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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of December 10-16, 2018

HOTtopics1. Is it wise for Democrats to demand climate change legislation in return for support of a Republican infrastructure bill?
2. Are Democrats headed for a brokered convention in 2020?
3. What might it take for Congressional Republicans to vote for President Trump’s impeachment and removal from office?
4. Are the Oscars still relevant?
5. Will William Barr have a smooth Senate confirmation?
6. Is the U.S. at risk of a Paris-style uprising?
7. What should the U.S. do if diplomacy with North Korea fails?
8. Should Joe Manchin be the head of the Senate Energy Committee?
9. How can the U.S. best combat Chinese cyber espionage?
10. Should “ballot harvesting” be allowed?

Note:  Due to the winter holiday, this will be our last posting of questions until the first week of January.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of December 3-9, 2018

HOTtopics1. Will there be more “purple” states in 2020 than there were in 2016?
2. Do recent revelations about President Trump’s business dealings with Russia foreshadow significant legal difficulties down the road?
3. Should the U.S. look into banning older car models to reduce pollution?
4. Is a “grand bargain” with China possible?
5. Should President Trump enact car tariffs in response to the recent GM plant closures?
6. What steps can the produce industry take to prevent an E. coli outbreak?
7. If President Trump decided not to seek re-election, how would that affect the 2020 presidential race?
8. Who is the most vulnerable Senator who is up for re-election in 2020?
9. Should Twitter be considered a public forum?
10. Is it time for the College Football Playoff to be expanded?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of December 3-9, 2018

HOTtopics1. Was the recent G20 meeting a success?
2. Will the British Parliament vote in favor of May’s Brexit deal?
3. Could Ukraine win a war against Russia?
4. Was CAF justified in stripping Cameroon of its hosting privileges for the African Cup of Nations?
5. Is the international community doing enough to contain the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
6. Should there be an international agreement to halt the creation of gene-edited babies?
7. How will the winding down of the Syrian Civil War affect Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah?
8. Should Mexican investors be worried about AMLO?
9. Do recent electoral setbacks foreshadow Tsai Ing-wen’s defeat in the next Taiwanese presidential election?
10. Are global businesses doing enough to protect customer information?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 26-December 2, 2018

HOTtopics1. Will street protests force Macron to resign?
2. Is China’s national social credit system the new face of 21st century authoritarianism?
3. Will European worker protests force Amazon to alter its workplace conditions?
4. Is Venezuela’s PDVSA in a state of collapse?
5. How is Hindu nationalism affecting India’s politics?
6. If Western nations stop military support to Saudi Arabia, how would that impact the Yemeni Civil War?
7. Is Duque’s administration floundering?
8. Should Bangladesh force Rohingya refugees to return to Myanmar?
9. Is Sweden heading for another round of elections?
10. Which EU member stands to lose the most from Brexit?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 26-December 2, 2018

HOTtopics1. To what extent should House Democrats cooperate with the Trump administration?
2. Will President Trump be able to develop a good working relationship with AMLO?
3. Do stock declines foreshadow a recession in the U.S. economy?
4. Can the U.S. economically afford to significantly sanction Saudi Arabia over the Khashoggi murder?
5. What are the chances of Democrats capturing Mississippi’s Senate seat?
6. Will the Democratic majority in the House be so diverse that it will be too difficult for any one leader to control?
7. Should Mark Zuckerberg relinquish some of his control over Facebook?
8. Will Trey Gowdy become the next Attorney General?
9. Should students be allowed to miss school to attend political protests?
10. What adjustments need to be made to Florida’s electoral system before 2020?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 12-18, 2018

HOTtopics1. Is the American housing market healthy?
2. Should the next Congress raise the minimum wage?
3. Is the Federal Reserve raising interest rates too quickly?
4. What was the most surprising result of the 2018 midterms?
5. Who should be the next attorney general?
6. After looking over the results of the 2018 midterms, should Democratic leaders subdue the progressive wing of their party?
7. How will the diversity of the next Congress impact its legislative priorities?
8. On balance, are America’s schools safer today than they were five years ago?
9. If you were Mitt Romney, how do you use your Senate platform to bolster the moderate wing of the Republican Party?
10. Is the U.S. economy operating at full employment?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 12-18, 2018

HOTtopics1. Who will win the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s presidential election?
2. Should international sanctions be leveled on countries that restrict the rights of LGBT groups?
3. Will Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer become Germany’s next chancellor?
4. Should NATO cease adding new member states from Eastern Europe?
5. Has the Saudi intervention in Yemen turned into a quagmire?
6. What mistakes has Mexico made in its war on drugs?
7. Is Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner poised for a political comeback?
8. If you were Abiy Ahmed, what reforms would you make to lead Ethiopia into a brighter future?
9. Should OPEC reduce production in 2019?
10. Are the European Commission’s recommendations to Italy harming the country’s chances of economic recovery?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 5-11, 2018

