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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 4-10, 2019

HOTtopics1. Are Iraqi prison camps becoming a new breeding ground for Islamic extremism?
2. Should Brazil seek a closer relationship with China?
3. Will the next British general election resolve the Brexit question for good?
4. Could tensions between Colombia and Venezuela eventually lead to war?
5. Will Alberto Fernandez be able to fix what ails the Argentinian economy?
6. What does Russia seek in a multipolar world?
7. Are developing nations too vulnerable to cyber attacks?
8. Will Saad Hariri’s resignation satisfy Lebanon’s protesters?
9. Could global efforts to contain climate change and limit fossil fuel consumption cause political havoc in the Middle East?
10. Is rising regional inequality a threat to global stability?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 4-10, 2019

HOTtopics1. Can Kayne West become the vehicle for another religious “Great Awakening” in the United States?
2. Is the next Democratic debate a “must win” for Joe Biden?
3. How can Pete Buttigieg grow his support among African-American voters?
4. Will the recent Chicago teacher strike hurt Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s political standing?
5. Was Representative Katie Hill’s resignation a victory or a setback for the #MeToo movement?
6. Does the U.S. Congress need to rein in presidential powers?
7. How might Paul Singer’s activism affect AT&T’s future operations?
8. Should New York close Rikers Island?
9. Has the American public turned its back on international military engagement?
10. Should progressive politicians embrace free trade?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 28-November 3, 2019

HOTtopics1. What does Joe Biden need to do to turn his presidential campaign around?
2. Does the U.S. need to remain a party to the Open Sky treaty?
3. Are Democrats building positive momentum toward an impeachment of President Trump?
4. Does the FAA need to create more regulations on the use of drones by private companies?
5. Who will win Kentucky’s gubernatorial election?
6. Will the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi provide a major political boost to President Trump?
7. Should the U.S. revert its foreign policy to a Cold War mentality with regards to China?
8. Is it time for the U.S. to cease its role as the world’s policeman?
9. Should homeschooling be banned?
10. Does California need to do more to protect the state power grid?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 28-November 3, 2019

HOTtopics1. Will the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi do significant damage to ISIS?
2. Is Russia a paper tiger?
3. How can Argentina reduce its acceleration rate of inflation?
4. Is Narendra Modi doing enough to fix India’s economic system?
5. Were the recent Canadian elections a victory for Justin Trudeau?
6. Was Bolivia’s recent presidential election legitimate?
7. Should North Korea walk away from talks with the United States?
8. Has Jokowi’s presidency been a disappointment?
9. Does the EU need to reform itself before it accepts new member?
10. What challenges does the Mexican economy currently face?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 21-27, 2019

HOTtopics1. Is Russia replacing the United States as the major foreign presence in the Middle East?
2. Will Turkey’s invasion of Syria cause a rebirth of ISIS?
3. What economic reforms does South Africa need?
4. Are the aims of the Extinction Rebellion protesters realistic?
5. Is India’s banking sector putting the country on the brink of financial collapse?
6. Can the United Nations push nations to act more on climate change?
7. Is Bolivia better off without Evo Morales?
8. Should Japan abolish its monarchy?
9. Will the imprisoning of Catalan nationalists avert future crises over Catalan secession?
10. Should Peter Handke lose his Nobel prize?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 21-27, 2019

HOTtopics1. If Elizabeth Warren becomes the Democratic presidential nominee, who should she pick for vice-president?
2. Should the U.S. support the creation of an independent Kurdistan?
3. Will the Squad’s endorsement help Bernie Sanders regain his footing in the Democratic presidential primary?
4. Does the U.S. need greater media regulations?
5. Should American high schools have later start times?
6. Is the U.S. in the midst of a constitutional crisis?
7. Should private prisons be abolished?
8. Can the U.S. end birthright citizenship without a constitutional amendment?
9. How will the Supreme Court rule in Altitude Express v. Zarda?
10. Should big pharmaceutical companies be held liable for the ongoing opiod crisis?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 14-20, 2019

HOTtopics1. What would it take for Republicans to abandon President Trump in a Senate impeachment trial?
2. Will the UAW win its recent strike against General Motors?
3. Should the NBA cease its operations in China?
4. Did President Trump score major political points withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria?
5. Does Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protect against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity?
6. Is America’s trade war against China unwinnable?
7. Does the U.S. have a role to play in the Colombian peace process?
8. Should the GOP embrace isolationism as its primary foreign policy position?
9. Are technology services becoming a threat to public safety?
10. Does President Trump have the constitutional authority to refuse to cooperate with the House’s impeachment inquiry?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 14-20, 2019

HOTtopics1. Who is Europe’s foreign policy leader?
2. Why are Iraqis becoming more disillusioned with their government?
3. How should NATO respond to Turkey’s invasion of Syria?
4. Should Ecuador reinstate fuel subsidies?
5. What is to blame for growing global restrictions on asylum seekers?
6. Does the rise of Kurdish nationalism spell greater instability for the Middle East?
7. If Boris Johnson abandoned the idea of Brexit, would it do major damage to the Conservative Party?
8. Could Hong Kong’s protests create political problems in Thailand?
9. Can Abiy Ahmed leverage his Nobel Peace Prize to create more positive changes for Ethiopia?
10. Will the PiS win Poland’s upcoming elections?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 7-13, 2019

