survive the effects of the sequester?
Would the Supreme Court be justified in striking down Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act?
Is Colorado turning into a reliably “blue” state?

Will Hugo Chavez’s death undermine the stability of the Cuban regime?
Do recent reforms indicate the erosion of Hungarian democracy?
Will President Sirleaf’s cabinet reshuffle be enough to put her government on the right track?
Can opposition forces topple the Syrian government without spurring chemical weapon attacks?
Will the proposed DMZ between Sudan and South Sudan be effective in preventing renewed military clashes?
Can Iran maintain its influence in Latin America in the absence of Hugo Chavez?
Will North Korea’s recent threats result in renewed military clashes with South Korea?
Will the recent Falkland Islands referendum vote have any impact on the dispute over islands?
Does the Italian bond market’s resilience in the face of political gridlock indicate that the worst of the Euro crisis lies in the past?
Does the recent crackdown on protests in Myanmar indicate that the government is slipping in its commitment to human rights?