HOTtopics1. With Merkel stepping down, who becomes Europe’s next leader?
2. Is globalization something worth saving?
3. Does Saudi Arabia have the leverage to thwart significant sanctions against it over the Khashoggi murder?
4. Why is Xi Jinping increasing repressive policies in China?
5. If Turkey continues to pivot itself closer to Iran and Russia, how should NATO react?
6. What type of international assistance does Libya need?
7. Does Bolsonaro’s election deliver a significant blow to global climate change efforts?
8. Have austerity policies hurt the British economy?
9. How is “donor fatigue” affecting the plight of Syrian refugee communities?
10. Is the world poised for another nuclear arms race?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 5-11, 2018

HOTtopics1. Do the rising costs of political campaigns necessitate the need for a constitutional amendments concerning campaign finance reform?
2. Is America locked into a “new” Cold War with Iran?
3. What do the results of the midterm election mean for the next two years of Trump’s presidency?
4. Will the Trump administration be a reliable foreign policy ally for newly elected Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro?
5. Should all American states use early voting?
6. What steps should the U.S. government take to lower prescription drug prices?
7. Should California eliminate Proposition 13?
8. Is the migrant caravan a national security threat?
9. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
10. Will the Khashoggi murder cause President Trump to put a greater emphasis on human rights in his foreign policy strategy?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 29-November 4, 2018

HOTtopics1. Who will win the Florida gubernatorial election?
2. Should police be able to use social media posts to make “preventative” arrests before crimes are committed?
3. Who is most likely to exit the Trump cabinet after the midterm elections?
4. Is there a coming “dementia crisis” in American healthcare?
5. Will the U.S. be at war with China in the next fifteen years?
6. Why would Silicon Valley prefer Democrats to control the U.S. Congress?
7. Should states allow gender self-identification on government issued documents?
8. Did Megyn Kelly deserve to be fired by NBC?
9. Is Trump capable of providing America with moral leadership?
10. Does the Democratic Party need a coherent vision for immigration reform?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 29-November 4, 2018

HOTtopics1. Can the “boycott Israel” movement actually create change in the Middle East?
2. Why is Australia’s economy booming?
3. How should Latin American nations deal with the region’s refugee crisis?
4. Has Sisi fixed Egypt or made it worse?
5. Would the rise of political authoritarians in Latin America bolster the region’s economies?
6. Will Shinzo Abe’s recent trip to Beijing bear fruit for the Sino-Japanese relationship?
7. Is hyperinflation returning to Zimbabwe?
8. Should Europe scrap the Schenegen Area?
9. Could the European Commission’s rejection of Italy’s budget trigger an Italexit?
10. Should the UN Human Rights Council be abolished?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 22-28, 2018

HOTtopics1. What might Turkey gain from the Khashoggi case?
2. Will the rise of artificial intelligence in weapons technology create more global stability or greater instability?
3. Would higher global oil prices rescue Venezuela?
4. Is an Arab Spring 2.0 looming?
5. Does the EU need a common defense strategy?
6. Is global nuclear hysteria more dangerous than a world where many nations possess nuclear weapons?
7. What steps can Iraq take to better tackle corruption?
8. Has Angela Merkel destroyed German conservatism?
9. Should NATO make North Macedonia a NATO member?
10. How can the international community best prevent a famine in Yemen?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 22-28, 2018

HOTtopics1. How might the departure of James Mathis affect President Trump’s defense strategy?
2. Is progressivism the answer for what ails America’s urban communities?
3. Should the U.S. become a “sanctuary nation”?
4. If you were Hillary Clinton, would you engage in another presidential campaign in 2020?
5. Can America continue its robust economic growth for another two years?
6. Has Elizabeth Warren torpedoed her 2020 presidential hopes?
7. Should race-based college admissions be eliminated?
8. If the recent migrant caravan reaches America’s border, should the U.S. discontinue foreign aid to Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras?
9. Will recent gaffes cost Sinema the Arizona Senate race?
10. If Republicans win the midterms, will Trump fire Mueller?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 15-21, 2018

HOTtopics1. Should states eliminate cash bail?
2. How will the departure of Nikki Haley affect the future direction of President Trump’s foreign policy?
3. Should the U.S. Senate abandon the filibuster?
4. What impact, if any, will Washington’s Supreme Court ruling on the death penalty have on future death penalty litigation?
5. Should more states raise the smoking age to twenty-one?
6. How might Hurricane Michael affect the Florida Senate race?
7. If affirmative action comes before the Supreme Court again, could its use be severely curtailed?
8. Have Portland police been too lax in controlling political violence?
9. What action should President Trump take over Saudi Arabia’s alleged involvement in the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi?
10. Will the GOP pick up Senate seats in the midterms?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 15-21, 2018

HOTtopics1. How can European governments encourage more technological innovation?
2. Is Turkey attempting to repair its relations with the United States?
3. Can Obiageli Ezekwesili win the Nigerian presidency?
4. Will growing income inequality eventually spell the end for Iran’s Islamic Republic?
5. Has the Quebec separatist movement died?
6. Is the dollar’s tenure as the world’s global currency reaching its end?
7. Should Western governments pass legislation to limit the cooperation of tech companies with oppressive governments abroad?
8. Will Israel soon be forced to retake control of the Gaza Strip?
9. Who will win the Brazilian presidential runoff?
10. Would the imposition of economic sanctions on Saudi Arabia spark global economic disaster?

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