HOTtopics1. Does China need to become more democratic to become the world’s top superpower?
2. Should Japan build a nuclear weapons program?
3. Are Argentina’s economic problems politically induced?
4. Can ISIS make a comeback?
5. Should Pope Francis end the Catholic Church’s celibacy requirement for priests?
6. Can Bobi Wine win the Ugandan presidency?
7. How will a decline in oil production affect the Angolan economy?
8. Is an indictment of Benjamin Netanyahu inevitable?
9. Can Germany achieve its climate change target?
10. Will Martin Vizcarra defeat Congress in Peru’s constitutional struggle?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 7-13, 2019

HOTtopics1. Will the Trump impeachment proceedings do significant damage to the direction of U.S. foreign policy?
2. Is Joe Biden’s presidential bid faltering?
3. If Trump’s impeachment takes place, how will Susan Collins vote in a Senate trial?
4. Is Mitt Romney laying the groundwork for a late presidential bid?
5. What reforms need to be made to the federal student loan program?
6. Is U.S. wage growth improving?
7. Should visa applicants be denied entry if they cannot afford healthcare?
8. Does Bernie Sanders recent heart attack put an end to his presidential bid?
9. Is the U.S. doing enough to protect its energy grid?
10. Would a wealth tax pass constitutional muster?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 30-October 6, 2019

HOTtopics1. Did Nancy Pelosi put moderate members of her caucus at serious political risk with her decision to pursue an impeachment inquiry against President Trump?
2. Have foreign policy issues dropped off the American political radar screen?
3. Will the Trump impeachment inquiry do significant damage to Joe Biden’s presidential hopes?
4. Should more colleges abolish their ACT and SAT requirements?
5. If the House impeaches President Trump, would Mitch McConnell be constitutionally bound to hold a trial in the Senate?
6. Should skills rather than knowledge become the core focus of the American education system?
7. Is a credit bubble building in the American economy?
8. Should Hillary Clinton consider a third run at the presidency?
9. Will California’s moves to allow college athletes to profit from their likeness force the NCAA to overhaul its rules and regulations?
10. Should Supreme Court oral arguments be televised?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 30-October 6, 2019

HOTtopics1. Does Greta Thunberg deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?
2. Is Latin America losing its battle against corruption?
3. Will a consumption tax increase create problems for the Japanese economy?
4. Is Afghan democracy failing?
5. Will China’s growing economic clout create greater political unrest in Asia?
6. Can Sebastian Kurz form a coalition government?
7. Could Iranian aggression against Saudi oil facilities turn the EU against it?
8. Will corruption allegations force Boris Johnson to resign?
9. Is it in Cuba’s best interest to keep supporting Maduro?
10. Was the UN climate summit successful?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 23-29, 2019

HOTtopics1. Can the free market solve the climate crisis?
2. Will Trudeau’s recent blackface scandal cost him a second term?
3. Does the Chinese economy need more privatization?
4. Will Israel hold a third election in the near future?
5. Should the EU reconsider its Brexit deadline?
6. Do Asian nations need to rethink their flood defenses?
7. Will South Sudan form a unity government by November?
8. Is Viktor Orban harming Hungary’s education system?
9. Will Spain’s November election break its political deadlock?
10. Is it time to create a new world trade organization?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 23-29, 2019

HOTtopics1. Will Bernie Sanders campaign prevent Elizabeth Warren from winning the Democratic presidential primary?
2. Has the new whistle-blower complaint against President Trump created major issues for his re-election campaign?
3. Should Democrats make the impeachment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh a centerpiece of their 2020 Senate races?
4. Is the U.S. being too tolerant about Iranian aggression in the Middle East?
5. Should states be able to set separate emissions requirements for vehicles?
6. Why did Bill de Blasio’s presidential campaign fail?
7. Should schools allow students to walkout for political purposes?
8. How will Robert O’Brien’s tenure as national security advisor be different from John Bolton?
9. Will Joe Kennedy’s primary effort against Ed Markey succeed?
10. Should the Department of Agriculture eliminate the broad-based categorical eligibility policy for food stamp benefits?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 16-22, 2019

HOTtopics1. Will Beto O’Rourke’s gun control message give his presidential candidacy a boost?
2. Who should President Trump select as his next national security adviser?
3. If the U.S. economy goes into recession, will the markets or government bear most of the blame?
4. Should flavored e-cigarettes be banned?
5. Are Democratic efforts to take down Senator Mitch McConnell in 2020 faltering?
6. Do the results of North Carolina’s Ninth Congressional District special election foreshadow difficulties for President Trump’s re-election campaign?
7. Will state antitrust probes into Google lead to significant actions against the company?
8. Should the U.S. invest in space elevator technology?
9. More than twenty years later: Has welfare reform worked?
10. Will California’s new “gig” economy regulations hurt low wage workers?

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