
Ft Lauderdale

The two qualifier boards linked to below provide a listing of those extempers that will be competing in International and United States Extemp at the 2018 NSDA National Tournament in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

If you know the qualifiers from your NSDA District, please e-mail the following information to [email protected]:

  • The name of the NSDA District and the state that is located in
  • The names of those who will be ATTENDING nationals in IX and USX. Please do not send us the names of those who technically qualified, but opted to go in another event. We only want the names of those who will be going in the categories to avoid confusion.
  • The schools those competitors attend.
  • IF your district has an automatic qualifier from last year’s NSDA Tournament (a competitor that reached finals or semi-finals in IX and USX) and that person will be going back to NSDA in that event, please let us know. If you are an automatic qualifier and want to give this information to us yourself, fantastic!

Link to 2018 International Extemp qualifier board

Link to 2018 United States Extemp qualifier board